Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Al Gore - Doctor Of Lies
From a new editorial:
Instead of having his Nobel Prize rescinded for espousing climate fraud, the prophet of doom is set to receive an honorary doctorate of laws and humane letters from the University of Tennessee for his work.Read the full editorial at the link below:
'Vice President Gore's career has been marked by visionary leadership, and his work has quite literally changed our planet for the better," UT Knoxville Chancellor Jimmy G. Cheek said in a prepared statement.
We are not making this up, though we will not dispute Gore's having had visions.
He has warned us of sea levels rising so high and so fast that we should see boats moored on the top of the Washington Monument. Polar bears would drown en masse for lack of ice at the same time snow measured in feet blanketed large parts of the country.
We used to call it weather. He called it climate change and made a fortune doing so.
Doctor Of Lies -
Labels: Al Gore, Global Warming
Friday, March 5, 2010
Global Warming Meltdown

See related editorial, "Al Gore returns: What a whack job," at The Pittsburgh Tribune-Review Web site.
Labels: Al Gore, Global Warming, Randy Bish Cartoon
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Newspaper: A Blizzard Of Lies From Al Gore

From the editorial:
If hyperbole and chutzpah had a child, it would be the opening paragraph of Gore's op-ed in Sunday's New York Times. Gore surfaced from the global warming witness-protection program to opine that despite admissions of error and evidence of fraud by various agencies, we still face "an unimaginable calamity requiring large-scale, preventive measures to protect human civilization as we know it."Read the full editorial at the newspaper's Web site.
Perhaps he's trying to protect his investments as he knows them, for he is heavily involved in enterprises that deal with carbon offsets and green technology. If the case for climate change is shown to be demonstrably false, a lot of his green evaporates like moisture from the ocean.
As for the Himalayan fraud, Gore says it's one of "at least two mistakes in thousands of pages of careful scientific work" from the IPCC and its chief, Dr. Rajendra Pachauri. Yet Dr. Murari Lal, an editor of IPCC's Fourth Assessment report, has admitted to the London Daily Mail that he knew the 2035 data were false, but included them in the report "purely to put political pressure on world leaders."
That's what it was all about, the creation of scary scenarios based on flawed computer models and manipulated data to promote government action and control. Now the curtain has been pulled back to reveal Al Gore shivering in the cold like the rest of us.
Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain.
Labels: Al Gore, Global Warming
Saturday, February 27, 2010
Global Warming Meltdown
Climate change data to face independent scrutiny - Washington Times
Labels: Global Warming
Monday, February 22, 2010
Sunday, February 21, 2010
George Will sheds light on the 'global warming industry'
Here's part of what Will writes:
Global warming alarmists, long cosseted by echoing media, manifest an interesting incongruity -- hysteria and name calling accompanying serene assertions about the "settled science" of climate change. Were it settled, we would be spared the hyperbole that amounts to Ring Lardner's "Shut up, he explained."Read the full column, "Blinded by science," here.
The global warming industry, like Alexander in the famous children's story, is having a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day. Actually, a bad three months, which began Nov. 19 with the publication of e-mails indicating attempts by scientists to massage data and suppress dissent in order to strengthen "evidence" of global warming.
But there already supposedly was a broad, deep and unassailable consensus. Strange.
Next came the failure of The World's Last -- We Really, Really Mean It -- Chance, aka the Copenhagen climate change summit. It was a nullity, and since then things have been getting worse for those trying to stampede the world into a spasm of prophylactic statism.
In 2007, before the economic downturn began enforcing seriousness and discouraging grandstanding, seven Western U.S. states (and four Canadian provinces) decided to fix the planet on their own. California's Arnold Schwarzenegger intoned, "We cannot wait for the United States government to get its act together on the environment." The 11 jurisdictions formed what is now called the Western Climate Initiative to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, starting in 2012.
Or not. Arizona's Gov. Jan Brewer recently suspended her state's participation in what has not yet begun. Some Utah legislators are reportedly considering a similar action. She worries, sensibly, that it would impose costs on businesses and consumers. She also ordered reconsideration of Arizona's strict vehicle emission rules, modeled on incorrigible California's, lest they raise the cost of new cars.
Last week, BP America, ConocoPhillips and Caterpillar, three early members of the 31-member U.S. Climate Action Partnership, said: Oh, never mind. They withdrew from USCAP. It is a coalition of corporations and global warming alarm groups that was formed in 2007 when carbon rationing legislation seemed inevitable and collaboration with the rationers seemed prudent.
Said a spokesman for Conoco: "We need to spend time addressing the issues that impact our shareholders and consumers." What a concept.
Labels: Global Warming
Monday, February 15, 2010
Washington Post examines global warming hoax
Imploding UN Global Warming Forecasts on Front Page of Washington Post |
Labels: Global Warming, Newspapers
The Smoking Gun on Global Warming Hoax
The headline is "Climategate U-turn as scientist at centre of row admits: There has been no global warming since 1995"
The article focuses on Professor Phil Jones, the "scientist" at the center of the Climategate scandal that is being ignored by the liberal media.
From the Daily Mail:
Professor Jones also conceded the possibility that the world was warmer in medieval times than now – suggesting global warming may not be a man-made phenomenon.Read more at the newspaper's Web site
And he said that for the past 15 years there has been no 'statistically significant' warming.
The admissions will be seized on by sceptics as fresh evidence that there are serious flaws at the heart of the science of climate change and the orthodoxy that recent rises in temperature are largely man-made.
Labels: Global Warming
Friday, February 12, 2010
From our Global Warming Desk: Snow in 49 States

