Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Eddie Idol's Wrap-Up
Note from Kim: This is from last week's results show, sorry for posting so late ... Sorry….another very late post today….. but here’s a QUICK recap of Tuesday Night’s Top 10 from ‘Motown Night’…..
Michael Sarver –-May be going home tonight….definitely BOTTOM 3….not a great performance, but not as bad as judges said!
Danny Gokey –I’m still SICK from watching him last night! My son Jon said it best….he’s every family’s fat boy cousin at the dinner table!! Unfortunately, he’ll get through tonight.
Kris Allen – Not the greatest performance or song choice, thought it was more James Taylor than Motown, but he’s SAFE!
Allison Iraheta –She continues to turn in solid performances! She’s SAFE!
Adam Lambert – WOW!! Another Awesome performance!!! And he looked like a young Elvis! This kid has it all going on! Flies through easily!
Lil Rounds – Not a strong performance, disappointing for the 2 nd straight week! But she’s SAFE!
Scott McIntyre –Another just OK performance…..have I said that before!? But….he’s safe, but may be BOTTOM 3 tonight!
Megan Corkrey – Not her best at all! She looked great, but she was all over the place with her song! BOTTOM 3 and may go home tonight, but I hope not!
Matt Giraud— Another fantastic performance…..he’s SAFE!
Anoop Desai – It wasn’t all that great, another tender moment song, but nothing like the previous week. May be in BOTTOM 3, but think he’s SAFE!
NOTE: In RED are those who I originally had predicted for the TOP 12!
Bottom Line: Motown was a FUN show, but not as good as I had hoped, a little disappointing, thought it was going to be a bit better, and some contestants just didn’t pick good songs or have good arrangements!
So what does everyone else think of last night’s show? Who do you think should be booted off tonight? Did you like ‘Motown Night’? Let me know your thoughts!! OK….we’ll know more come tomorrow..…until then…it’s Eddie ‘Little Simon-NO DOKIE GOKEY’ Idol……OUT!! Labels: American Idol, Eddie Idol
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Eddie's American Idol Preview
Well, I’ll definitely miss little Alexis tonight, thought she definitely should still be in the competition and Michael Sarver sent home and not her, but….America voted stupid again and the Judges ruled, and she didn’t get the save! Bummer!! L
I’ll also try not to throw up my dinner tonight when Danny Gokey sings!! UGH!!! Hopefully I’ll be intoxicated to help ease the pain of watching him perform.
Should be a FUN night with Motown Songs and Smokey Robinson! I know friend Pete will enjoy and look forward to his comments, as he is the expert on Motown! Look for Lil Rounds to shine….and just what will Adam Lambert do next after the Johnny Cash shocker last week!? By the way….I played back last weeks show for my son Jon who’s visiting, and he said 3 most talented folks are…….with No surprise on #1!!......drum roll please…….
1. Adam Lambert
2. Meg Corkrey
3. Matt Giraud
Let’s see what happens tonight as the TOURING TOP 10 perform!! More to come tomorrow!!
Eddie ‘I HATE GOKEY’ Idol
Labels: American Idol, Eddie Idol
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
AI Tuesday Night
Sorry….very late post today….. but here’s a QUICKIE recap of Tuesday Night’s Top 11 from ‘Country and Western Night’, which I actually really enjoyed it and knew every song!! J My predictions for THE TOP 10 TOURING IDOLS FOR 2009…..
Alexis Grace—Could be ‘on the bubble’ tonight but I loved the performance of this cute mini Dolly Parton! TOP 10!
Michael Sarver –-May be going home tonight….not a good performance on a Garth song….Bottom 3 and maybe GOING HOME!
Danny Gokey –Can I just say how much I despise watching this kid, and what’s with another chick song!!?? UGH!!! I dislike this kid MORE than Anoop!!!! TOP 10….hate saying that, as I really thought he was horrible last night!! Carrie Underwood was probably throwing up as he performed her song…..or tried to….man do I wish he would GO HOME TONIGHT!!!!
Kris Allen – Great job on a Garth Brooks classic!! Tender Dog is through to the TOP 10!
Allison Iraheta – One of the BEST of the night!! Great rendition of a Patty Loveless classic!! TOP 10!!
