Officer friendly
Dear Ed, I read in BackTalk on Jan. 28 about the Hamilton police officer being mean. I had the same experience, and he had no reason to ever be that way with me; he was really nasty. They need to do something about some of these Hamilton officers; they are really rude and outright nasty.
Boo-Hoo Part Two
What this town needs is some kind of meet-the-officers social event. I’m sure they’re good people.—Ed. Note
I remember when we had the riots in Trenton back in the day. Hamilton Police were told they would be working with Trenton Police and they were to board a bus heading to the city. When they got there they were so shinney and neat looking. They were so scared of what was going on I thought the next day they would show up with a change of underwear. Mr. Mean Cop, whoever he is, needs to ride the streets of Trenton. Be a real man and see how bad you really are. You aint worth 85,000.00 a year none of you.
It's easy to be a tuff guy when there's really nothing to do.
The Hamilton Police needs to come to Trenton and learn how to really police a city. It takes ability, strength, insight, courage and honoring your oath.
In my opinion, the Ham ARE rather arrogant, smart-mouthed bullies. They get on my last nerve because it's me at 50 having an officer who could have been my kidtry to demean me in front of my young adult daughter. I had to remind him that I was coming in to file a complaint and that his behavior was not making a good impression on my daughter who has a fear of police; although my brother and uncle are cops in other cities.
but the mess that you see going on in other areas will not be tolerated in Ham. They are very effective...wouldn't mind moving back there but I would always have a camera in hand.
Aren't there mandatory psychological evaluations in every police department? If not, it certainly should be initiated in Hamilton. These guys are attempting to keep their so-called area orderly and law abiding. Never happen. There are far too many drug addicted, ignorant, dirty, alcoholic, good ole boy tough guys ready to fly their confederate flags, while occupying mindless space. It's obvious they've never really experienced anything important to society. The mess doesn't have to come to Hamilton, it's already there. Their contribution is all in the muscle club I'm sure they all belong to. These gestapo types have created their own image as true law enforcement officials. If they were truly effective, no one would be complaining. They would be more than glad to abide by the rules. These idiots are always at the ready to protect and defend shabby, poor trash Hamilton Township. These are the same tactics used by the state police before the investigations that ended their rein of ignorance. My grandmother was the little old lady they were so rude to. She was only asking directions, she was terrified. There was no reason to pounce on her that way. She could barely drive home. Personally, I can't wait to see them all brought up on charges.
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