Gay Marriage
Hi, Ed, I want to give my opinion of the big controversy about gay marriage rights. Isn’t it a little bit ridiculous that two men and two women marry each other? In the Bible does it say two Adams together and two Eves together? I don’t think it’s normal or right. They shouldn’t give so much media coverage to it. Kids have to see this and it’s a lot.
One Adam
Not everyone takes their cues from the Bible.—Ed. Note
First of all anyone who doesn't take their cues from the bible, in my opinion is in trouble. That being said, I find it impossible to understand why so many people in the gay community, act as if their lifestyle and opinions are the only relevant ones. People have struggled for many years for their diverse cultures to be accepted and allowed many of the rights others enjoyed. It took, and takes time. Yet, many gay issue come with marches, protest, media time and national legislation to comes to term wth their wishes. Like it or not evetyone isn't in agreement with their lifestyle. Everyone isn't in agreement with anyone's life style. Yet, we still live without constantly screaming were being abused, overlooked,victimized and misunderstood. These statements could also be used by, Jews, African Americans, Italians, Spanish, Polish, Muslims, Japanese and especially American Indians. Eash of these groups suffered and struggled for many years to gain their particular successes both ideologically and factual as far as a legislative issues along with societies view of their rights as a people. Prop 8 was a miserable failure. The government could care less how people lives are effected by their games as well as ignorance toward a preferred lifestlyle for any group of people. However, accusing and becoming overly emotional as well as vengeful won't change a thing. It's time for all the devisiveness to stop. Tolerance, is give and take and a desire to understand and make an effort to change things. The finger pointing and scapegoating doesn't serve any real purpose. Things will change, perhaps just not now.
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