What about my team?
Hi, Ed, I’m calling about the Hamilton Hurricanes, 12-year-olds girls who reached the Babe Ruth World Series. I don’t see them getting very much press, I just see Robbinsville every day with big write ups and big colored pictures. I would think The Trentonian would be happy to do something about these girls who have worked hard. This is the first time they’ve reached the Babe Ruth World Series since 1989. They are playing in Aug. 7-14 in Pennsylvania, and I’d like to see a photographer out there. Let’s give them a little bit of a cheer here.
Proud Parent
Congratulations on your team’s success. Listen, our sports department covers more youth softball and baseball than anyone. George O’Gorman did a story about your team making the World Series. But we can’t be everywhere all the time. If you submit photos from the games we can’t attend we’ll get them in.—Ed. Note
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