Gettin' Chilly, Al
Ed, I wonder if Al Gore is watching the Weather Channel and finding out that maybe there is no global warming. If he steps outside his nice cozy mansion, where he probably has the heat turned up to 85, maybe he will realize that there is no global warming. We are all going to freeze to death.
You’ve been led astray by what appears to be a chilling trend. Gore is not so easily deceived! His personal team of world-renowned Ph.D. meteorologists in concert with the world’s most powerful spinning supercomputer deliver him a daily personal weathercast that shows how hot each day “feels like” when you add in the Future Heat Fear Factor. For instance, a sunny 8-degree day with a -15 wind chill factor — when adjusted for the FHFF — “feels like” 85 with a 50 percent chance of hail and/or tornadoes. —Ed. Note
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