Excuse mongering
Wow, talk about misplaced blame. Edward Hill of the Rutherford Hill Civic Association blames the local merchants for the garbage in the street and all the young gang losers hanging around. Yes, people working hard and honorably making a living should be blamed. How about placing the blame where it squarely belongs, on parents who have children and don’t bother to raise them or teach their children about using a trash can because they themselves don’t use them. Talk about excuse mongering.
I’m with you. You can probably trace most of what ails this country to the breakdown of the family. No doubt.— Ed. Note
Before we place ALL the blame on the parents, let's look alittle further into this sceanario. Your correct parents need to take more responsibility for their childrens behavior. But let's not blame everything on the kids. As far as the hard working business owners go and the loitering in front of their businesses, what exactly do you think is going on. 90% of the people who hang out in front of those business are NOT kids, their adults. Adults who frequent those businesses all day. Why exactly do you think that is. Wake up. The so-called business owners are knee deep into what goes on around those corners. Otherwise why would they continue to do business there. Because that's the kind if customers they make their money from. No law abiding citizens are going to frequent the place, which is fine with the owners, they make their money and they know who they're making it from. So when you complain about who hangs on the corner and how much their trashing the street, ask the business owners why they don't complain about it? Why would they the activity on those corners, keep their businesses going. The cops ride past all day long. Never get out and ask for I.D. or clear the corner off. If Trenton police stopped and asked for I.D. once in awhile, believe me those corner would always be empty. The crowd isn't ruining the businesses. The crowds are the business.
Anonymous hit it straight out the park. I ride past prospect street everyday on my way to work at Capital Health at Mercer. I don't see kids at all. I see grownups. Basically the same grownups everyday. Why would kids be standing on the same corner everyday, after skipping school? Stop using the kids for scapegoats. The kids can't frequent the liquor store all day. If they are there,an adult is buying it for them. This is typical talk in Trenton, blame the kids. Well, I'll say this, the kids, can't enforce the laws. If people really thought all the trouble was caused by the kids, it's easy enough to take care of. Call the police, DYFS, the school or hall the parents into court, for neglect. If your not making these things happen, you don't know how to recognize the truth.
It't time that area was cleaned up and Edward Hill is on the right track. As we blame the break down of the family for most of the countries ills, you'll find the adults who should be running the family on the corner. It's sad that someone like Mr. Hill is berated while only trying to do something long overdue. People should be complaining about what goes on at that corner and not what Mr. Hill is trying to achieve. It's obvious that the forward thinkers will never get ahead in this city. Trenton is doomed to fail and city government is fully to blame. Why hasn't Lartique done something to address the issue. it's her district? People are sick of her telling them to form a community organization, when she knows full well the organization will not be supported by the city. Guess they will have to bring in some white suburban students to plant grass, L.A. Parker can bring the media and praise their efforts, while the Rutherford Hill Civic Association, goes down the drain.
Don't know who either one of these two anonymous posters are but good for the. What they described is true. My brother stood on that corner everyday, all day long from97'to 2001. He dealt drugs. And yes, he dealt drugs to adults. Sure there were some kids around, but more adults. They prefer not to deal with kids. He frequented those businesses and all of his and several other drug dealers customers met up on those corners.
My brother got busted on that corner. The business owners, know what is going on right outside and could care less. They know a drug corner means business to everyone involved, which has nothing to do with the kids. Those corner have been the sight of several murders over the years and the kids had nothing to do with either of them.
Put the blame were it belongs. Regardless of their homelife, can't blame everything on the kids
Whenever, someone or some organization doesn't want to live up to their responsibility they play the "kids" card.
Regardless of the civic association, what's up with the city ordinances? Isn't there something on the books that can be enforced to handle these problems.
Trewnton looks horrible, as if nothing can be done to handle the problem. Since the city says their short on money, why don't they start putting fines on anyone who doesn't keep the area around their business or home clean and safe. See that it stays that way by keeping persons who loiter away.
This type of problem isn't tolerated in Princeton, Ewing, Hamilton or Lawrence. WHY? Perhaps it's time for Mayor to take a page out of the book of a Myor's book who knows how to handle his city.
Come on Palmer What's Up.
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