Adam Lambert – WOW….ODD!! Took a Johnny Cash classic ‘Ring Of Fire’ and really shocked everybody, with a very odd middle eastern flavor and arrangement. Bottom 3 tonight….may have to be saved from elimination! Think he’ll get through though….let’s see…this will be interesting!
Lil Rounds – Not a strong performance. I’d put her in the bottom 3 or 4 tonight, but she’s through to the TOP 10!
Scott McIntyre –Another OK and safe performance, blah, blah, blah….but how much longer will he last!? TOP 10!!
Megan Corkrey – Incredible performance (she had the flu all week!) of a classic C+W song….and she looked great!! TOP 10!
Matt Giraud—Maybe the BEST performance of the night!!! This kid is DOPE!! TOP 10!!!
Anoop Desai – From ZERO to HERO!! I’ll give credit where credit is due, he took a Willie Nelson classic and put his own spin it, great job by Anoop, who stays in the house!! TOP 10!!
NOTE: In RED are those who I originally had predicted for the TOP 12!
Bottom Line: Don’t be surprised if the judges execute the ‘Judge’s Save’ Rule Tonight!! Just a GUT feeling!!
Inside the Numbers: TOP 10…..THESE ALL GO ON TOUR!! CONGRATS TO ALL!! Unless…..the Judges Save is instituted tonight….& we still have a TOP 11 until next week!!! Then two (2) get booted next week….would make it interesting for sure!!
Note from Kim: Eddie, I'm a huge Johnny Cash fan and I LOVE that song ... but I thought Adam made it his own ... I loved his rendition!Labels: American Idol, Eddie Idol
Thursday, March 12, 2009
AI boots first 2
So……AMERICA VOTED……and once again…..got it dead WRONG, at least on one of the two booted off on Wednesday night! No way Anoop is more talented or performed better Tuesday night than Jasmine! Not that Jasmine is talented enough to win this thing, but she’s definitely got more going for her than Anoop!! Oh well…I think we’ll see Jasmine back next year or the year after….she’s young and has room to grow, esp. vocally….and let’s hope Anoop gets the boot next week! Kim's Note: Eddie, nice of you to mention that Jorge was also sent home! I know, you were just so blinded by Anoop's talent!
Bottom Line: It didn't take long during Wednesday night's "American Idol" results show for Seacrest to reveal what the big new twist on the show was. He then called out the names and showed videos of Tamyra Gray, Michael Johns, Jennifer Hudson, and Chris Daughtry before announcing the "Judges' Save”.
So…here are the details on the new rule: Until the top 5, the judges can save ONE contestant from elimination just ONCE. It has to be unanimous among the 4 Judges, and once they use the save, they cannot use it again the entire season. The week they use the save, no one will be eliminated. But the next week, two will go. EARTH TO FOX…HELLO! But am I the only one who remembers that Chris Daughtry was eliminated in fourth place? So…if this new rule only applies until the top 5, it wouldn't have saved Daughtry! Same would be true for Tamyra Gray, who also finished fourth. Think someone at FOX would have researched that just a bit more!? Thanks Eddie for giving me the chance to post a schmexy Chris Daughtry photo!
Personally, I'd have rather seen the following scenario - take the bottom 2 vote getters (Seacrest not revealing who is lower) and let the judges decide each week who stays & who goes out of those 2 (up until the FINAL 4, not FAB 5). In the event of the judges having a 2-2 split decision, then the lowest vote getter would definitely leave each week!
Inside the Numbers: TOP 11 now…..who gets the boot next week??? Important week, because the TOP 10 left are the ones that go on tour!! PLEASE LET IT BE ANOOP KICKED OUT OF THE HOUSE!
So what does everyone else think of last night’s show? Who do you think should have been booted off tonight? What do you think of the ‘Judge’s Save’ new rule? Let me know your thoughts!! OK…until next Tuesday’s TOP 11…..have a great weekend and Happy St Paddy’s Day to all…..it’s Eddie ‘Little Simon- BOOT NOOP’ Idol……OUT!!
OK Eddie, I warned you, here's for talking smack about Anoop Dog Millionaire! Feast your eyes on your all-time favorite!! HAHAHA!
Yes, I know, I am a shiteous wench, aren't I?
