Blogs > Photos around Delco

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Friday, May 8, 2009

Sun Valley Junior Prom

These photos were taken at the Aston Community Center where many of the students met to depart with their limos and excutive buses for the prom which was held at the Moshulu Restaurant, Penn's Landing, Philadelphia, PA.
The first photo includes a group of students whom have gone all through school together since kindergarten at Coebourn Elementary up to Sun Valley.

The students include (from left to right): Pete Papageorge, Kaitlyn McLaughlin, Katie Cardwell, Sean McCaffrey, Carly Cagle, Abby Musial and Max O'Malley.

The second photo are: Katie Cardwell and Max O'Malley getting onto their bus.

All of these photos were taken by Karen Cardwell


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