Route 29
What is Mayor Palmer thinking? He wants to close down Route 29. I remember when they built that in 1966 to make the traffic flow easier in and out of Trenton. He wants to build a museum down at the old wharf. If I remember, he ordered the historic 100-year-old marine cranes taken down from the waterfront around Duck Island.
I say we ban all cars from Trenton. Make it a bicycle city. Go green!— Ed Note
It's going to be very interesting to see how Palmer tries to squeeze out some of his (satisfy the better off money) from this stimulus package. His ideas are obviously for their interest only, forget a museum, we need jobs. No not everyone can work in construction. The real work will entail getting people back to work.
We simply don't have time or money to spend money on fluff projects.
Obama pledged oversight, well, I hope he has a microscope when it comes to New Jersey.
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