Friday, February 22, 2008

FPL Energy fact sheet

Here's a link to a copy of the FLP Energy literature titled "Questions and Answers about the Proposed Coatesville Energy Center."

It was distributed to the audience at the last City Council meeting by Fourth Ward Councilman Kurt Schenk.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kurt should leave his preaching for Sunday morning. He is handing out literature for the advancement of Environmental Racism and should he ashamed of himself. Just resign, I will write the letter for you. Why do you think two power companies would come to Coatesville, because they figure they are so desperate we can pollute their town all we want, just "show them the money"

February 22, 2008 11:38 AM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

He said "Environmental Racism" that's a new term I never heard. Please explain what that means!

February 22, 2008 4:43 PM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OK Folks, There is a City Council meeting tonight 2/25/08 at 7:30pm. Come on out and make your opinions known about the power plant, Mcneil, Chetty, whatever. It's free!

February 25, 2008 2:54 AM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Environmental Racism simply refers to groups like power companies going into low income areas and urban areas that are mostly african-american and latino, and dropping a carrot of money and jobs in front of them and figure they will take it , sound familiar. Do you think they would go to Exton and even Downingtown and try to put a power plant in the middle of their town. NO, and they know the resistance they would face . Does not look like they will face that resistance in Coatesville.

February 27, 2008 4:54 AM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Environmental racism refers to intentional or unintentional racial discrimination in the enforcement of environmental rules and regulations, the intentional or unintentional targeting of minority communities[1] for the siting of polluting industries, or the exclusion of minority groups from public and private boards, commissions, and regulatory bodies.

The term was coined and defined by Reverend Dr. Benjamin F. Chavis, Jr. Executive Director and CEO of the United Church of Christ Commission for Racial Justice.[2]

Environmental justice is the movement to reverse environmental racism.[

February 27, 2008 10:41 AM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I read today that Schenk defended his passing out literature by saying "these guys (referring to the Concerned Citizens group) did not want Walker, or him on the council. Does this idiot really think that is the important issue? Is he so blinded by that rheroric that he fails to see that citizens are concerned about a power plant in their community???

What a fool.

February 28, 2008 12:01 PM 
Blogger 4th Ward said...

Anyone in sales will tell you that company sponsored fact sheets aren't so much fact as fancy. The facts are that the supposed "boom" of building such a plant will go to mostly skilled union labor experienced in building that company’s buildings. Once the building is built - the jobs will be gone. The people will be gone - and soon after that any business that cropped up to support those workers will soon be gone too.

From what I've read in articles on the issue there will be only 20 or so on-going sustainable jobs once it's complete. Again - highly skilled no doubt and unlikely to go to anyone in Coatesville. I mean really. Who'd want to live in a town with a plant dumping mercury and ammonia and sulfuric acid and asbestos and 8 other chemicals (according to one of the potential plant's OWN EPA report) into the air? I know I won't. So - that tackles the supposed job/boom nonsense that Walker keeps yammering about. (and by the way - at what point did the city council instruct Walker to go shopping for deals anyway? Wish we could file something under the sunshine laws on this one).

So the Brandywine - the river that runs down through the flats will impact the Brandywine. Fishing, tubing, all the other water events that we enjoy - heck if I'll be going in down stream ever again.

The stacks - what about those two new developments that went in on the hillsides down there? Seems to me any stack would be belching those chemicals right into their windows and HVAC systems.

And so much for the one and ONLY natural spot of beauty this town has. Have you ever driven from Philly on 76 heading to King of Prussia and seen how well lit some of those old stone bridges are along the river? They are absolutely beautiful.

But that's OK. We'll have all that money! ! ! And no one will want to live here ever again - except of course the working class people who won't be able to afford to live anywhere else in Chester County - and that is the part of Environmental Racism that is so disgusting. I have been at political events and heard some rather prominent local politicians say they don't want to see Coatesville turn around. One laughingly remarked "Wherever will my maid live!?"

Well - I guess Coatesville.

It's getting more and more difficult to get riled up about a city who's leadership seems so devoted to keeping us and our property values down, but our taxes up.

February 28, 2008 3:12 PM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

4th Ward - well said!

February 29, 2008 3:32 AM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey I just found this website with some very good information about the power plant.

March 7, 2008 11:31 AM 

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