Thursday, December 18, 2008
Merry Christmas Poinsettia Sale!
I just received an email from Glick's Greenhouse in Oley, thanking patrons for making their annual Poinsettia Show (Dec. 5-8) a huge success!As a thank you to friends and community, they are currently having a sale. Here's their message:
"Merry Christmas from Glick’s Greenhouse!
It was wonderful to see so many of you at our Poinsettia Show in the beginning of December! We have been blessed with another successful poinsettia season, and we are so grateful to each of you for helping to make it that way.
Another blessing this year is an abundance of plants! Poinsettia cuttings arrive at our greenhouses in June and require specific water, light, heat, and pruning to grow into beautiful plants by December. We are thankful for how well our plants have grown this year, as well as for the opportunity to give a Christmas gift to all of you:
Glick’s Greenhouse
Customer Appreciation Sale
December 18-24

Buy One 6.5” Poinsettia
Get One FREE
($8.95 value)
Buy One 5” Poinsettia
Get One FREE
($3.95 value)
AND the first 100 customers through our registers
will receive a free mini-well poinsettia!
Hope to see you soon!
We still have many varieties (red, white, pink, and more) of our highest quality poinsettias, as well as other Christmas plant and craft items available. The sale begins now and lasts until noon on Christmas Eve when we close for the season. We will re-open to the public in March."
Hours now through 12:00 noon on 12/24:
Closed Sunday
Glick’s Greenhouse
57 Fisher Mill Road
Oley, PA 19547
610-689-9856So stop on by and stock up on some beautiful holiday poinsettias to make your home festive this season!
Labels: Glicks Greenhouse, Poinsettia Show, poinsettias
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Poinsettia Tips
Here's six easy tips from the National Home Gardening Club on how to keep your poinsettias perfect this holiday season.When you buy your poinsettia, make sure it is wrapped properly. Exposure to low temperatures even for a few minutes can damage the bracts and leaves.
Place in indirect light. Six hours of light daily is ideal.
Keep it away from warm or cold drafts from radiators, registers, doors, and windows.
Poinsettias prefer daytime temperatures of 60°F to 70°F and night temperatures around 55°F. High temperatures will shorten the plant's life.
Check the soil daily. Water when soil is dry to the touch. Punch holes in the foil so water can drain into a saucer.
Fertilize the poinsettia after it finishes blooming (once the colorful bracts begin to fade) if you keep it past the holiday season. Apply a houseplant fertilizer once a month.Once the lights of the holidays fade, try your hand at re-blooming your poinsettia for next season. Labels: poinsettias
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Glick's Greenhouse Poinsettia Show
This weekend Glick's Greenhouse in Oley celebrates the season with their annual Poinsettia Show! And it's a celebration not to be missed!
I've been going for the last five years at least, and it's become a holiday ritual for my family. Just a nice way to spend a Saturday afternoon and get into the spirit of Christmas! And I've honestly never seen more poinsettias in so many color combinations in my life...
This year's theme is Route 66. This historic highway once acted as a mirror of our nation’s times, both the good and the bad. Crossing 8 states, 3 time zones, and more than 2400 miles, it was the first continuously paved highway in the United States. Though it gained the designation as an official U.S. highway in 1926, this status only remained until 1985. "America’s Main Street" had officially been replaced by four-lane highways.
As one of the characters in the Disney movie Cars said, "Back then, people didn’t drive to make good time…they drove to have a good time." This Christmas the family at Glick's hope you’ll join them for a journey. It’s a journey through small-town America, through United States' history, and through life. We know you’ll have a good time on this trip and look forward to seeing you along the way!
So get your kicks on Route 66 ... at Glicks! 
Glick's Greenhouse Poinsettia Show runs from Friday thru Monday (closed Sunday). Hours are 9 a.m.-9 p.m. Friday and Monday and 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Saturday.
There will also be plenty of music on hand.
Music Schedule
Friday Dec. 5th
10:00-11:30 Keri Houp (Piano)
11:30-12:30 Leonard Stoltzfus (Accordion)
1:00-2:30 Berks Christian School Choir
2:30-4:00 Cammi Glick (Piano)
5:00-6:30 Damien Drago (Guitar/Vocal)
7:00-8:30 Camerata String Quartet
Saturday Dec. 6th
10:00-12:00 Hiram Ring (Guitar/Vocal)
12:00-1:00 Inglin Family (Instrumental/Vocal)
1:00-2:00 Andrew Uchida (Guitar/Vocal)
2:00-4:00 West Chester Octet (Vocal)
4:00-5:00 Boyertown String Quartet
Monday Dec. 8th
10:00-11:00 Angela Ludwig (Piano)
11:00-12:30 Keri Houp (Piano)
12:30-1:30 Angela Ludwig (Piano)
1:30-2:30 Keri Houp (Piano)
4:00-5:00 Leonard Stoltzfus (Accordion)
5:00-6:30 Dave Reichard (Guitar/Vocal)
7:00-8:30 Ringalier Hand Bell Choir
Glicks's Greenhouse is located at 57 Fisher Mill Road, Oley. For more information visit or call 610-689-9856. Glick's will be closed today to prepare for the show!
Merry Christmas!Labels: Christmas, Glick's Greenhouses, Poinsettia Show
Pottstown Garden Club Holiday Tour
The Pottstown Area Garden Club will host its annual Holiday House Tour from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Saturday, offering entry into seven carefully selected tour sites. The business on this year’s tour is Alabaster Arts and Tea, a newly opened tea room housed in a mid-1800s Victorian home built by Henry Potts. A buffet luncheon will be available for purchase there. Luncheon items will also be offered from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. at historic New Hanover Lutheran Church, home to a congregation founded in 1700. The current structure dates to 1768. Pottstown area homes included on this year’s tour include a 69-year-old farmhouse with a small indoor fishpond, an 1834 Victorian farmhouse, and the former 1880 Knause School, a one-room schoolhouse now converted to modern living. The tour will also take visitors to two Boyertown area locations, a downtown home filled with antiques, period fixtures and unique artwork, and a restored 1859 farmhouse. Tickets for the garden club tour are $12. Partial proceeds benefit the club’s scholarship fund.Labels: Holiday House Tour, Pottstown Garden Club