Labels: American Idol, Eddie Idol
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
AI Recap: The Final 13's First Appearance!
WOW!!!! What a great start to AI’s TOP 13 last night! Some incredible and signature performances!!! This is one VERY talented group this year, maybe the strongest from Top to Bottom that I can remember! But….some of the songs chosen by contestants from Michael Jackson’s BIG collection of hits/tunes were quite obscure to say the least, half of them I’d never heard before!? Guess that proves that I’ve never been a fan of the freaky so called ‘King of Pop’! OK…..here’s my thoughts from last nights TOP 13 with the infamous ‘BOTTOM 3’ predicted for tonight as well as who should be going home…. 
NOTE: I’ll also keep in
RED those who I originally had predicted for the TOP 12 (OK…13!) before it was announced!
Alexis Grace—She proved her worth again last night! Agreed with Kara, she was very naughty and sexy in her song, but added her infamous Memphis bluesy accent to it as well! Just hope that she doesn’t get screwed tonight by people dialing or texting the ‘13’ instead of ‘36’ and costing her votes!! Still TOP 4 for me!
Michael Sarver –-I thought his song choice (You’re Not Alone) sucked, but the judges gave him a pass! Still don’t think he’ll go too far. If he makes it a few more weeks, he’ll go on tour…..and he’ll be happy to have reached that level in the competition!
Danny Gokey --Still a Dark-Horse for TOP 4. Another OK song choice with ‘Pretty Young Thing’. Thought Paula was going to run up and jump his bones on stage! I agreed with Simon, thought his stage presence was a bit gawky!
Kris Allen – Knows the MJ songbook better than anyone on the show, and supposedly helped other contestants too. Thought the guitar gig was a bit odd, but this kid reminds me of John Mayer….so that’s a good thing! I’m staying with my Top 6 prediction.
Allison Iraheta – Rocker babe who kicked the show off with ‘Give Into Me’, another song from MJ I didn’t know! Not sure what she had ‘bleeped out’ by FOX, but don’t think it was a good thing that she said (noticed Paula motioning her to zip it??) Still a long-shot, dark-horse candidate for TOP 4….sooner or later, she’ll get exposed in a song where she can’t rock it out!
Adam Lambert -- AWESOME!!!!! His rendition of ‘Black or White’ was just freakin’ incredible!! I said it yesterday and I’ll say it again…. I think he’s extremely talented and capable of being in the Finale’ against Lil Rounds! Now….whether or not he makes it with all the negative publicity is another story, but this kid has stage presence like no one I’ve ever seen on AI!
Lil Rounds -- As I predicted, very strong start for her last night! Good song choice with ‘The Way You Make Me Feel’! Still see her in the FINALE’….and eventual AI Season 8 WINNER…..I THINK!!?? (Uh oh….is Eddie wavering already!?)
Scott McIntyre --Sticking to my guns here, he’s just not a good singer! Hid behind his piano last night and struggled doing an obscure MJ song. He’ll move on, but he’s not even in my Top 8 at this point! Bottom 3….maybe!!??
Jorge Nunez—Hey Jorge…..nice song choice in ‘Never Can say Goodbye’…..because one should NEVER say NEVER! Good-Bye….you’re in the BOTTOM 3 tonight and going back home to Puerto Rico!
Jasmine Murray---Looked great and sang ‘I’ll Be There’ quite well! I still think she’s TOP 6 or TOP 8 at best! She’s through tonight easily!
Megan Corkrey -- I said before she had no stage presence at all, and I thought she’d struggle with MJ songbook, but….I was impressed and totally disagree with some of the judges (except Kara) and I thought she did well with ‘Rockin Robin’ from The Jackson 5 Portfolio. At least she stepped away from the mic and worked the stage a bit….and she looked incredible!! :-0 If she’s in the Bottom 3…..I won’t be shocked, based on what the judges said, but she should move on!
Matt Giraud**-- As I thought, he blew away Scott MacIntyre on the piano doing ‘Human Nature’ and this kid can perform!! I think he’s capable of going up against Lil Rounds or Adam Lambert in the FINALE’! Still TOP 4!
