Monday, February 15, 2010
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Monday, August 31, 2009
By The Numbers: 71,500
That's the minimum number of Pennsylvania jobs that would be lost if the Waxman-Markey bill, better known as Cap-and-Trade, is passed by the Senate. The House already approved the bill and President Obama said he would sign it if passes both chambers of Congress.
The 71,500 estimate comes from the National Association of Manufacturers, which commissioned a study to look at the impact of the Waxman-Markey bill in each state. The job loss number could go as high as 97,500 in Pennsylvania.
More from the study:
Higher energy prices would have ripple impacts on prices throughout the economy and would impose a financial cost on households. Pennsylvania would see disposable household income reduced by $148 to $285 per year by 2020 and $926 to $1,507 by 2030.The study concluded that bill would cots 2.4 million jobs across the United States.
To review the complete study, visit the National Association of Manufacturers Web site,
Labels: Barack Obama, Congress, Democrats, Economy, Energy, Jobs, Taxes
Monday, July 13, 2009 launches

Tom Knox is a Democrat running for Pennsylvania governor in 2010. Although he was not successful in his bid to become mayor of Philadelphia last year, Knox may have latched on to an issue that could jump-start his gubernatorial campaign.
Knox wants to prevent the scheduled lifting of caps on electricity rates that could send utility bills skyrocketing for Pennsylvania homeowners and businesses.
From an e-mail the Knox for Governor campaign sent out:
Pennsylvania is about to raise your utility bill 65%. It's true. Even though we are in the middle of a recession, Pennsylvania is about to deregulate its electric utilities. And, every expert agrees this will increase consumers' electrical rates by 65%.Knox goes on to say that in every state where deregulation has been tried, it has failed.
I don't know about you, but I'm not going to just sit by and watch struggling middle class families be squeezed even further by higher utility rates. So, if you are as upset as I am, you must act right now.
Please sign the petition and tell Pennsylvania's state legislature not to raise your utility rates:
From his e-mail: If you don't want your utility rates to go up 75%, then I need you to join with me and tell the Pennsylvania state legislature to stop this utility rate hike. What you do right now really matters. You have the power to stop this rate hike, put an end to deregulation and protect Pennsylvania's families, but it will only happen if we all join together and demand it.Stopping this rate hike, which would be the equivalent to the "biggest tax increase in Pennsylvania history," is just common sense, good government, Knox says.
We must act now - sign the petition today:
Pennsylvania already has some of the highest electricity costs in the nation, Knox says. "Deregulation would be disastrous."
I know this guy is a Democrat, but I can't argue with his desire to protect Pennsylvania's beleaguered taxpayers, who have suffered enormously under Ed Rendell.
Labels: Electricity Rates, Energy, Pennsylvania
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Toomey applauds Democrats for opposing energy tax

The climate change tax bill passed the House by a 219-212 margin, with 44 Democrats voting against it.
Toomey commended Democratic Reps. Jason Altmire (PA-04); Chris Carney (PA-10); Tim Holden (PA-17); and Kathy Dahlkemper (PA-03) for "joining the bipartisan opposition to the cap-and-trade bill that promises to raise taxes and destroy American jobs."
More from a Toomey press release:
"Along with 40 other Democrats, these Pennsylvania Democrats had the courage to stand up to one-party rule in Washington," Toomey said. "They understand that protecting the environment is an important goal, but they are not willing to sacrifice American prosperity and hardworking taxpayers in the process. It is a shame Rep. Joe Sestak (PA-07) couldn't muster up the same courage. Instead, he voted to support Nancy Pelosi's extreme agenda. The question is, will Senator Specter choose the same path?"For more on Toomey's bid for a U.S. Senate seat from Pennsylvania, visit his campaign Web site,
"Only a couple of weeks ago, Senator Specter argued in support of maintaining balance in Washington in order to protect the country from extremism," said Toomey Communications Director Nachama Soloveichik. "He told The Hill newspaper that 'The United States desperately needs a two-party system.' But now that he has joined the Democratic Party, he seems intent on marching in lockstep with his new party in order to avoid a Democratic primary, even if it means throwing hardworking Americans under the bus. Senator Specter has the chance to prove he is serious about bringing balance to Washington — will he have the courage to do it?"
Labels: Congress, Democrats, Energy, Global Warming, Nancy Pelosi, Pat Toomey, Pennsylvania Politics, Taxes
Friday, June 26, 2009
"I am deeply concerned by President Obama and the Democrat's support for the national energy tax known as 'cap and trade'," Gleason said. "'Cap and trade' is an impractical approach to energy independence and will kill jobs and tax millions of hardworking families. In these difficult economic times, it is wrong to force the average American family to pay an extra $1200 in energy costs when many are struggling just to make ends' meet.
