Monday, October 19, 2009

Council Stands Up

Ed, I would like to say kudos to Annette Lartigue and Manny Segura for finally standing up to the administration at the last council meeting. It is about time somebody started paying attention because this city is a mess and needs improvement.
Take A. Stand
So the council is growing a backbone? Perhaps still in the cartilage stage, but evidence of an evolving vertebrate.—Ed. Note


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Stage act. Isn't it time for Council members to be re-elected. Why so passionate now. Haven't heard from anyone for years. Now, it's election time and everyone suddenly wants to do their jobs. They should all be gone. Palmer isn't the only one responsible for much of what has happened to Trenton. The would be council members have had their fair share of guilt regarding the decay that Trenton has become. If they could get over their ego and really demand something be done/completed or even attempted in Trenton, many of the problems would be solved.
Not only that, the ever popular, Gusiaro, Watson-Coleman and Turner ticket is as stale as day old bread. What are they going to do take a chapter out of Palmer book.

October 29, 2009 3:54 AM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

They must both be running for something. Funny how this is the only time when this so called standing up to the administration seems to occur, wonder why?

November 1, 2009 1:51 AM 

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