A Good Way to Waste Time

You know sometimes I worry about what I find amusing when I’m wasting time on the Internet. Take, for instance, the hours of entertainment I find at foundmagazine.com. Foundmagazine.com collects found stuff: discarded love letters, discarded birthday cards, homework, etc., and places them on their Web site for us all to enjoy.
It sounds a bit voyeuristic, but having a chance to get a momentary glimpse into people’s lives is really a lot of fun. When reading these notes, I can’t help but try to fill in the rest of the story. Who is Mario? How long had he been dating Amber? Who is this “her”, and why was his car in from of her place last night?
On another level, it’s just fun to see all the ridiculous activities that warrant flyers these days. Why would you want to hang out with people who also own the same breed of dog as you?
If you find yourself asking these questions in life as unavoidable as I do, well then I recommend checking out foundmagazine.com. It’s a fantastic way to waste time.
Posted by
Matthew Byrd
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