Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Benci's Crescent

Ed, we can thank Mayor Bencivengo for the golden crescent. He has given us a roundabout. I don’t think it was worth $20,000. He could have spent the money somewhere else. Now he is talking about low-income housing. How about putting that near the Transit Village area. The pipelines are already in, the bus system is there, as well as the trains, and you wouldn’t have to rip up more farmland.
Benci’s Advisor
Poor Benci. All he did was build some cool circular traffic thingies and all he gets is grief. — Ed. Note


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Ed,
Let's reveiw Mayor Bensivengo's progress thus far as Mayor. He raised our taxes around thirty percent at the start of the year. Gave the business administrator and clerk huge pay raises. Bought new office furniture. Bought 15 new cars. Raised the sewer tax. Gave the police more than a 15% pay raise over five years. Will replace town hall pillars to the tune of $44000.00. Now he is handing us another one cent tax increase. He is killing the taxpayer's of Hamilton right to their face. At least Gilmore had the sense to hid it from us.

December 30, 2008 3:01 PM 

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