Anoop Desai – I think he really thought he was MJ singing ‘Beat It’ and hand-slapping all the people around the stage…..PULEEEEEEZZZZ!!!!!!! Hey Anoop……go back to Chapel Hill…..and just BEAT IT!! Bottom 3 and going home tonight!
Bottom Line: As I predicted…..and confirmed happily by Simon….to keep the show’s FINALE’ during the same week as last year (May 20th) and END AI before Memorial Day Weekend, they’ll be booting two (2) of the TOP 13 contestants off tonight! Simon also said at the end of the show that a CHANGE in the "Idol" structure involving the show's judges would be revealed tonight. Ryan Seacrest said it will change "the entire theme and concept of the show.”
Hmmmm….lots of speculation here, and from what I’ve read today, the most popular theory: The bottom vote-getters must now "sing for their lives" and the show's judges will have the ability to save a contestant from being sent home. My theory….there will still be a ‘Bottom 3’ or ‘Bottom 2’ as voted on by America each week, but then the judges will simply decide who goes home and who stays, something that I’ve been saying should happen for years, as America time and time again has made very stupid choices….can anyone say Taylor Hicks here!? Either way, I’d applaud the change of the judges becoming more involved and America less involved!!
Inside the Numbers: FOX is putting Idol on at 9 tonight instead of 8PM, so set the DVR’s! Two contestants get sent home tonight….that will be Anoop and Jorge’ (As I SMILE typing that!), making the Guy vs. Girl #’s a bit closer: Guys 6…Girls 5, as the TOP 11 move on!
So what does everyone else think of last night’s show? Who do you think should be booted off tonight? And what changes do you think are in store for the show going forward? Let me know your toughts!! OK….we’ll know more come tomorrow..…until then…it’s Eddie ‘Little Simon-BEAT IT NOOP’ Idol……OUT!!
Note from Kim: I got news for you Eddie -- Cindy, Lona and myself used all our votes for "Anoop Dog Millionaire" last night (we really liked his movie) -- so we'll see ... Ouch, that Taylor Hicks comment hurt! I personally think it's funny that Fox is telling all the news media that tonight's the big AI vs. LOST in the ratings .... HaHa -- that explains why the wusses at ABC decided to show a repeat episode of my fave show tonight!! Any thoughts Ray??Labels: American Idol, Eddie Idol
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
American Idol Preview
OK….It’s time for the TOP 13 to perform!! It’ll be a 2-Hour AI show on Tuesday night, and contestants will sing songs from Michael Jackson’s collection of tunes, but thankfully, the ‘freak-show’ himself will NOT be there in person tutoring them! Hurrah for that!!
As promised, here’s your TOP 13 with some notes and my bold predictions for the Final 4 and Finale at the end of May!
Alexis Grace** --TOP 4! She’s HOT and America will love her! Should do OK with MJ songs and other genre of music.
Michael Sarver –-TOP 8 at best….nice, polite guy, hope he makes it farther, but doubtful. He’s lucky to even be here!
Danny Gokey** --Dark-Horse for TOP 4….though I don’t think he’s nearly as good as the other guys, but the judges love him!
Kris Allen – TOP 6 possibly…..not much farther! Should do well with MJ songs!
Allison Iraheta – Dark-horse candidate for TOP 4….not sure how she’ll do with MJ song-book though?
Adam Lambert** --Will all the nasty rumors and ugly postings hurt him? I think so……although I do think he’s capable of being in the Finale’ against Lil Rounds, but doubt he makes it anywhere close to that with all the negative publicity!
Lil Rounds** --FINALE’….and eventual AI Season 8 WINNER!! She’ll start strong tomorrow night!
Scott McIntyre** --He’ll hide behind the piano for a few weeks, then at some point America will realize he is simply NOT a good singer! No better than TOP 6! Can’t see him doing many MJ songs, will have to be a slow one….’BEN’ maybe?
Jorge Nunez—Out early….won’t make the TOP 10! Struggles with MJ tonight!
Jasmine Murray**---TOP 6 at best….that’s it….has the looks, but just does not have the pipes others do!
Megan Corkrey** -- She has no stage presence at all, and if she continues to act oddly on stage, out EARLY! She’ll struggle with MJ….I think!
