Gardening on the web

Hey, I found a great website for gardening information and just wanted to share it with you.
If you're an avid gardener or just like to enjoy a few flowers in season, check out iVillage's Garden Web:
Signing up for membership involves the usual name, address, email, birth date and password. But once you do, it'll open up a whole world of gardening info for you. And I do mean a whole world. You can chat with gardeners all over the globe as well as locally. There's also an email newsletter, promotions, coupons and special offers that you can have emailed to you.
So check it out, and remember, it's time to start getting out all your favorite tools from year's past and inspecting them to see if they need replacement. To steal from HGTV's 25 Greatest Landscaping Mistakes ( -- having the proper tools is so important when working your landscape. It cuts time, effort and benefits your plants as well.
For now, here's a shot of my Dutch Irises from last year, they're already off to a great start this season.
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