Forty-nine states have snow now, from the Gulf Coast’s Redneck Riviera to the skyscrapers of Dallas. The lone holdout? Hawaii.
Although snow falls every winter on Hawaii's two tallest volcanoes, the National Weather Service in Honolulu said there was no snow in the state Friday.
Snow had even fallen in the Florida Panhandle and along the South Carolina coast.
However, snow has been lighter than usual in New England. Forecasters say El Nino has driven many of this year's storms southward.
Weather service meteorologist Brian Korty says it’s extremely rare to have so many states with snow.
Labels: Global Warming, Liberal Media Bias
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Another Round of Global Warming

Following a weekend blizzard that dumped 30 inches of snow on Washington, D.C., forcing the federal government to shut down, the Obama Administration announced the formation of a new federal climate change agency.
Commerce Secretary Gary Locke and Jane Lubchenco, head of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, announced Monday that NOAA will set up the new Climate Service to operate in tandem with NOAA's National Weather Service and National Ocean Service, according to The Associated Press.
It's a good thing Obama moved quickly on the climate change threat. Another massive snowstorm with blizzard conditions is headed for the East Coast Wednesday.
Labels: Global Warming, Randy Bish Cartoon
Saturday, February 6, 2010
Global Warming: The Great Unraveling
Professional global warming alarmists better think about looking for new jobs. It looks like they're in for a long, cold winter — and a frigid spring and summer as well.Read the full editorial at the link below: - The Great Unraveling
Labels: Global Warming
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Climategate: Step by step
Climategate: Step by step - Pittsburgh Tribune-Review
Labels: Global Warming
Newspaper: UN Climate Chief Must Go
Read the full editorial at the link below: - United Nations' Climate Chief Must Go
Labels: Global Warming
Thursday, January 21, 2010
More Global Warming Lies

The U.N. panel now says there is not enough scientific evidence to back up the report's claims that the Himalayan ice cap is melting because of man-made climate change.
From an editorial in Investor's Business Daily:
Global Warming: The scientists who said that Himalayan glaciers will be gone by 2035 have admitted the claim has as much credibility as sightings of the mythical Yeti. It's their fraudulent claims that are melting away.Read the full editorial at the newspaper's Web site.
We hesitate to call it Glacier-gate, but the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, the U.N. body tasked with scaring us to death about global warming, has admitted that the claim in its 2007 report about the Himalayan glaciers disappearing was not based on any scientific study or research. It was instead based on one scientist's speculation in a telephone interview with a reporter.
The IPCC claimed: "Glaciers in the Himalayas are receding faster than in any other part of the world and, if the present rate continues, the likelihood of their disappearing by the year 2035 and perhaps sooner is very high if the earth keeps warming at the current rate."
As it turns out, the earth hasn't been warming at all, at least not in the last decade, and reputable scientists have said it may continue to cool for decades to come. Even if it was warming, glaciologists insist, the sheer mass of Himalayan glaciers made such a prediction laughable.
Labels: Global Warming, Liberal Media Bias
Friday, January 8, 2010
Al Gore in hibernation?

From his latest column at
After the climate hoaxers and extortionists quietly slunk home after their utter failure in Copenhagen, one might have expected a barrage of "the end is nigh" press releases by Al Gore and friends, explaining how the refusal of governments to kneecap their economies will lead to us all being slowly convection baked to death in a never-ending trend of man-made global warming.Read the full column at the link below:
But apparently the alarmists have gone into hibernation…perhaps because world-wide record breaking cold would expose errors so great that even the "mainstream" news would have to call them out as full of (much needed) hot air.
As often seems to happen around big "global warming events," Copenhagen was hit with extremely cold weather during the "climate conference," including a blizzard on December 17…in a country which hasn't had a white Christmas since 1995. In a bit of "God must have a sense of humor" irony, the cold weather followed President Obama home, dumping record snowfalls in and around Washington, D.C. two days later.
Global Warmists' Mouths Frozen Shut - HUMAN EVENTS
Labels: Al Gore, Global Warming, Liberal Media Bias
Start Worrying About Global Cooling
Cold Can't Shake Global Warming Faith of ABC's Blakemore |
Labels: Al Gore, Global Warming, Liberal Media Bias
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
So much for global warming