Matt Giraud**--TOP 4….should do well, and I think he’s capable of going up against Lil Rounds in the FINALE’! If there was a dueling piano segment, he’d blow away Scott MacIntyre!
Anoop Desai –Should last at least a few weeks, long enough to be annoying and go on tour…..so TOP 10 at least, probably farther…..UGH!!! :-0
Bottom Line: To keep the show’s FINALE’ during the same week as last year (May 20th) and END before Memorial Day Weekend, they’ll have to kick two contestants off to start, and maybe they will since they are starting with 13 vs. 12, then one contestant kicked off each week after. Otherwise, it’ll get extended to after Memorial Day and we’ll crown the new AI Winner on Wed, May 27th, must end in May for May sweeps!
Inside the Numbers: Of the TOP 13, Eddie Idol picked 8 to be there, all shown in RED and noted with **!
OK….I’m still waiting here folks….let’s see some predictions from EVERYBODY on this list before tonight’s show! Come on, who’s your favorite to win it? Who’s the TOP GUY and TOP GAL? The Final 4? And who do you think will be in the FINALE’? More to come tomorrow..…until then…it’s Eddie ‘Little Simon-NO NOOP’ Idol……OUT!! Labels: American Idol, Eddie Idol
Thursday, March 5, 2009
American Idol: Final 12

OK….so last night, I went as far as to predict the FINAL 3 spots from the WILD CARD ROUND: Matt Giraud, Jasmine Murray and Megan Corkrey, to move into the TOP 12….EDDIE RULES!! J PERFECT!!…… Until Anoop was let in to ruin it all and make it 13!! But, truth be told, I didn’t think Megan (per my earlier post after Anoop was done singing) was as worthy as Jessica was tonight, but she’s going home and Megan luckily moves on! Some more reactions from the Wild Card Round of contestants in the order they performed on Thursday night:
1. JESSICA LANGSETH—She FINALLY showed me why she was still competing and I thought she really sang her song very sultry and sexy, and sassy and jazzy, but certainly NOT indulgent, and good enough to move on. I think she was just ever-so-barely edged out by Megan or Jasmine, confirmed by Simon telling her as much!
2. MATT GIRAUD- Predicted he’d be back strong, he picked the right song, and he’ll be a force to contend with! Just wait until he gets behind the piano again!!
3. MEGAN CORKREY- Same awkward and quirky moves again at the mic tonight, didn’t think she sang all that well either…but….she’s in the TOP 13!
4. VON SMITH—Horrible song choice for him, it was very dark and boring! He should have known better!
5. JASMINE MURRAY—Didn’t think she did as well as the judges thought she did, but well enough to go through. She’s the youngest of all the TOP 13, so she’ll carry the young vote for quite a few weeks!
6. RICKY BRADDY—Another not-so-great song choice for him doing Stevie Wonder’s ‘Superstition’. Why is it that people have such a hard time with picking the right song for them to excel at!?
7. TATIANA DEL TORO-She didn’t sing all that badly, but she’s just soooooo over the top with drama, and really….how many times can you sing the same damn song!!?? Three times was NOT a charm for her!!
8. ANNOP DESAI- I’ll use Simon’s favorite word here----INDULGENT!! Who let this Noop Dog IN!!?? What a joke! He should be on a plane back to NC or wherever he’s from! UGH!!!
BOTTOM LINE: Of the TOP 13, I predicted 8 of them, not too shabby: Jasmine Murray, Megan Corkrey, Matt Giraud, Danny Gokey, Alexis Grace, Adam Lambert, Scott MacIntyre and of course….Lil Rounds!
Inside the Numbers: Of the TOP 13, 8 are guys and 5 are gals, so you would think the odds are stacked in the guys favor? We shall see!
So now that we now have the TOP 13, I hate typing 13 and not 12….let’s see some predictions from EVERYBODY on this list before next Tuesday’s show! Come on, who’s your favorite to win it? Who’s the TOP GUY and TOP GAL? I’ll have my predictions out on Monday on who will make The Final 4, and who I think will be in the FINALE’ …..but for now, have a great weekend, enjoy the Spring-time temps, and don’t forget to turn the clocks ahead Saturday night! Until next week…it’s Eddie ‘NO NOOP’ Idol……OUT!! Labels: American Idol, Eddie Idol
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
American Idol Recap: Tuesday Night
I thought last night’s 3rd group of 12 was the STRONGEST yet and tonight could be a ‘pick-em’ for the TOP 3……after Lil Rounds of course, who in my eyes is the one to beat in this competition!! I’ll keep it short and sweet here and drop the contestants into 3 categories based on their performances from last night, YES…. NO....and MAYBE…..here we go!