"'Cap and trade' will have a devastating effect on Pennsylvanians who work in the energy industry, particularly in the coal and natural gas sectors. Our Commonwealth deserves a comprehensive energy plan. Instead of a massive tax increase that will force millions of jobs overseas, we need to pursue 'all of the above' energy strategies that will decrease our dependence on foreign sources of energy while keeping jobs here at home.
"I urge all members of the Pennsylvania Congressional Delegation to stand up for common sense and stand against this destructive tax increase."
According to the nonpartisan Tax Foundation, implementing 'cap and trade' would cost this country $144.8 billion, or $1,218 per household. (Andrew Chamberlain, "Who Pays for Climate Policy? New Estimates of the Household Burden and Economic Impact Of A U.S. Cap-And-Trade System," Tax Foundation Working Paper #6, 3/16/09)
In order to demonstrate high costs of 'cap and trade' legislation on hardworking families, the Republican Party of Pennsylvania will be hand-delivering candles to our Democrat colleagues today. If a national energy tax is implemented in this country, candles will be the only way many Americans will be able to afford to light their homes.
Labels: Congress, Democrats, Energy, Pennsylvania, Taxes
Global Warming Fraud Reaches New Level
From an editorialin The Pittsburgh Tribune-Review exposing the global warming fraud:
Climate change Chicken Littles squawked last week and too many supposedly objective media outlets compliantly engaged in global warming stenography.
"The observed climate changes that we report are not opinions to be debated," said Jerry Melillo, one of the chief authors of a White House-released study predicting global warming Armageddon. "They are facts to be dealt with."
Selective facts presented dishonestly and dealt with hysterically, we would add.
Geophysicist David Deming offers some badly needed perspective:
• There has been no sea level rise for the past three years
• Hurricane, typhoon and tropical cyclone activity is at a 30-year low
• Satellite data don't indicate global warming but temperatures about the same or even lower than they were in 1979
• Mean global sea ice is at the same levels as it was when monitoring began that same year.
And then there's this from Dr. Deming:
"The new scare report issued by the Obama administration refers to the work of Stephen H. Schneider six times. You will recall that Schneider is infamous for telling Discover magazine (October 1989) that 'we have to offer up scary scenarios, make simplified, dramatic statements, and make little mention of any doubts we might have ... each of us has to decide what the right balance is between being effective and being honest.'"
Global warming is the greatest fraud ever committed by men against mankind. Who will hold these fraudsters accountable?
Labels: Democrats, Energy, Global Warming, Taxes
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Call Your Congressman to Oppose National Energy Tax

"The Old Book contains an admonition to lawmakers with these words: ‘Woe to you because you load people down with burdens they can hardly carry and you yourselves will not lift a finger to help them.' In the midst of the worst economy in a generation, remarkably House Democrats are poised this week to load the American people down with a national energy tax. And the American people deserve to know it.
"Now, there's lots of debate about what this bill will cost the average American but there is no dispute the Democrat cap and trade bill will raise the cost of energy to every household in America, every small business, every family farm, and it will cost millions of American jobs. And the vote is tomorrow.
"If you oppose the national energy tax, I say call your congressman. If you think the Democrat cap and trade bill will cap growth and trade jobs, call your congressman. If you believe the American people deserve an all-of-the-above energy strategy that will create jobs, achieve energy independence and a cleaner environment then endorse the Republican alternative, call your congressman.
"A minority in Congress plus the American people equals a majority. We can reject cap and trade this week and so we must."
Labels: Congress, Democrats, Energy, Global Warming, Taxes
Libertarian Party urges 'No' vote on $1.9 trillion energy tax

"With unemployment rising above and beyond what President Obama said it would be with the multi-hundred billion dollar stimulus bill, now is not the time to dismantle our economy with a multi-hundred billion dollar energy tax hike," said William Redpath of the Libertarian Party.
"Libertarians urge House members to defeat this job-killing tax hike on Americans," said Redpath. "Libertarian candidates are out there every day proposing proven solutions to create the jobs we need and restore our prosperity. This $1.9 trillion tax hike would destroy millions of jobs and impose dramatically higher prices for everything."
More from a Libertarian Party release:
At nearly 1,000 pages, H.R. 2454, sponsored by Democrat Reps. Henry Waxman and Edward Markey, imposes new taxes on any economic activity that produces carbon dioxide. Pelosi hopes to rush the bill to a vote, despite no net temperature increase globally over the last decade, significant research showing man-made carbon dioxide isn't changing the climate and opposition from thousands of scientists.
