Wednesday, June 25, 2008

On announcers

I swear to gourd this just happened:
There's a comic out there with the moniker "Talent" who performed on Jamie Foxx's Laffapalooza '07.
Now, I should note I have nothing against any comic performing on this show, whatsoever - aside from Jamie Foxx, who killed my brother during the Cola Wars - but after about 45 minutes of this young comic showcase being on the air, the announcer actually shouts out before a commercial break (with all the enthusiasm of Jonah Hill just being told by a gypsy that he won't die alone, mind you):
"Still to come - Talent!"

You can't make this stuff up, folks.

(Except for the bit about the Cola Wars, which is patently false. So I guess you can make up some of it. Just not the best parts.)


Anonymous punkrockjuliette said...

so how was Talent anyway? did he actually have any?

what is it you always say - "it's funny 'cause it's true...."

June 25, 2008 6:27 PM 

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