The YES’s ....
Lil Rounds— I’ve said it for weeks….she’s the one to beat in this competition! DEFINITELY in the TOP 3 vote getters and into the TOP 12 tonight! Plus….I think she’ll hurt Ju’not Joyner’s chances of getting in the TOP 3, reasons are obvious!
Von Smith- I like this kid, and had him listed as a dark horse for the TOP 12 when the TOP 36 was announced…..think he sang well enough to get into the TOP 3 tonight, if not….expect him back tomorrow night on the WILD CARD Round!
Scott MacIntyre— I do NOT think this kid is a very good singer at all, but with his disability and overall courage, he’ll get the sympathy vote tonight and make it into the TOP 3….if not…expect him to pushed through to the WILD CARD Round and the judges will then put him through…..so…..either way….LOCK FOR THE TOP 12!!
Felicia Barton--- I picked this girl from the auditions with her 15 seconds of face time, and she’s the one who got the call for a 2nd chance after Joanna Pacetti got booted off the show….and I think she’s a dark horse for tonight’s TOP 3….so, if she’s not voted in, expect her to be back tomorrow night singing in the WILD CARD Round!
Jorge’ Nunez— I never thought this kid would make it this far, but he has, and sang pretty well last night, well enough that I won’t be SHOCKED if he’s in the TOP 3 tonight! If not….expect him back in the WILD CARD Round!
The MAYBE’s…..
Ju’not Joyner—Little face time for this guy up to this point and aside from the fact that he did a song I absolute hate (The ‘Hey There Delilah’ overused and overplayed song! UGH!!), he slowed it down and did it very well!! Outside shot at tonight’s TOP 3!
Kristen McNamara—Not that it should matter, but she should really learn how to style a bit and dress better! Geez!! Liked her more before than I did last night, she’s a bit of a fake…but she was better than most last night and could sneak in to the TOP 3, but she’s a long-shot at this point!
Kendall Beard- Because she’s as great looking as she is, and the only ‘Country’ artist in the competition, she’s going to get a lot of votes! But….will it be enough?? I doubt it…..but with America, one never knows, so she may be the 3rd overall vote-getter tonight!
The NO’s….
Taylor Vaifanua—I’ve never really liked this girl very much at all, and her performance was just OK and pretty forgettable! No loss here…..bye-bye Taylor, you’re going home!
Alexander Wagner-Trugman— A calmer version of Norman Gentle….but certainly not worthy of being in this competition. See ‘ya Alexander….back to being just a plain dork!!
Ariana Afsar—Thought her rendition of Abba’s ‘The Winner Takes It All’ sounded like Meryl Streep on steroids from the Mamma Mia movie! Take the ‘cute as a button’ compliment Ariana and exit gracefully!
Nathanial Marshall- Sorry….this kid got way too much face time than necessary last night, and I agree with Simon, he’s a cross between Richard Simmons and Olivia Newton John with the ‘look’ he has going on. Time for him to back home and singin’ grandma to sleep in the rockin’ chair!
BOTTOM LINE: I thought this group was considerably better overall talent-wise than either of the last two from top-to-bottom, and as I said earlier….when tonight’s results are announced, it could be a real surprise for several contestants! I do expect several from this group to be back Thursday night in the first ever WILD CARD ROUND, where the contestants chosen will get to compete one last time for the FINAL 3 spots in the TOP 12!
The contestants performing will be decided on by the Idol producers and judges, and America will have no say in the outcome as to who will be the FINAL 3 that move on in the competition! Let Kimmy and I know, based on last night’s performances, who you think should make it through to the TOP 12, and/or if you agree with all that get voted through after the results are announced tonight on Fox!
More from Eddie ‘Little Simon’ Idol tomorrow……after the 1-hour results show tonight!! Until then…..Eddie’s OUT and on a break! Labels: American Idol, Eddie Idol