Have you been outside lately? It's freezing.
Have you picked up a newspaper?
Here's a sampling of headlines:
Cold grips much of US, Fla. races to save cropsWhere's Al Gore and his climate change disciples? We're headed for another Ice Age, you idiots!!!
South chilled by Arctic winds, record snow in East
US in Grips of Long-Lasting Cold Spell
Cold weather holds nation in icy grip
Labels: Al Gore, Global Warming, Randy Bish Cartoon
Friday, December 18, 2009
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Gov. Rick Perry: Al Gore has 'gone to hell'

This illustration by Berks County artist Vicki Rhodier and the article below from POLITICO fit well together.
Rick Perry: Al Gore has 'gone to hell' - -
Labels: Global Warming, Vicki Rhodier Cartoon
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Inside the mind of global warming alarmists

From a recent Oakley column:
The breathtaking dishonesty and incompetence of climatology's intellectual leadership clearly reveals that a discipline can become dominated by a small group of ideologically-motivated intellectual gatekeepers. So much so that these gatekeepers can cut off the ability of dissenters to publish in a peer-reviewed journal. Publication in a peer-reviewed journal, of course, is the sine qua non of grants, which in turn leads to careers in academia. No publications — no career.Read the full column, "Take This Paradigm and Shove It," at Oakley's blog on the Psychology Today Web site.
Narrow intellectual gatekeeping is omnipresent in academia. Want to know why the government wastes hundreds of millions of dollars on math and science programs that never seem to improve the test scores of American students? Part of the reason for this is that today's K-12 educators—unlike educators in other high-scoring countries of the world — refuse to acknowledge evidence that memorization plays an important role in mastering mathematics. Any proposed program that supports memorization is deemed to be against "creativity" by today's intellectual gatekeepers in K-12 education, including those behind the Math and Science Partnerships. As one NSF program director told me: “We hear about success stories with practice and repetition-based programs like Kumon Mathematics. But I'll be frank with you—you’ll never get anything like that funded. We don't believe in it." Instead the intellectual leadership in education encourages enormously expensive pimping programs that put America even further behind the international learning curve.
Labels: Global Warming, Liberal Fascism
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Friday, December 11, 2009
Sarah Palin on Climategate

Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, a longtime skeptic of the global warming hoax, weighs in on the growing Climategate scandal in an op-ed published by The Washington Post.
From Palin's column:
With the publication of damaging e-mails from a climate research center in Britain, the radical environmental movement appears to face a tipping point. The revelation of appalling actions by so-called climate change experts allows the American public to finally understand the concerns so many of us have articulated on this issue.Read the full column, "Copenhagen's political science," at the newspaper's Web site.
"Climate-gate," as the e-mails and other documents from the Climate Research Unit at the University of East Anglia have become known, exposes a highly politicized scientific circle -- the same circle whose work underlies efforts at the Copenhagen climate change conference. The agenda-driven policies being pushed in Copenhagen won't change the weather, but they would change our economy for the worse.
Without trustworthy science and with so much at stake, Americans should be wary about what comes out of this politicized conference. The president should boycott Copenhagen.
Labels: Global Warming, Liberal Media Bias, Sarah Palin
Friday, December 4, 2009
Who's who on climate fraud
Barbara Hollingsworth: Who's who on climate fraud | Washington Examiner
Labels: Al Gore, Global Warming
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Global Warming Revelation

See related editorial at The Pittsburgh Tribune-Review Web site.
Labels: Global Warming, Randy Bish Cartoon
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
'12 Days, 3 Networks and No Mention of ClimateGate Scandal'

