Friday, October 31, 2008

My Favorite Horror Flicks

Afterall the trick or treaters have absconded with all your candy, tonight's the perfect night to curl up with a great horror movie! Here's some suggestions which happen to be my all-time favorite fright flicks. Please, go and rent them, nothing ruins good horror like a commercial break!
Honorable Mentions:

Motel Hell - not actually a scary movie, but just for fun. I mean you have to love a film that's tag line is "It takes all kinds of critters to make Farmer Vincent fritters!"
Nightbreed - I love Clive Barker's horror/fantasy flick about the dead residents of Midian. Are they the real monsters or are we?
The Lost Boys - my all-time fave vampire film. Yes, it's sooo '80s, but Keifer Sutherland as the vamps scary leader ranks right up there with Dracula. And long before Buffy, there were the Frog brothers vampire hunters. You have to love a vampire flick with the two Coreys, right. Tag line "Party All Night, Sleep All Day, Live Forever. It's Fun to be a Vampire."

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Before he was Jack Bauer ... (2nd from left)
The Descent
- I explained this one earlier this week. It's got one of those I-almost-crapped-my-pants moments. Just pure horror. Scary in more ways than one. I mean, who wouldn't be scared trapped in a cave, trying to find an alternate way out. Then throw in the freaks who live there - I just gave myself a chill ...
Dog Soldiers - I blogged about this one last week too. And, hopefully, you already watched it, because I'll tell you now that this is the absolute best Werewolf movie ever. With the best werewolves I've ever seen on screen. Take a look and decide for yourself ...

Dog Soldiers Pictures, Images and Photos

OK, now on to my Top 10 Horror Flicks list:

10. House of 1,000 Corpses -- Rob Zombie's directorial debut features my favorite scary scenario. You're out in the middle of nowhere, with no one to help or no way to escape and there is a murderous family of freaks that wants nothing more than to torture and kill you! Not to mention a psycho named Otis, a serial killer called Dr. Satan and the craziest clown to ever hit the silver screen - Captain Spaulding "S- - t the Bed!"
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Creepy Captain

9. Halloween - John Carpenter's masterpiece of the macabre. I mean, really, before this did you ever worry about walking the streets on Halloween night? Michael Myers as the killer w/o a conscience is absolutely horrifying. Tag line "The Night He Came Home."

8. Pumpkinhead - Yeah, I know, the title's a little silly. But anyone who's ever seen this flick says the same thing - the scariest demon monster ever!! Horror pro Lance Henricksen's Ed Harley conjures up this demon from the grave to avenge the accidental death of his son by a bunch of vacationing adolescents. But Pumpkinhead, himself, is the real star. The scene where he tracks the teens down in the abandoned church ... I just scared myself again. A true nightmare!
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Hello Pumpkinhead

7. The Stepford Wives (1975) - You may have seen the 2004 Nicole Kidman remake of this flick, which turned it into a farce. However, the original, which I just recently rewatched, still scares me. Move to the quaint little town of Stepford and you'll never be the same! First your husband will join the local Men's Association and little by little, your lady friends and neighbors will start to change in inexplicable ways and it's only a matter of time till they get to you!

6. Rosemary's Baby - A remake is already set for a 2010 release, but you still have plenty of time to see the 1968 original. Starring Mia Farrow as a young newlywed who moves to New York City with her husband, an actor. They befriend the strange, elderly couple next door and her husband, presumably makes a deal with the devil ... to further his acting career. What a chump! Before she realizes it, she's pregnant with the spawn of hell ... sounds funny, but this is a truly chilling flick.

5. Alien - Tag line "In Space, No One Can Hear You Scream." Director Ridley Scott successfully brought us the first horror flick set in space in 1979 and introduced us to the first feminist heroin, Sigourney Weaver's Ripley. I was just a kid when I saw this flick on cable and seriously couldn't sleep well for a week. Like Pumpkinhead, Scott also introduced us to one truly chilling alien creature - and those retractable jaws, I just got goosebumps!
Alien 1979 Pictures, Images and Photos
Scariest Alien Ever!

4. Jaws - and speaking of jaws ... let's revisit the film that put Steven Spielberg on the map. Traditionally, I don't think of this flick at Halloween. I always watch it around Memorial Day Weekend. It's become as much a right of summer as going to the beach (of course, we won't dare go in the water). When it was originally released in 1975, studio execs actually worried that people would get sick in the aisles. And it didn't disappoint.
Jaws is officially the first film to ever make $100 million domestically, thus becoming the first ever summer blockbuster. It's success prompted studios to take summer movie-goers seriously, as in seriously willing to spend money at the movies. And last year AFI made the shark in Jaws (Bruce, as Steven dubbed him, after his lawyer) the No. 1 Villain in film history. Darth Vader came in second!
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Oops, wrong Jaws, just testing you!