The economic impact would be harsh. According to research from the independent, non-partisan Heritage Foundation, the bill would have devastating impacts on the average American family.
The research found that by 2035, gasoline prices would increase 58 percent, natural gas prices would increase 55 percent, prices for home heating oil would increase 56 percent, and worst of all, electricity prices would jump 90 percent.
While the average American would pay the tax once in the form of higher energy prices, they also pay it again in higher costs for goods that must be manufactured and services that must be provided using energy.
The average family of four could see $2,979 in higher prices per year, paying $4,609 more in 2035 alone. The total costs to the average family in higher prices, from 2012 to 2035, reach $71,493.
The bill would also destroy millions of jobs, even taking into account Obama administration promises of new “green” jobs. The research finds an average annual job loss of 1,145,000 jobs per year because of Waxman-Markey. In the worst years, 2,479,000 Americans will lose their jobs annually under Waxman-Markey.
Labels: Barack Obama, Congress, Energy, Global Warming, Nancy Pelosi, Taxes
Pitts: Cap and trade will hurt Pennsylvania

Pitts is warning that Nancy Pelosi and Democrats are rushing the Waxman-Markey energy tax bill through the House before taxpayers can figure out how much it's going to cost them.
From a statement issued by Pitts:
"Every American should be gravely concerned about this legislation. Protecting the environment is extremely important, but we should do so wisely and carefully. This is reckless and extreme legislation that will hurt people who are already suffering and do significant damage to the American economy. It will drive manufacturing jobs out of the country to places like China. It will hurt American competitiveness in the world economy. Pennsylvania will be among the hardest hit states.Pitts is a member of the House Energy and Commerce Committee, which has primary jurisdiction over the legislation. He is also a member of the committee's Energy and Environment Subcommittee.
"The economics of this are simple: affordable energy is critical to prosperity. This legislation will make energy much more expensive. That translates to a less prosperous America with higher poverty rates, higher taxes, and a much bigger national debt. The right way to protect the environment is to make clean energy cheaper by encouraging proven sources of clean energy like wind, solar, and nuclear along with the development of cutting-edge technologies like plug-in hybrid cars and hydrogen fuel cells.
"I will be offering amendments to this bill in an attempt to limit its damage to the economy. However, I expect Democratic leaders to block votes on those amendments."
Labels: Congress, Democrats, Energy, Global Warming, Nancy Pelosi, Taxes
Monday, June 22, 2009
Gerlach to host Energy Roundtable
WHAT: Energy Roundtable Discussion
WHEN: Tuesday, June 23 at 9:00 A.M.
WHERE: Chester County Economic Development Council
Eagleview Corporate Center
737 Constitution Drive
Exton, PA 19341
· Pennsylvania PUC Commissioner Robert F. Powelson
· Nancy Keefer, President & CEO, Chester County Chamber of Business and Industry
· Exelon Energy
Labels: Chester County, Energy, Jim Gerlach
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Hosed at the Pump

News item: Gas prices rise for 50th straight day
Just a reminder to thank Barack Obama and Nancy Pelosi for keeping gas prices high by refusing to drill for oil off U.S. shores, blocking new nuclear power plants and ignoring the vast coal resources in the U.S.
Labels: Barack Obama, Democrats, Energy, High Gas Prices, Jeff Stahler Cartoon
Friday, May 22, 2009
Gas prices on the rise

Remember last year when the liberal media kept blaming the "oil men" in the White House for rising gas prices? You don't have George Bush and Dick Cheney to kick around any more. So where's the outrage now that gas prices are spiking under Barack Obama? Why has Obama reneged on his promise to allow drilling for oil off U.S. shores? Do Americans know what the new energy tax Obama is backing will cost them?
Labels: Broken Promises, Democrats, Energy, High Gas Prices, Jerry Holbert Cartoon
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Alternative Energy Expo on April 25
The event will bring a wide range of companies and organizations from across the environmental landscape to Spring-Ford School District's 9th Grade Center on April 25
Sponsored by Sen. John C. Rafferty, Jr., R-44th, Rep. Mike Vereb, R-150th, and Rep. Tom Quigley, R-146th, the Expo will give a diverse group of organizations, ranging from the Philadelphia Phillies to national, state and local environmental groups, state agencies and energy producers to auto manufacturers, organic farmers and others, the opportunity to get their message and product to residents.
