Lower Taxes?!
Ed, Obama wants people to vote for Corzine for governor for another four years. The reason, Obama says, is that Corzine is lowering New Jersey taxes. I would like to meet one person who has had his property taxes lowered. This is a fallacy. Since Corzine has been in office he has raised the sales tax, not to mention raising taxes on lottery winnings over $10,000, and he has raised the motor vehicle taxes too. Four more years? Let’s put somebody else in there.
Hope for Change
Good luck.—Ed. Note
oooooooooooooooh! shut up. Taxes maxes they will be raised regardless who raises them
Would you rather he cut jobs. Because Christie certainly will. You sound like one of those gullible state worker, who think Christie really cares whether you have a job nor not. When you heard the world furlough, you went bullistic, wait until you hear the words unspecified leave.
If you're going to complain about taxes, I suggest you move to another state because they won't go down here whether the governor is Dem or Rep.
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