Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Police Pay

Hey, Ed, in regards to “Cops Cash In.” I wanted to let the caller know that Hamilton and Ewing cops make $106,000 per man per year. Trenton cops make $66,000 per year.
A Broke Cop
Put in an application with Ewing. —Ed. Note


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Trenton PD works a four-four schedule. Total the hours worked and divide into the annual salary and they come out to about the same per hour. Work the same number of hours and it would be about the same. Total the rest of the pay as evidently you did to get to the 106 and they are still in the ballpark. Compare apples to apples before whinning in the media

January 1, 2009 1:09 PM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Excuse me anonymous. No math is necessary to determine the advantage in this situation. TPD is being shafted. Hamilton and Ewing had better hope, salaries are never paid on merit and a job well done. TPD are the only ones that will be paid. TPD are real cops. They deal with real dangers everyday. They know how to determine what needs to be done, and go out and get it done. They don't shirk their duties. They get their uniforms dirty working everyday. In this regard TPD could be wealthy if they decided to charge an hourly fee to train Hamilton and Ewing how to be real cops. Hamilton/Ewing could never handle this city. That's
why it's more beneficial for them to sit on their fat, overfed butts, in their mediocre atmosphere and compare themselves to the way TPD handles crime. Real crime doesn't allow them an opportunity to act out their vigilante mentality.

January 6, 2009 4:32 AM 

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