"We have a diverse group of vendors, service providers, community organizations and entertainers who have expressed a willingness to participate either as an exhibitor or a sponsor of the event," Sen. Rafferty said in a release. "Each has made a commitment to encourage a positive environmental stewardship through action and community interaction."
Any organizations or businesses interested in participating in the Alternative Energy and Environmental Resource Expo, can contact Rafferty's office at 610-831-8830.
The event, which will run from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., is free to the public.
Labels: Energy, Montgomery County
Monday, February 23, 2009
Democrats block 1.2 million new jobs

From American Energy Alliance President Thomas J. Pyle:
"Unlike the $790 billion stimulus package lawmakers just passed, increased offshore activity would fuel our economy without squandering taxpayer funds. In fact, oil and gas is one of the U.S.'s only industries in a position to put money into, rather than take money out of, the government's piggybank.Over a Million U.S. Jobs Locked Away in 'Off-Limits' Offshore Resources
"With more than 85 billion barrels of recoverable oil and over 440 trillion cubic feet of natural gas located right off our shores, exploration in the OCS stands to contribute $273 billion annually to the national economy. That's good news, especially for the 46 states that now face a combined $350 billion budget shortfall for the next three fiscal years. Economic relief wouldn't end there -- America would sustain approximately 1.2 million well-paying jobs each year over the life of production.
Labels: Barack Obama, Congress, Economy, Energy, High Gas Prices
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Coalition: PA needs more nuclear energy
The coalition is made up of community leaders, technical experts and others who believe nuclear energy is vital to Pennsylvania's future.
The group's goal is to advocate for nuclear energy and increase awareness of the environmental and economic benefits it brings to Pennsylvania, according to a press released announcing the launch of PA Energy Alliance.
Pennsylvania is the nation's second largest producer of nuclear energy and gets more than one-third of its electricity from this carbon-free source, says the Pennsylvania Energy Alliance for Generating Reliable Electricity for Our Energy Needs (PA Energy Alliance).
The alliance released the results of a statewide poll showing that a large majority of state residents believe nuclear energy is important to meeting the nation's electricity requirements.
The poll of 800 Pennsylvania residents, conducted by Terry Madonna Opinion Research last September, found that:
-- Over 82 percent of respondents believe nuclear power is important toThe survey specifically asked about two of the state's nuclear plants - Three Mile Island in Dauphin County and Limerick Generating Station in Montgomery County.
meeting America's energy needs;
-- 82 percent believe nuclear power is a reliable source of electricity;
-- 73 percent believe nuclear power will lead the country to greater independence from foreign energy sources;
-- Over 66 percent believe nuclear power is safe;
-- Nearly 60 percent believe nuclear power will lead to increased national security;
-- 57 percent believe the use of nuclear power will reduce the effects of global warming.
Three-fourths of those surveyed said they have a favorable opinion of the nuclear plants.
"Our poll found that overwhelming majorities in Pennsylvania believe that nuclear energy is safe and reliable, that it will help reduce the effects of global warming, and that it will lead to greater energy independence and increased national security," said G. Terry Madonna. "Of particular note is that these views are held by Pennsylvanians who live near nuclear energy plants, as well as those who do not."
The PA Energy Alliance includes community and business leaders, public officials, scientists and others who support energy policies "that meet the state's needs, protect our environment and improve our economy."
A primary goal of the Alliance is the continued safe operation of the state's five nuclear plants, according to the group.
Karen Walsh, former deputy chief of staff to U.S. Senator Robert P. Casey Jr., is the executive director of the PA Energy Alliance.
Initial administrative funding for the coalition comes from Exelon Corp., which operates nuclear plants in Pennsylvania.
Among the most notable members of the coalition: Pete Duncan and Dave Hess, former secretaries of the Department of Environmental Protection; Forrest J. Remick, Ph.D., Professor Emeritus of Nuclear Engineering at Penn State University; Former Pennsylvania Gov. Mark S. Schweiker; and the Pennsylvania Chamber of Business and Industry.
To join the coalition or learn more about the PA Energy Alliance go to
Labels: Energy, Pennsylvania
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Feeling sorry for OPEC?
The emphasis in on "almost."
I hope OPEC enjoyed its summer run of skyrocketing oil prices. Pretty soon, its members can drink the oil they stockpile while demand continues to drop.
OPEC Attempts Shock Therapy for Declining Demand: Abraham Energy Report
Labels: Economy, Energy, High Gas Prices
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Liberal energy politics
Both states stand to benefit if America turns more to clean coal technology to break the grip of foreign oil. But Biden slipped again during a recent speech. If you listen closely to what Obama and Biden have to say about energy, they're more concerned with global warming and imposing a carbon tax on Americans than they are with finding clean, reliable and affordable energy alternatives.
