Tuesday, February 3, 2009

What was Sunday's Best Super Bowl Commercial?

Frankly, I thought the majority of this year's Super Bowl commercials were weak. WEAK! And considering our birds--The Eagles--failed to make it yet again, I'd say a weak line up of commercials was rather fitting for a weak Super Bowl. And I don't want to hear it from you Steelers fans about your little dynasty or how entertaining a game it was. A few years ago, one of you jaw-rocked my college roommate for starting an E-A-G-L-E-S chant (the amusing twist being that the Steelers fan was my OTHER college roommate).

But there were a few bright spots for the commercials, and this one had me bawling. Commercial of the year. Hey, Dummy.

And was it just me or was Bruce Springsteen out of his MIND? "I'm going to Disneyland!" he yelled. Seriously, Boss? Disneyland? That's in...California, right? But I know what he was trying to do. Kinda cool, actually. But still, the guy was nuts. And I was surprised to hear "Tenth Avenue Freezeout." Sweet stuff.

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Tuesday, March 25, 2008

An open letter to YouTube

Dear YouTube,

Hey, how you doing? Guess what? You're going to die.

I don't mean to threaten you or hurt your feelings. It's certainly not personal. We had many good times together. Remember that time when I spent all night watching old music videos and Saturday Night Live clips that I thought were long forgotten grains of sand in the degrading temples of time? Or remember those nights when I had to work late and miss The OC on TV, so I scrambled online to you so I could watch the episodes in pieces without commercials at 3 in the morning? And let's not forget all the times I spent hours at work watching commercials for Apple Computers and Geico.

But your time has come. Have you seen this Hulu site? It's here to destroy you, and I have no doubt it can. Again, it's nothing personal. It's just, you're like the Windows PC, and Hulu is going to break through like Apple. I can see the commercials now....

"Hi, I'm Hulu"
"And I'm YouTube. I hate you Lulu."

A lot of your content gets taken off because it's not supposed to be there. So when I go to show my friends clips, and the clip is mysteriously gone, I look like a fool. I'm tired of looking like a fool YouTube, so I'm switching to Hulu when it comes to watching movies and shows online. Because, like, they got licenses for their stuff. And they got a LOT. They got clips AND full length.

I really am sorry YouTube. You've been a good friend. I'm going to go watch Weekend At Bernie's in high streaming online via Hula right now. And I can sit back comfortably knowing I'm allowed to be watching in online.

And yea, we can embed Hulu videos on our blogs and Myspace's too, so, you lose that battle to. Check it out!

Thanks for all the memories. I can't wait to see you in about 10 years on VH1's "I heart the 00's." I know we'll all look back fondly on your memory.

Take care of yourself. I know Hulu will take care of the rest of us.

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Monday, March 24, 2008

Closer look at the YouTube Awards 2008

Since it's YouTube Monday here at The (back on schedule) Scene & Heard HQ, it'd be crazy dumb silly to ignore the fact that Chocolate Rain won a YouTube award last week. It'd also be self-defamation of blog character (not to mention, lame) to post a video we've all already seen. So instead, let's sit back and relax to the many wonderfully whack offshoots inspired by Mr. Zonday's froggy baritone. (But what I really want to know is, are The YouTubies becoming more popular than The Academy Awards?)

Chocolate Rain by Tre Cool (of Green Day)

Chocolate Rain (Best Week Ever remix) - by John Mayer

Chocolate Rain - by worst American Idol auditioner ever

Chocolate Rain - by Chad Vader

Cherry Chocolate Rain - By Tay Zonday

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Monday, February 4, 2008

Meet These Spartans

If people can watch American Idol for the William Hung's and other tone-deaf monstrosities, then it's time we show you the boneheads who didn't make the cut on the new American Gladiators.

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Monday, January 28, 2008

It's A Trap!!

You wouldn't be safe spending a day here in Scene & Heard HQ where most conversations are laced with indistinguishable lines cribbed from Samuel L. Jackson or the Stars Wars episode of Robot Chicken, and Lord knows what else. Lately, we're a little tripped up on Admiral Ackbar. It's a trap!

and of course, here is the source of our compulsion.

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Monday, January 14, 2008

Double Trouble!

This week, we can't help but NOT underscore the latest blunder in entertainment news--Miley Cyrus/Hannah Montana. It's no wonder she suffers from multiple personality disorder on stage--She's not the only one on stage acting as her Disney personality and self! She got body doubles! This makes lip-syncing primadonas (ala Ashlee Simpson, Milli Vanilli, 50 Cent, Britney Spears) look like credible artists. But I can't blame her. If my dad wrote that "Don't tell my heart, my achy breaky heart" chorus, I'd feel a lot of pressure on my shoulders to hold up on stage too.

Parents, this is what you get when you shell out hundreds of bucks to take your kids to concerts like this. They use your money to buy look-alikes. Take your kids to some real music shows! Ones that are cheaper and pack way more punch for your buck.

And as an added bonus: Lip-syncing done the way it SHOULD be!

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Monday, January 7, 2008

YouTube Mondays: The Musical

I think this video sums up the entire YouTube culture, and exploits the utter sillyness of how a whole mass of net-users feel their online soapboxing and message board comments make them feel important. Ladies and gentlemen, I give you YOUTUBE: THE MUSICAL!

Of course, anyone who feels like commenting on this blog has every right to feel important :)

Brendan Benson - Lapalco
SEE: Zodiac (directors cut, available Tuesday)
SAY: I gotta stop being a bum on the weekends. Seriously.

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Sunday, December 2, 2007

YouTube Mondays: Cloverfield Monster Revealed!

Don't know if you have been following this Cloverfield movie or not--the new J.J. Abrams project (the mind behind Alias, Lost, and Armageddon).

But if you have, you know it's a movie about a monster that comes to NYC to shred it to pieces. And you know that no one has any clue what the monster in the movie looks like. Godzilla? Alien? King Kong? Mothra? Ursula from The Little Mermaid? We don't know!

But wait no longer! This newly released trailor shows the face of Abram's cold-blooded savage beast. I never saw this one coming..

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Monday, November 5, 2007

YouTube Mondays: "Bear" With Us

The Mercury's Boyertown Bear Hunt kicked off in the paper today, so in honor of the contest, I thought I'd take us back with the YouTube video today. The problem with being a lady magnet as a little tike back in my day is that you were forced to watch this show so much you could recite the whole theme song in your sleep. And it totally cut in on your Nintendo time, but hey, no one said being a ladies man before starting grade school is easy.

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Monday, October 29, 2007

YouTube Mondays: Halloween's Scrooge

Well, Halloween rolls around this week, which means we're all pretending to be someone or something else for a day or 2, watching nerve-frying gorefest movies in the dark, and fattening up on mountains of candy. But this guy has the best Halloween idea of all. Enjoy.

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Monday, October 22, 2007

YouTube Mondays

I was bored on Saturday and dug Fight Club out of the vaults to watch it for the first time in a while. I almost forgot how much that movie rocks my bones. So without further adieu, I give you DANCE Club.

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