The real McCain
Ed, Here’s my take on Arizona Sen. John McCain, ex-POW for president. You will find there were no POW-MIA families or organizations that supported him in 2000 or now in his presidential run of 2008. Why? I want you folks to look at this Web site, will give you a lot of answers that you won’t hear on these phony conservative TV talk shows and radio. I’m a Vietnam vet and family member of a POW.
Sgt. Smackdown
So for whom do you vote assuming McCain wins the Republican nomination? McCain will certainly paint himself as the pro-military candidate if he’s up against Hillary or Barack. It would be amazing to see you and other veterans come out in force against him despite that matchup. —Ed. Note
Sgt. Smackdown,
I couldn't agree with you more on the McCain guy. There is a book you can get at Barnes & Noble called, "You Are Being Lied To," with an article on pages 88 to 94 all about McCain. It is one hell of a book and a good read for all. So now what? We are faced with the Clinton lady and Hussain Obama both who voted not to have English as our language. A Marine was asked by Clinton's daughter what he was the most afraid of here in Iraq. He said, "Obama, Osama, and your Momma....
Vietnam Veterans Against John McCain was formed to dispel the myth of "Straight talkin", principled, maverick war hero" McCain. Through more than two decades of investigation of his behavior, through open-source documents, public statements of his colleagues, and personal conversations with other Vietnam POWs, we have come to the unavoidable conclusion that he is unfit by virtue of his temperament, character, dishonesty, and emotional instability to serve as President of the United States or in any other position of public trust.
U.S. media has created and sustained an overwhelmingly positive image of John McCain's character and his status as a "war hero." People who are willing to reveal the most damning facts which threaten these myths are largely ignored or heavily edited, and are most often treated in a "Kill the messenger" fashion. We have been forced to conclude that only by producing our own newspaper ads, radio and TV commercials can we expose the "real McCain" to the American people.
We have professional television directors, advertising consultants, and several national organizations who are working with us to launch this national media campaign.
We believe this media campaign has the potential to avert the very likely devastating consequences of a McCain presidency.
Even though it appears that McCain will have the required delegates entering the convention, we are going to do every thing possible to prevent that from happening. "Let the Rebellion Begin," visit www.republicanteaparty today and sign the "I will never vote for McCain" Pledge.
If you believe as we do that the future of our Republic could well hinge on bringing the runaway "Double Talk Express" to a grinding halt, please help sponsor the WHY? McCain ads - Donate Today!.
VVAJM is a 527 Non-political PAC. We are restricted by Federal Election Law from supporting any presidential candidate; however, there is no restriction which prevents us from revealing factual information which might serve to undermine support for any candidate.
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No one has done more to systematically tear down the POW/MIA Issue than John McCain.
Please go here and read what POW/MIA Families have to say about John McCain.
It will be an education.
The POW Warrior
Get the facts.
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Get the truth on Hillary Clinton's
so called experience.
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