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Monday, January 21, 2008

Home Remedies

I find it interesting that we have all these "quick fixes" for common ailments that people swear by without any proof.

For example, there are plenty of ways to "cure" the hiccups, including drinking water and holding your breath, having someone say your middle name, or, according to my aunt, breathing so deep that you can hear your diaphram "snap back into place" (yeah, I haven't tried that one yet).

There are also elaborate rituals for hangovers:
"wake up, have some 'hair of the dog that bit you' (drink whatever you were drinking the night before), eat two McDonald's hashbrowns (or something equally as greasy, if that exists), take two tylenol or two aspirin or two ibuprofen or two..., drink a specific kind of water all day and go to bed early."

So, do these things actually work, or do we want to believe they work and so we convince ourselves they are working? I've had some of them work sometimes, and I know people who swear by these ideas, but personally, I think it's all a bit of luck in the end.

What other home remedies do you guys have?

Posted by
Laurie Perini


Anonymous Peecho said...

I think it's the placebo effect. My friend swears that the ultimate hangover cure is a can of V8 juice ("I coulda had a V8") and 2 exedrin tablets.

I've always found that aspirin and sleep are the ONLY cure!! :)

January 25, 2008 3:33 PM  

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