The Greenhouse

This year, though, I finally found an affordable way to have a little greenhouse all my own. I was perusing the isles at Lowe's about a month ago when I came upon a reasonable 5-ft. plastic greenhouse that was only $35! I had to have it.
So this past weekend, after another trip to Lowe's, I decided I'd better get the greenhouse out and put it to use. I had just bought some new perennials and figured it would be a good place to keep them until I was ready to plant. (No more trips to and from the garage, bringing out fragile annuals during the day and taking them back in at night because it was going to get too cold.)
I also finally got around to starting some seeds (yes, I know I'm very late) and this little greenhouse is just perfect for that task. 

The greenhouse is made by Garden Treasures and it was a breeze to put together -- no tools needed. It's covered with a fitted plastic sleeve that zippers in the front, so you can open it up on hot days. As you can see my little helpers, Lexie and Bailey were quite interested in the new addition to the patio, giving it a good sniff-over.
So if you're interested in a little greenhouse gardening, check it out online. Just Google "greenhouse kits" and you'll get a huge array of choices. Or you can go to your local garden center and see if they have something that's right for you.
I'll get more into the seed-starting tomorrow -- and don't forget, after all yesterday's rain, tonight is the perfect time to pull those weeds!
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