The real issues
Hey, Ed, why are the presidential candidates not talking about black-on-black crime, white-on-white crime, and crime all around? What are they talking about? Afghanistan and Iraq! But what about this country? We’re not worried about terrorists, we’re worried about the fool on the street. What are they going to do about police brutality, police shootings? Something is wrong with this country! Why aren’t you asking these politicians what they’re going to do about American citizens who live in America?
Angry Voter
If they keep telling you you’re worried about terrorism, eventually they’ll be right, right?—Ed. Note
Did anyone read the political section of the New York Times today? It detailed how Hillary's campaign falters and she has no idea whats going on. She's lost so much money and doesn't instruct her management. They have free reign. She only consults them after hugh miscalculations are made. Otherwise she doesn't speak with them at all. Also, that fear monger commercial her camp put out was a lie. One of the little girls who was sleeping in the commercial is now 18 years of age. She said the picture was taken of her years ago for another commercial and the Clintons brought it, but it was not the same type of commercial. The young woman said she did not appreciate the Clinton's using her image as a message of negativity towards Senator Obama. She now campaigns for the Obama camp. This message was designed to place fear in peoples minds and it did just that, Hillary won. At every turn she insults the American peoples intelligence and they can't seem to pick up on it. And this is who so many of us are voting for.
Every black man in Trenton is beaten by Trenton Police at least 3.42 times per day. The Trenton Police have murdered 543 black men this month alone. Revolution!!!
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