Liberal Morons
Ed, this is for Sen. Frank Lautenberg and his moronic liberal friends. Are you kidding me in saying George Bush abandoned the Afghanistan war? That was his top priority, much to the dismay of you idiotic liberals. The only reason it was “abandoned” was because his term was up and frankly I would rather have had four more years of Bush than the current president we now have. And as for the other idiotic comment some local Democrat made (think his name was Gross, which is cool cause he grosses me out), he said he does not know why we are fighting in Afghanistan. What, are you serious? But I guess liberals like him believe 9/11 was made up by Republicans like Rush Limbaugh and Bill O’Reilly. Where is Ronald Reagan when we need him? Liberals are the biggest group of self-righteous morons since, well, you fill in the blank.
Um, since BackTalkers? Just kidding. —Ed. Note
Ronald Regan is Dead just to let you know so you wont have to ask that question again. Do you not like our president because the color of his skin. MMM Mixed or not black is black right.
listen people like you and lem cracker and hitler oreilly you and them need to turn your am citizen's card go join the other team become a terrorist and how dare you say you would rather have bush then obama your a fucccccking idiot just like ya boy bush and i a vet he did forget about afganistand because he was hell bent on getting revenge for the attemp on his punk assss fathers life and oil thats why iraq became the priority long live liberals because they care about everybody not just the rich.
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