From an article by Julia A. Seymour posted at the Business & Media Institute Web site on the Mainstream Media ignoring the growing "ClimateGate" scandal.
It's been nearly two weeks since a scandal shook many people’s faith in the scientists behind global warming alarmism. The scandal forced the University of East Anglia (UK) to divulge that it threw away raw temperature data and prompted the temporary resignation of Phil Jones of the university's Climate Research Unit.Read the full post here.
Despite that resignation and calls by a U.S. senator to investigate the matter, ABC, CBS and NBC morning and evening news programming has remained silent – not mentioning a word about the scandal since it broke on Nov. 20, even as world leaders including President Barack Obama prepare to meet in Copenhagen, Denmark next week to promote a pact to reduce greenhouse gases.
Other news outlets, including The New York Times, Washington Post, CNN and Associated Press have deemed ClimateGate worthy of reporting, but the networks were too busy reporting on celebrity car accidents and the killer whale that ate a great white shark. Instead of airing a broadcast news segment that might inform the public about the science scandal, both ABC and CBS relegated the story to their Web sites. There was one mention of the scandal on ABC's Sunday talk show: "This Week with George Stephanopoulos."
The ClimateGate scandal, as it is being called, has the hallmarks of a major news story: private emails purporting to show unethical or illegal behavior supplied by a hacker or whistleblower, high profile scientists like James Hansen and Michael Mann, and a potential conspiracy to distort science for political gain. But the networks haven’t bothered with the story.
Patrick J. Michaels, a climatologist and BMI adviser, said Nov. 20 of the leaked e-mails and documents: "This isn't a smoking gun, it's a mushroom cloud."
Labels: Global Warming, Liberal Media Bias
Seeing No Evil On Climate-Gate
The shameless denial with which major newspapers and networks have treated "Climategate" layers even more scandal on top of the original one: Mainstream media now co-conspirators with scientific hacks and big government.Read the full editorial at the link below: - Seeing No Evil On Climate-Gate
Labels: Global Warming, Liberal Media Bias
Monday, November 30, 2009
'Global Warming Consensus: Garbage in, Garbage out'
From his latest column:
For those of us who have long suspected that constructing scientific models of climate and weather is an enormously complex undertaking quite possibly beyond the capacity of current computer technology, the CRU e-mails are not so surprising.Read the full column, "Global Warming Consensus: Garbage in, Garbage out," here.
Do we really suppose that anyone can construct a database of weather observations for the entire planet and its atmosphere adequate to make confident predictions of weather and climate 60 years from now? Predictions in which we have enough confidence to impose enormous costs on the American and world economies?
Copenhagen, despite Barack Obama's presence, seems sure to be a bust -- there will be no agreement on mandatory limits on carbon emissions. Even if there were, it would probably turn out to be no more effective than the limits others agreed to in Kyoto in 1997. In any case, China and India are not going to choke off their dazzling economic growth to please Western global warming alarmists.
The more interesting question going forward is whether European and American governmental, academic and corporate elites, having embraced global warming alarmism with religious fervor, will be shaken by the scandalous CRU e-mails. They should be.
Labels: Global Warming
Monday, November 23, 2009
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Newspaper: Whatever happened to global warming?
From a new editorial in Investor's Business Daily:
Al Gore wasn't there to throw out the first snowball, er, baseball, so he might not have noticed that Saturday's playoff game between the Colorado Rockies and the Philadelphia Phillies was snowed out — in early October. The field should have been snow-free just as the North Pole was to be ice-free this year.So why are Barack Obama and Nancy Pelosi pushing for a cap-and-trade bill that will impose higher energy taxes on American families? You might want to ask your representatives in Congress that very same question.
It seems that ice at both poles hasn't been paying attention to the computer models. The National Snow and Ice Data Center released its summary of summer sea-ice conditions in the Arctic last week and reported a substantial expansion of "second-year ice" — ice thick enough to have persisted through two summers of seasonal melting.
According to the NSIDC, second-year ice this summer made up 32% of the total ice cover on the Arctic Ocean, compared with 21% in 2007 and 9% in 2008. Clearly, Arctic sea ice is not following the consensus touted by Gore and the warm-mongers.
This news coincides with a finding published in the journal Geophysical Research Letters last month by Marco Tedesco, a research scientist at the Joint Center for Earth Systems Technology. He reported that ice melt on Antarctica was the lowest in three decades during the ice-melt season.
Each year, millions of square miles of sea ice melt and refreeze. The amount varies from season to season. Despite pictures taken in summer of floating polar bears, data reported by the University of Illinois' Arctic Climate Research Center at the beginning of this year showed global sea ice levels the same as they were in 1979, when satellite observations began.
Read the full editorial at the newspaper's Web site.
Labels: Al Gore, Congress, Democrats, Global Warming, Taxes
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Help stop the Obama energy tax
The Obama energy tax passed the House by a 219-212 margin, but it can be stopped in the Senate. If you don't want to pay nearly $2 trillion in new taxes on electricity and other forms of energy to give more money to Al Gore and his global warming cabal, contact your U.S. senator and tell him to vote NO on "cap and trade."
Labels: Barack Obama, Broken Promises, Congress, Democrats, Global Warming, Taxes
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Toomey applauds Democrats for opposing energy tax

