All the taxpayers of the United States are going to have to pay for this crazy lady’s eight children, her hospital bills, pay for these kids to the day they turn of age. Why does she think we want to pay for her kids?
We don’t. Talk about someone gaming the system. The woman obviously needs some serious mental health professionals.— Ed. Note
You are right why should TAXPAYERS pay for these children then again why should Taxpayers pay for any irresponsible people? why do we pay for any people on gov't programs who need help but then go onto have children they cannot afford It goes alot deeper than octomom
America eats it's young, or haven't you heard. If these strange sick women didn't have these children, many of them wouldn't have homes, money, food, or health care. To make matters worse when children are born that close together, there is also a great possibility of have serious health problems. Which means more money from the State. No, it's not called Welfare, its called GAME.
You know what?
If she needs State assistence then they should give it to her. They should take them. If you can't afford them why did you have them? It was not a act of God it was science! IF it was an act of GOD then I would support the State's assistence to help her. But NOT in this case.
She is obviously unstable and she couldn't possibly take care of 14 kids all alone. She doesn't even have a job. I say take them. Unfortunately they would probably have to be split up.(Unless Angelina & Brad Pitt takes them)
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