Buy American
Hey, Ed, it’s time for Americans to stop using imported products to halt the outflow of American jobs. When you buy something, make sure it’s an American product. If you can’t find it, write to companies and petition them to bring back American jobs. When you call for information on your mortgage payment, credit card balance, or whatever, and you don’t get an American at a call center here, demand to speak to an American. Those calls are recorded, and companies will have to bow to the pressure if we demand that those jobs, all jobs, be returned to this country. We’ve done it in the past, it’s our history, and we can do it again. Let’s force them to bring back our jobs to the U.S. We can’t expect government to do everything; we the people have to stand firm and demand that jobs be returned here, because without jobs we won’t have an economy that we can depend on. We can do it!
American Might
How long are you willing to wait on hold for an American?—Ed. Note
I am convinced that American consumers can stop this recession dead in its tracks. While there are many great products made abroad. We also import a lot of crap for lack of a better description. In the process we have closed our factories for many consumer products categories and moved very close to becoming a purely serviced based economy. A country that manufactures nothing is doomed to permanent decline. Do you want to be left with a country where are kids are doomed to careers flipping burgers in fast food restaurants?
While we don't have choices to buy American products in certain categories such as televisions, where choices are available, we must as consumer patriots think hard and fast about purchasing a foreign alternative. Sure, as individuals, we have the "right" to buy the very best for our selves, but we owe it to our selves, our fellow citizens and our children to make the sacrifice and buy the best possible American made alternative in available. When we buy American but we are helping support American jobs, American companies and our tax base. The more often that we do this, the closer we get to the resurrection of the American manufacturing sector. Paying more for American goods is a great long-term investment. With more Americans back at work, all of our businesses will have more paying customers. By purchasing the BEST AVAILABLE "made in the USA" product in a category, we will support the free market forces Darwinian forces that will bring about innovation and great new American products.
We stupidly ran off to Walmart the last 30 years and destroyed our manufacturing sector. We can fairly quickly undo the error of our ways by making a concerted effort to buy American. Pretty soon it won't be a sacrifice to make that choice. Sure, we never will be the low cost supplier. We pay our factory workers an order of magnitude more than does China (and we certainly don’t want to fall to their standard of living). But, we can become the supplier of the highest quality and “best value for the quality” products in the world. Who knows, maybe we can even reverse the trade deficit and turn it into a surplus.
As a small shameless plug, my blog, is devoted to the rebuilding of our manufacturing sector by developing a grassroots effort to get everyone on board to "buy American." We welcome contributing authors to tell the story of great innovative all-American companies that need our support.
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