The climate change tax bill passed the House by a 219-212 margin, with 44 Democrats voting against it.
Toomey commended Democratic Reps. Jason Altmire (PA-04); Chris Carney (PA-10); Tim Holden (PA-17); and Kathy Dahlkemper (PA-03) for "joining the bipartisan opposition to the cap-and-trade bill that promises to raise taxes and destroy American jobs."
More from a Toomey press release:
"Along with 40 other Democrats, these Pennsylvania Democrats had the courage to stand up to one-party rule in Washington," Toomey said. "They understand that protecting the environment is an important goal, but they are not willing to sacrifice American prosperity and hardworking taxpayers in the process. It is a shame Rep. Joe Sestak (PA-07) couldn't muster up the same courage. Instead, he voted to support Nancy Pelosi's extreme agenda. The question is, will Senator Specter choose the same path?"For more on Toomey's bid for a U.S. Senate seat from Pennsylvania, visit his campaign Web site,
"Only a couple of weeks ago, Senator Specter argued in support of maintaining balance in Washington in order to protect the country from extremism," said Toomey Communications Director Nachama Soloveichik. "He told The Hill newspaper that 'The United States desperately needs a two-party system.' But now that he has joined the Democratic Party, he seems intent on marching in lockstep with his new party in order to avoid a Democratic primary, even if it means throwing hardworking Americans under the bus. Senator Specter has the chance to prove he is serious about bringing balance to Washington — will he have the courage to do it?"
Labels: Congress, Democrats, Energy, Global Warming, Nancy Pelosi, Pat Toomey, Pennsylvania Politics, Taxes
Saturday, June 27, 2009
8 Republicans vote with Democrats to raise taxes

Democrats control the House of Representatives by a 255-178 majority, but Nancy Pelosi could barely muster enough votes to pass the $1.9 trillion cap and trade energy tax.
In fact, the Democrats didn't have enough votes until 8 Republicans crossed over to support the largest tax increase in U.S. history.
Michelle Malkin has the names and photos of the 8 turncoat Republicans who sold out the U.S. taxpayer to appease the global warming fanatics.
Electricity rates (and all energy costs) will skyrocket for American families and businesses if the cap and trade bill passes the Senate. Barack Obama has already vowed to sign the tax increase into law.
Read Malkin's full post, "The 8 cap-and-tax Republicans…and the 44 Democrats who voted no" at her blog.
And be sure to remember their names when they're up for re-election in 2010.
Labels: Barack Obama, Congress, Democrats, Global Warming, Taxes
Friday, June 26, 2009
Global Warming Fraud Reaches New Level
From an editorialin The Pittsburgh Tribune-Review exposing the global warming fraud:
Climate change Chicken Littles squawked last week and too many supposedly objective media outlets compliantly engaged in global warming stenography.
"The observed climate changes that we report are not opinions to be debated," said Jerry Melillo, one of the chief authors of a White House-released study predicting global warming Armageddon. "They are facts to be dealt with."
Selective facts presented dishonestly and dealt with hysterically, we would add.
Geophysicist David Deming offers some badly needed perspective:
• There has been no sea level rise for the past three years
• Hurricane, typhoon and tropical cyclone activity is at a 30-year low
• Satellite data don't indicate global warming but temperatures about the same or even lower than they were in 1979
• Mean global sea ice is at the same levels as it was when monitoring began that same year.
And then there's this from Dr. Deming:
"The new scare report issued by the Obama administration refers to the work of Stephen H. Schneider six times. You will recall that Schneider is infamous for telling Discover magazine (October 1989) that 'we have to offer up scary scenarios, make simplified, dramatic statements, and make little mention of any doubts we might have ... each of us has to decide what the right balance is between being effective and being honest.'"
Global warming is the greatest fraud ever committed by men against mankind. Who will hold these fraudsters accountable?
Labels: Democrats, Energy, Global Warming, Taxes
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Call Your Congressman to Oppose National Energy Tax

"The Old Book contains an admonition to lawmakers with these words: ‘Woe to you because you load people down with burdens they can hardly carry and you yourselves will not lift a finger to help them.' In the midst of the worst economy in a generation, remarkably House Democrats are poised this week to load the American people down with a national energy tax. And the American people deserve to know it.
"Now, there's lots of debate about what this bill will cost the average American but there is no dispute the Democrat cap and trade bill will raise the cost of energy to every household in America, every small business, every family farm, and it will cost millions of American jobs. And the vote is tomorrow.
"If you oppose the national energy tax, I say call your congressman. If you think the Democrat cap and trade bill will cap growth and trade jobs, call your congressman. If you believe the American people deserve an all-of-the-above energy strategy that will create jobs, achieve energy independence and a cleaner environment then endorse the Republican alternative, call your congressman.
"A minority in Congress plus the American people equals a majority. We can reject cap and trade this week and so we must."
Labels: Congress, Democrats, Energy, Global Warming, Taxes
Libertarian Party urges 'No' vote on $1.9 trillion energy tax

