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Monday, March 17, 2008

Two wrongs don't make a right

The recent revelations about anti-white, anti-American comments made by Sen. Barack Obama's pastor make a double standard quite clear. If a Republican candidate were found to have attended a White Supremacist Christian Identity "Church," chances are he would be forced out of the race.

Now Obama's taking a little heat for his association with the Rev. Jeremiah Wright for over 20 years. I can't say what Sen. Obama believes privately, but having attended Wright's church for that period of time, he cannot but have been influenced by his pastor's Marxist "theology."

The black liberation theology espoused by Wright is traceable to the explicitly Neo-Marxist Liberation Theology movement from the 1960s that is throughly imbued with an us versus them mentality.
It almost seems to me that a certain segment of the Black community, on its far Left, radical fringes, has a vested interest in promoting anti-white bigotry among blacks. The whole Marxist mentality runs contrary the Christian faith that Wright claims to profess, because it claims that those who were formerly oppressed must suppress their former oppressors. There's not any question that black Americans have been treated horribly (putting that mildly), but there comes a time for forgiveness.

Whereas, Jesus forbade taking an eye for an eye or a tooth for a tooth. St. Paul teaches that there is neither male nor female, nor Jew or Gentile, nor slave or free in Christ Jesus.


Obama chides Hillary Clinton for her judgment on the Iraq War. Well, what does Obama's refusal to disassociate himself with the reverend years ago say about his judgment? Now imagine if he were a white man attending a racist White Power "church," how would he be treated.

Thus far, Sen. Obama has denounced his longtime friend's comments, but did he do it out of conviction or political expediency? Only he knows for sure.

The only thing this affair shows me is he has extremely poor judgment when it comes to the friends he keeps. What else does the senator believe in that he's not telling us?

Posted by:
John Rossomando


Anonymous Anonymous said...


March 23, 2008 5:19 PM  

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