Sorry I haven't posted this sooner, I've been in mourning. If you watched Wednesday night's episode of Top Chef and are a regular reader of this blog ... you already know why. If not -- read on ...The Final Four -- Hosea, Carla, Fabio and Stefan -- were summoned to New Orleans to compete for the title. Obviously, they had been sent home after last week's episode for an undetermined amount of time, because Fabio arrived not only with a Mohawk, but his broken finger is now A-OK!After arriving at one of those historic plantations New Orleans is so proud of, the cheftestants were greeted by hostess Padma, who couldn't wait to introduce the challenge's guest judge -- New Orleans Embassador de Cuisine Emeril Lagasse. I guess now that he's done with the Food Network, Mr. Bam! is free to appear on Bravo.This week's QuickFire Challenge offered up a twist. The Final Four wouldn't be competing. Instead prior cheftestants Leah, Jaime and Jeff were brought back for a chance to get back in the game. "Give me a break!" exclaimed Fabio, obviously flabberghasted that one would win the right to compete again.
Hmmm, it looked to me like things were a little awkward between Hosea and Leah ... don't forget that little make-out session they had a few weeks back.The three returning chefs were tasked to create a dish with crawfish -- one of Emeril's favorites. Leah's worried (big surprise), seafood was never her strong suit. Although now she's complaining about having to cook outdoors. She chooses to go the safe route with that old southern standby Gumbo.Jeff, who always tries to do too much (which lead to his downfall), decides to simplify with Crawfish and Grits. He admits to being nervous cooking for Emeril. Jaime decides to make a corn cake and greens with a ham and crawfish cream sauce (??). In the midst of all, Stefan let's out a shocker and says "Leah's a good chef" (whaaaa?).Jeff's nerves prove to be unworthy of their troubles, as Emeril chooses him as the winner. This puts Jeff back in the competition. Bye-Bye Leah and Jaime.The remaining cheftestants are all invited to spend the evening dining at Emeril's Delmonico Restaurant. And, of course, they're all very impressed with the quality of the food.The next morning, the chefs travel to one of New Orleans' famed Mardi Gras warehouses, where the various floats are kept. Padma informs them that for the Elimination Challenge they will cater a charity event for the Orpheus Krewe. Each chef is responsible for creating 2 dishes (one must be Creole) and a cocktail for about 100 people. They will have 5 hours to prep and cook at Delmonico. They also get full access to the kitchen and food supplies.Jeff is informed that in order to progress to the finale, he must win this challenge. If he does, two other chefs will be sent home. If he loses, Jeff is out, along with one other cheftestant. The winner of this challenge also gets a brand new Toyota Venza auto. Fabio, who really wants this prize, declares, "My car is a piece of poop!"Time starts now!Hosea decides to go with Duck, Andouille and Chicken Gumbo (more gumbo, sheesh!), Pecan-Crusted Catfish and a Hurricane with Grand Marnier and Rum.Carla keeps it simple with Oyster Stew, Shrimp and Andouille Beignet and a non-alcoholic Cranberry Spritzer. Unfortunately, Carla later finds out that the oysters, while aplenty, are not shucked!Stefan opts to make Duck and Rabbit Gumbo over Grits (more gumbo, anyone?), Apple Beignet and a Black Cherry & Rum Cocktail (mmm, could I get one of those now, please?).Fabio gets daring with a Sausage and Rabbit Maque Choux with Grits (I have no idea ...), Muffuletta Bread, Crawfish & Crab Stew over Casereeci Pasta with a Bell Pepper Martini (oh yeah, gotta try one of those *smirk*).Jeff goes with Fried Oysters with Sausage, Crawfish Pot de Creme (WTH??) and a Cucumber Mojito.Sorry, I just have to laugh to myself right now, because I also watch Fox's trainwreck Hell's Kitchen, and after looking over the names of these dishes, I triple-dog dare any of the so-called "chefs" on that show to attempt making just one of them! Hell's Kitchen is the anti-Top Chef, but that's another story ...As the chefs settle in and get to work, Hosea and Stefan realize that gumbo might not have been such a great idea, as it takes a lot of time to cook right. But Stefan's biggest problem is that over-sized ego of his, he thinks he's got it in the bag! And Carla's freaking out over the 100 oysters she has to shuck. When Head Judge and Chef Tom Colicchio drops by to check on everyone, he wonders out loud why Carla doesn't just steam the oysters open (good question).