"With unemployment rising above and beyond what President Obama said it would be with the multi-hundred billion dollar stimulus bill, now is not the time to dismantle our economy with a multi-hundred billion dollar energy tax hike," said William Redpath of the Libertarian Party.
"Libertarians urge House members to defeat this job-killing tax hike on Americans," said Redpath. "Libertarian candidates are out there every day proposing proven solutions to create the jobs we need and restore our prosperity. This $1.9 trillion tax hike would destroy millions of jobs and impose dramatically higher prices for everything."
More from a Libertarian Party release:
At nearly 1,000 pages, H.R. 2454, sponsored by Democrat Reps. Henry Waxman and Edward Markey, imposes new taxes on any economic activity that produces carbon dioxide. Pelosi hopes to rush the bill to a vote, despite no net temperature increase globally over the last decade, significant research showing man-made carbon dioxide isn't changing the climate and opposition from thousands of scientists.
The economic impact would be harsh. According to research from the independent, non-partisan Heritage Foundation, the bill would have devastating impacts on the average American family.
The research found that by 2035, gasoline prices would increase 58 percent, natural gas prices would increase 55 percent, prices for home heating oil would increase 56 percent, and worst of all, electricity prices would jump 90 percent.
While the average American would pay the tax once in the form of higher energy prices, they also pay it again in higher costs for goods that must be manufactured and services that must be provided using energy.
The average family of four could see $2,979 in higher prices per year, paying $4,609 more in 2035 alone. The total costs to the average family in higher prices, from 2012 to 2035, reach $71,493.
The bill would also destroy millions of jobs, even taking into account Obama administration promises of new “green” jobs. The research finds an average annual job loss of 1,145,000 jobs per year because of Waxman-Markey. In the worst years, 2,479,000 Americans will lose their jobs annually under Waxman-Markey.
Labels: Barack Obama, Congress, Energy, Global Warming, Nancy Pelosi, Taxes
Pitts: Cap and trade will hurt Pennsylvania

Pitts is warning that Nancy Pelosi and Democrats are rushing the Waxman-Markey energy tax bill through the House before taxpayers can figure out how much it's going to cost them.
From a statement issued by Pitts:
"Every American should be gravely concerned about this legislation. Protecting the environment is extremely important, but we should do so wisely and carefully. This is reckless and extreme legislation that will hurt people who are already suffering and do significant damage to the American economy. It will drive manufacturing jobs out of the country to places like China. It will hurt American competitiveness in the world economy. Pennsylvania will be among the hardest hit states.Pitts is a member of the House Energy and Commerce Committee, which has primary jurisdiction over the legislation. He is also a member of the committee's Energy and Environment Subcommittee.
"The economics of this are simple: affordable energy is critical to prosperity. This legislation will make energy much more expensive. That translates to a less prosperous America with higher poverty rates, higher taxes, and a much bigger national debt. The right way to protect the environment is to make clean energy cheaper by encouraging proven sources of clean energy like wind, solar, and nuclear along with the development of cutting-edge technologies like plug-in hybrid cars and hydrogen fuel cells.
"I will be offering amendments to this bill in an attempt to limit its damage to the economy. However, I expect Democratic leaders to block votes on those amendments."
Labels: Congress, Democrats, Energy, Global Warming, Nancy Pelosi, Taxes
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Global warming charade unravels
Global warming alarmists are fond of invoking the authority of experts against the skepticism of supposedly amateur detractors -- a.k.a. "deniers." So when one of those experts says that a recent report on the effects of climate change is "worse than fiction, it is a lie," the alarmists should, well, be alarmed.Read the full editorial, "Worse than fiction," at the newspaper's Web site.
The latest contretemps pits former U.N. Secretary General Kofi Annan, now president of the Geneva-based Global Humanitarian Forum, against Roger Pielke, Jr., an expert in disaster trends at the University of Colorado. Mr. Annan's outfit issued a lengthy report late last month warning that climate change-induced disasters, such as droughts and floods, kill 315,000 each year and cost $125 billion, numbers it says will rise to 500,000 dead and $340 billion by 2030. Adding to the gloom, Mr. Annan predicts "mass starvation, mass migration, and mass sickness" unless countries agree to "the most ambitious international agreement ever negotiated" at a meeting this year in Copenhagen.
Even on its own terms, the numbers here are a lot less scary when put into context. Malaria kills an estimated one million people a year, while AIDS claims an estimated two million. As for the economic costs, $125 billion is slightly less than the GDP of New Zealand. Question: Are targeted campaigns using proven methods to spare the world three million AIDS and malaria deaths a year a better use of scarce resources than a multitrillion-dollar attempt to re-engineer the global economy and save, at most, a tenth that number? We'd say yes.
Originally posted at TONY PHYRILLAS
Labels: Global Warming, Liberal Media Bias
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Al Gore stands to make millions from global warming