From the WSJ editorial:
Mr. Biden, then, only stated an obvious if politically unutterable truth. The real costs of green ambitions won't be paid by well-heeled coastal liberals, but will fall disproportionately on the Southern and Midwestern states that depend on coal for jobs and power. The blue-collar voters of Pennsylvania, Indiana, Ohio, West Virginia and so forth will get hurt most -- notwithstanding Mr. Biden's campaign reinvention as the scrapper from Scranton.Read the full editorial, "Biden's Coal Slaw," at the newspaper's Web site.
Labels: Barack Obama, Energy, High Gas Prices, Joe Biden
Monday, September 22, 2008
'Politicking at its worst' on energy bill
From an op-ed published in The Mercury by U.S. Rep. Joe Pitts:
In an effort to quell the public's increasingly loud call for action on the issue, (Nancy Pelosi and House Democrats) have offered up a piece of legislation that represents election year politicking at its worst. This bill, which was railroaded through the House, allows for offshore drilling — something that has become increasingly popular in opinion polls with the high price of gas. But it would also make the exploration contingent on states' approval while barring states from sharing the revenue. This provision nearly ensures no oil exploration would happen.Read the full column, "A 'no-energy' energy bill thanks to Democrat," at the newspaper's Web site.
In fact, this provision would keep more offshore exploration off limits than if Congress simply allowed the current ban to expire on Oct. 1.
Labels: Democrats, Energy, High Gas Prices
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
George Will on Obama's 'fairy-tale promises'
"Fairy-tale promises" is how Will describes Obama's economic and energy platform.
From Will's column:
Regarding taxes, Obama says "we don't want to return to marginal rates of 60 or 70 percent." The top federal rate was 70 percent until the Reagan cuts of 1981. It has since ranged between 50 in 1982 and today's 35. Obama promises that expiration of the Bush tax cuts will restore the 39.6 rate.Read the full column here.
He also favors a payroll tax of up to 4 percent on earnings above $250,000 (today, only the first $102,000 is taxed), most of which also are subject to the highest state income tax rates. When the top federal rate was set at 28 under Reagan, payroll taxes were not levied on income over $42,000, so the top effective rate of combined taxes was under 35. Obama's policies would bring it to the mid-50s for many Americans, close to the 60 percent Obama considers excessive.
There never is a shortage of nonsensical political rhetoric, but really: Has there ever been solemn silliness comparable to today's politicians tarting up their agendas as things designed for, and necessary to, "saving the planet," and promising edicts to "require" entire industries to reorder themselves?
In 1996, Bob Dole, citing the Clinton campaign's scabrous fundraising, exclaimed: "Where's the outrage?" This year's campaign, soggy with environmental messianism, deranged self-importance and delusional economics, the question is: Where is the derisive laughter?
Labels: Barack Obama, Economy, Energy
Monday, July 28, 2008
Rep. Quigley to host Public Hearing on Electricity Rates
HARRISBURG - State Rep. Tom Quigley (R-Montgomery) and members of the House Republican Policy Committee will host a public hearing on electric rate cap mitigation and energy conservation at 11 a.m., on Wednesday, July 30, in the community room of Montgomery County Community College, 101 College Drive, Pottstown.
"Caps on electric rates are scheduled to come off in the next two years and will have a tremendous impact on consumer utility bills," said Quigley. "We will hear testimony from representatives from Philadelphia Electric Company (PECO) and the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission (PUC) on how they are preparing for the transition."
The 12 House members in attendance will also get an update on a company from King of Prussia that is spearheading energy conservation efforts.
"BioChem Technology specializes in working with wastewater treatment plants," Quigley added. "In a world of tough economic times where all of us need to learn how to do more with less, this company uses the latest science to help plant operators maximize efficiency while cutting costs."
Quigley is a member of the House Republican Policy Committee.
Labels: Energy, Pennsylvania Legislature
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Check out
Drill for more domestic oil? No.
License new nuclear plants? No.
Clean coal technology? No.
Build new refinaries? No.
Drill offshore? No.
You get the drift of Obama's policy.
Obama wants Americans to pay more for gas prices. It's another way of taxing people, which is what liberals are all about.
If you like paying $4.00 for gas and would like to pay $5.00 or more, Obama is your candidate.
RNC Launches New Web Site: ''
Labels: Barack Obama, Democrats, Energy, High Gas Prices
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Obama vs. Obama on Nuclear Power
Republican National Committee: Obama vs. Obama on Nuclear Power
Labels: Barack Obama, Energy, High Gas Prices