Monday, October 29, 2007

YouTube Mondays: Halloween's Scrooge

Well, Halloween rolls around this week, which means we're all pretending to be someone or something else for a day or 2, watching nerve-frying gorefest movies in the dark, and fattening up on mountains of candy. But this guy has the best Halloween idea of all. Enjoy.

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Anonymous Diannah said...

I love that clip. On the surface it seems like the guy is just mean and an #%@#hole, but maybe, just maybe this guy has a social conscience and does not want to further contribute to the epidemic that is childhood obesity.... Nah, he's probably just an %&$#hole.

October 31, 2007 11:44 AM 
Blogger Chris said...

Or maybe the poor guy just wanted some dang candy, but was too lazy to go out and dress up.

October 31, 2007 12:00 PM 

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