The information comes from an investigative report by the Reuters news agency.
From the Reuters report by David Lawsky:
An environmental start-up backed by Al Gore's venture capital firm aims to take advantage of coming U.S. climate change legislation by helping companies like Coca Cola and even cities cut pollution.Read "Reuters Exposes Gore's Global Warming Profit Motive" at NewsBusters.
Hara, a 25-employee company that debuted in 2008, provides online software to help companies reduce their carbon footprint -- a $2.5 billion market that will grow 10-fold if the proposed energy bill, which will require companies to get permits for emissions, becomes law, Chief Executive Amit Chatterjee said.
At the heart of the legislation is a "cap-and-trade" system that will gradually reduce the amount of greenhouse gases emitted by industry, by requiring them to have permits to spew their emissions.
Read the Reuters report, "Gore-backed Hara sees profit from low-carbon economy," at Reuters' Web site.
Also check out the CFP blog, where Steve Milloy has this to say about the sordid affair: "Operating as a stealth tax, cap-and-trade will make the vast majority of Americans poorer and less free — but Al Gore, Kleiner Perkins, Amit Chatterjee and Hara will be laughing all the way to the bank."
Labels: Al Gore, Barack Obama, Democrats, Global Warming, Taxes
Friday, May 29, 2009
The Climate Change Lobby