While Carla's stew is going just fine, she hasn't yet added said oysters and is worried that they won't get done and she's "gonna have to MacGuyver it!"
On to the Masquerade Ball at the New Orleans Museum of Art -- Carla's still shucking oysters, by the way.
As everone sets up their serving tables, the judges enter wearing masks. One by one they are revealed, and to my delight (and I'm sure the chefs) Gail Simmons is back!! Yay Gail!
By this time, I'm sure Elfman's getting all hot and bothered, because Padma looks smoking hot in her gown! Padma, we expect no less from you, ever!
Back to the cheftestants -- Carla finally asks for some SHUCKING HELP!!

(Yeah, I just liked writing SHUCKING HELP!)
The guests arrive and everyone goes right for the food. Fabio's a big hit with the crowd, as usual. He officially calls his bell pepper martini a "Trinitini," and some guy said Fab's caserecci pasta "was like a parade in my mouth." .... Oh, don't even go there!
Carla receives "hootie-hoos" from her fans over her offerings, while Emeril calls her dishes very New Orleans-inspired. (good sign C-babe.)
The judges are happy with Hosea as well. Emeril says he loves Hosea's gumbo! WOW! you go boy!
Of course, all the fun and frolicking must come to an end and everyone's summoned to Judges Table.
Jeff: Judges loved his oyster dish and praise him for his homemade sausage -- (again, don't go there).
Fabio: Judges wanted more heat. Fab thinks it was hot enough .. C'mon you hot Italian man, more heat please. While his cocktail smelled good, it didn't live up to the expectation, it was deemed too sweet. Fab says he likes sweet.
Stefan: Emerial says "never in 28 years have I seen Gumbo over grits" and they were very good grits! Tom slugs Stefan for being "over-confident." Whew, didn't see that coming, did you Stefan?
Carla: Thought her dish was too hot -- no girl, actually you're the one on fire! Judges have only praise for her oyster stew, drink and beignet -- Oh snap!! Have I mentioned how much Carla has grown on me over the season?
Hosea: Apologizes to judges for them getting to his table so late in the evening. Why, it's not his fault? However, judges loved his gumbo, with Emeril adding, "If I was blindfolded, I could be in any great restaurant in New Orleans."
Then Padma says ... "We have a TON of things to talk about. I'll see you in a MINUTE." Really, it'll only take a minute to talk about TONS of things?
Judges deem Stefan and Fabio as their least faves and worry openly that although they've both have been great competitors, they may lose one or both of them.
After a minute (??) Judges summon everyone back in and remind Jeff that if he doesn't win, he's gone! Oh thanks, like he forgot ....
Emeril names Carla the winner and Jeff packs his knives and goes ... for the second time.
Padma congratulates Hosea, letting him know he made it to the final.
And then there were two ... arrogant Stefan and fabulous Fabio. Two of the most promising chefs of this season.
Fabio's flavors were not layered correctly and he just missed the mark.
Stefan's food was good, but you're cocky.
Either way, it's the end of Team Europe!
Padma -- no, don't say it!! -- FABIO, please pack your knives and go.
**NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!! said in Darth Vader's voice by James Earl Jones at the end of Episode 3!**

Fabio graciously hugs Stefan and tells him, "if you don't win I'll kick your ass!"
God I'm gonna miss that guy!
Next week -- the final of the finale! Somehow, it's lost it's excitement for me. But I guess I'll be rooting for Carla now.
And for those of you who dare -- check out David Dust's Top Chef Recap -- it's LOL Funny, Wickedly Crass and bound to make my recap look bad ... enjoy!
Coming up this weekend: Survivor Recap, Amazing Race Recap, Real Housewives NY Recap and, of course, THE 81ST ANNUAL ACADEMY AWARDS -- man, I'm gonna be busy!!
Labels: Top Chef New York