Back off state workers
Ed, this is my response to the “retired state worker.” First, I don’t know what state office you worked for, but we are not allowed on the Internet. We don’t make any long-distance phone calls because we are constantly being monitored when we are on our phones and on our computers. They can also tell what screens you are on when you are monitored. Second, if a smoker wants to use a lunch hour to smoke, that’s their business. We don’t get paid for our lunch hour. Third, state workers are taxpayers, too. I don’t know why you non-state workers don’t get it; you don’t pay my salary with your taxes. I pay my own salary with the property taxes and state taxes they deduct from my check. If you were paying for state workers’ salary, how can you afford to be retired?
Pride of N.J.
Um, the deductions from your checks don’t completely cover your salary. Otherwise you’d have nothing left. —Ed. Note
Another clueless state worker. All NJ taxpayers pay your salary nitwit. Please tell me what your daily work hours are. Do you work 9-4? Also, why do State workers get 12-15 sick days per year? Who is sick that much? Here is an idea to help the State get out of debt, every State worker give back 10 sick days per year. 2-5 sick days is more than enough.
Are you kidding, my hard earned tax dollars are paying this moron's salary. Why do these dopes need to be monitored when they should be working. Now let's talk about your lunch hour. State workers work 8 hour days including lunch. Hey dumba** your are being paid for your lunch hour. I should have went to work for the state, I'd have it easy like you mooks.
State government exists, by and large, to give jobs to people who couldn't in their wildest dreams cut it in the dreaded private sector.
It's another form of welfare, quite honestly, but I'd rather give it to someone who's at least giving off the pretense of working (most state workers), rather than continuing to subsidize the legions of McDonald's eating, Newport-smoking, Judge Judy watching professional baby factories.
I worked over 20 years in the private sector where we only had to worry about getting laid off, not getting a yearly pay raise, minimal if any benefits or companies who could fire you at the drop of a dime because some bosses son or nephew did not like you. I took almost a 50% cut in pay to work for the state because I did not enjoy the prospect of the threat of being laid off just prior to the holidays or having a weekend with the family only to go to work Monday morning and finding that the company went out of business and locked their doors without any notification to the employees. All during the time I worked for private industry, I like EVERY state Resident paid STATE TAXES. Guess what? After I started working with the state I found out that I STILL HAD TO PAY STATE TAXES. And while you, private citizen sat at home in the evenings and weekends, I,like a lot of other state workers, had to work part-time jobs just to make ends meet. Working those part-time jobs also meant that I was having extra money taken out of my pay for state taxes. As a retired state worker, My pension is a disability retirement at 40% of my regular pay. Had I been able to work the other 5 years to qualify for regular retirement I would not have had to take almost a 60% cut in pay. Remember one thing about state workers the next time it snows. Who will come out during the middle of the night or while getting ready to sit down with the family for a nice hot meal, just to plow the roads???
Here we go again, debasing the people who receive any kind of assistance from either the state of local services. One more complaint about how we pay taxes that take care of the McDonald eaters, cigarette smokers and T.V. watchers. What about the legions of corrupt government officials, who lie cheat and steal everything they are glad to take from the less fortunate. Give it a break and blame your less fortunate life on the fact that YOU are just as LAZY. City government gets away with far more than what you deem as cheaters of society will ever see. Take a look at the Welfare Department, City Hall or the inept teachers in the School District. Somebody should tell me what they do all day. Our kids are as illerate as ever and no one seems to be doing anything to make it better. Their racket is to take the money and run. How's that for cheating the state. See ya at Micky D's.
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