From the Web site:
As Congress focused last week on landmark legislation to reduce global warming, the timing of this release — which includes a list of the top 10 firms representing climate change interests — couldn't have been better. It's a great reminder of how essential our in-depth investigations have become, keeping the public clued in to issues that other news organizations increasingly can't cover."In other words, it's all about money. Lobbyists, special interest groups, corporations and politicians stand to make billions by diverting your tax dollars to solve a non-existent problem.
The Center for Public Integrity is a nonprofit organization dedicated to producing original, responsible investigative journalism on issues of public concern. The Center is non-partisan and non-advocacy, according to its Web site.
Check out The Climate Change Lobby here.
Labels: Congress, Corruption, Global Warming
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Save the planet or line their pockets?
"The public is told that climate change legislation is urgently needed to save the planet. But the evidence that the global warming scare is all about power and politics, not the environment, keeps piling up," notes Investor's Business Daily.
From an IBD editorial:
The legislation might not get such a cushy ride on the House floor. Rep. Collin Peterson, a Minnesota Democrat who chairs the House Agriculture Committee, is threatening to derail it and says he has the support of 40 to 50 other Democrats.Read the full editorial, "Where's The Crisis?" at the newspaper's Web site.
Peterson is not opposing Waxman-Markey because he's a skeptic of global warming. Nothing so noble as that. His opposition is purely political. He wants parliamentary power over the bill. Should he fail to get it, he's willing to sink the legislation.
Which brings up the question: If global warming were a grave threat, wouldn't getting a CO2 emissions restriction law passed and signed take precedence over lawmakers' objections on behalf of their constituents?
The fact that Peterson and so many Democrats would rather have no bill than to let it become law without input from the Agriculture Committee exposes the global warming scare: It's not about the environment — it's about power and politics.
Labels: Al Gore, Congress, Global Warming
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Global warming taxes on the horizon
In "Bogus climate bill," the newspaper argues:
If the Waxman-Markey global warming bill becomes law, it will have a devastating impact on people but virtually no impact on the planet.In "The Coming Frost," the newspaper says:
It's a massive energy tax in disguise that promises job losses, income cuts and a sharp left turn toward bigger government...
Carbon dioxide is odorless. But the Obama administration's prioritization of politics and eco-wacko dogma above all else regarding this so-called "greenhouse gas" stinks.
The administration is on a chilling path -- as in a chilling effect on dissent now and chilly winters to come when Americans will see their own carbon dioxide emissions as every breath they exhale frosts the air in homes they can't afford to heat.
Labels: Barack Obama, Global Warming, Taxes
Monday, May 4, 2009
Top scientist debunks global warming
The belief that global warming is caused by man and poses a significant problem is just that -- a belief that cannot withstand rigorous application of the scientific method.Read the full editorial at the newspaper's Web site.
That's the conclusion reached by Leonard Weinstein, holder of an engineering doctorate and 11 patents. He has been a senior research fellow at the National Institute of Aerospace since June 2007, when he wrapped up a 35-year career at the NASA Langley Research Center as a senior research scientist.
Mr. Weinstein compares the "theory" that blames mankind for global warming and its predictions of dire consequences against evidence including temperature data derived from ice and ocean sediment cores, which go back several thousand years.
Labels: Al Gore, Global Warming, Liberal Media Bias
Monday, March 16, 2009
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
More from the global warming hoax front
From an editorial in Investor's Business Daily that questions why the AP is ignoring the facts to push the Al Gore-inspired hysteria about climate change:
The temperature at Denver International Airport dropped to 18 below zero on Sunday, breaking the previous record of 14 below set in 1901. White Sulphur Springs, Mont., reported 29 below to the National Weather Service, breaking the record of 17 below set in 1922. Meanwhile, ice storms ravage the Northeast and the upper Midwest.Read the full editorial at the newspaper's Web site.
This is not a local phenomenon. Hong Kong had the second-longest cold spell since 1885. Cold in northern Vietnam destroyed 40% of the rice crop and killed 33,000 head of livestock. The British Parliament debated climate change as London experienced the first October snow since 1934.
Presumably this has all been reported by the Associated Press. But according to a weekend AP report, this is all an illusion and "2008 is on a pace to be a slightly cooler year in a steadily rising temperature trend line." Rather than being "evidence of some kind of cooling trend, it actually illustrates how fast the world is warming." Oh.
The report, which includes no comments from any skeptic, says global warming "is a ticking time-bomb that President-elect Obama can't avoid." It warns "warming is accelerating. Time is running out, and Obama knows it." Especially if he relies on AP wire reports.
Problem is, nature didn't get the memo. Geophysicist David Deming found that for the first time since the 18th century, in the days before SUVs, Alaskan glaciers grew this year instead of retreating. Fairbanks had its fourth coldest October in 104 years of records.
U.S. Geological Survey glaciologist Bruce Molnia reported: "On the Juneau Icefield, there was still 20 feet of new snow on the surface of the Taku Glacier in late July." It was the worst summer he'd seen in two decades.
Labels: Global Warming, Liberal Media Bias
Friday, September 26, 2008
Don't tell Al Gore, but the Earth is cooling
On the same day Gore was spewing more hot air about his junk science of global warming, real scientists at NASA released information that says the Earth is entering a period of global cooling.
From the editorial:
On the same day Gore spoke, scientists involved in NASA's Ulysses project reported that the intensity of the sun's solar wind was at its lowest point since the beginning of the space age — one more indication that the sun, the biggest source of energy affecting the Earth, is getting quiet.Read the full editorial, "The Day The Earth Cooled," at the newspaper's Web site.
The weaker solar wind appears to be due to changes in the sun's magnetic field, but the cause is unknown. Sunspots, which normally fluctuate in 11-year cycles, are at a virtual standstill. In August, the sun created no visible spots. The last time that happened: June 1913.
The results of the Ulysses spacecraft's mission, according to Jet Propulsion Laboratory project scientist Ed Smith, show that "we are in a period of minimal activity that has stretched on longer than anyone anticipated."
The consequences for Earth are enormous. The lack of increased activity could signal the start of what is known as a Maunder Minimum, an event that occurs every couple of centuries and can last as long as a century. It leads to extended periods of severe cooling such as what happened during the Little Ice Age.
Labels: Global Warming
Monday, June 2, 2008
'Carbon Belch Day' set for June 12
Americans are being asked on a Web site to calculate how much belching they do so the group can release 100 million pounds of CO2 gas into the atmosphere. This is how far into looney land the climate change fanatics have led our politicians.
Learn more about "Carbon Belch Day" at the link below.
As Senate Begins Vote on Carbon Tax Citizens Send Up 100 Million-Pound 'Belch'
Labels: Global Warming
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
You and I will end up paying for global warming hysteria
If you're in the majority of Americans who have not seen Al Gore's climate change fantasy, "An Inconvenient Truth," consider yourself lucky.
Unfortunately, the global warming propaganda has reached many members of the Senate, which is considering legislation that will directly impact the pocketbook of Pennsylvania families already struggling to pay for basic needs like food and gasoline.
Higher taxes, lost jobs and skyrocketing utility costs await you if the global warming fanatics get their way.
Check out this post, "How Pennsylvania Will Be Affected by the Lieberman-Warner Global Climate Change Legislation," at The Heritage Foundation Web site, to see how much more you will end up paying if the Senate continues to fall for the Al Gore-inspired climate change nonsense.
From The Heritage Foundation:
The Lieberman–Warner legislation promises extraordinary perils for the American economy, should it become law, all for very little change in global temperature … perhaps even smaller than the .07 of a degree Celsius drop in temperature that many scientists expected from worldwide compliance with the Kyoto climate change accords. S. 2191 imposes strict upper limits on the emission of six greenhouse gases (GHG) with the primary emphasis on carbon dioxide (CO2). The mechanism for capping these emissions requires emitters to acquire federally created permits (called allowances) for each ton emitted.Also check out the "Cold Facts on Global Warming" feature at The Heritage Foundation Web site.
Contact Sen. Arlen Specter and Sen. Bob Casey and urge them to vote against the Lieberman–Warner bill.
Labels: Global Warming