3. Phantasm - Tag line "If this one doesn't scare you, you're already dead." Something's going on at the Morningside Mortuary and if you can stick around long enough, you'll be sorry you found out what. This 1979 horror film made an instant star out of Angus Grimm, who portrayed the infamous Tall Man. Trust me, after seeing this flick, you'll never look at a flying silver ball the same way again.
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The Tall Man & his Little Silver Ball

2. Poltergeist - If you've been reading this blog, then you already know my feelings on this one. My all time favorite ghost story, produced by Spielberg and directed by Tobe Hooper, revolves around a little girl who goes missing inside her house. The first time I ever saw this film, at home on cable, my father snuck into the room and threw a tennis ball into my friend's lap at a pivotal moment in the film. Our screams almost shattered the windows. Watch this one and try to sleep with the lights off.

1. Texas Chainsaw Massacre (1974) - I know, you probably already saw the 2004 remake and thought, "that was pretty scary, but not great." That's how I felt too. I only watched the original about five years ago, and can I just say that after years of devouring horror flicks, this truly frightened me! Same scenario as my No. 10 movie, only shot so gritty that it feels real. "Based on a True Story," TCM used the real crimes committed by Ed Gein for inspiration. In reality Gein only killed 2 people, but he saved their bones, skins and some organs as a way to covet them. There are a few films about Gein, but they're not really scary - this is the one to watch. Fave shot: The infamous Leatherface chasing Sally thru the woods, chainsaw in hand, as she screams and screams and screams and the chainsaw revs and revs and revs. Favorite part: When that annoying jerk Franklin gets it right the stomach. C'mon he was asking for it thru the whole film!
TEXAS CHAINSAW MASSACRE Pictures, Images and Photos

OK, so you're asking yourself - What about the Exorcist? Well I didn't include it because it's the easy choice that tops everyone's list, and to tell the truth, I really wasn't scared. (I'm Catholic, I've been thru worse.) To me, TCM is scarier because it really could happen ...

More info on any of these flicks can be found on the Internet Movie Database,
Have a Spooky Halloween - just don't scare yourselves too much!

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Survivor Recap

Day 19: The Fang tribe is starving and to top it all off, Crystal spills what's left of their remaining rice. She picks up as much as she can and refuses to eat with the others, figuring she spilled her share. The tribe's still not working together and Ace thinks Crystal's the next lamb to the slaughter.
Over at Kota,Day 20 dawns with Dan feeling insecure, again. He offers himself up to Corinne, Charlie and Marcus, figuring their the strongest alliance, but his desperate attempt does nothing to win them over.
survivor 6
Both tribes compete in an "Elephant Egg" challenge, with each trying to knock the "egg" out of their competitors hands. It's easily won by Kota and they depart on a helicopter ride to a picnic site. Sugar is exiled again. Matty tells the others he wants to get rid of her. Matty tries to convince Ace to get the idol from Sugar, Ace defends her, claiming that Crystal's the one who should go (I couldn't agree more, by the way).
At their picnic, the members of Kota get letters from home - crying ensues. I'm always amazed when this happens each season. I mean, really, do these "survivors" think they'll never see their loved ones again??
Back at Fang, Crystal expresses her resentment towards Ace, "The way that he is manipulating Matty ... he's the devil and he has to go."
Things change at the Immunity Challenge, when Jeff states that each tribe will be voting a member out at Council. However, individual immunity is up for grabs for the first time this season .... Hmmm can the merge be far behind?
The challenge is log rolling, as in standing on a floating log with another contestant and trying to knock each other off by rolling it with their feet. Who saw this coming --- Physics teacher Bob won a log rolling contest in college. However, it's not enough to get him immunity. It all comes down to Ace and Marcus and Marcus wins, leading Ace to ask Sugar for her idol.
At Fang's Tribal Council, Matty attacks Crystal for spilling the rice. Ace and Crystal go at it over this incident and Crystal shouts that she resents her tribe members for not saving any rice for her to eat (even though she repeatedly refused it, remember). In the end, Sugar decided to keep the idol for herself and faux-Brit Ace gets the boot. (Anyone else notice how his accent has disappeared?)
survivor ace
Ace, the Tribe has spoken
Before Kota's Tribal Council, Dan starts really losing it, hedging himself into the conversation with the original Kota members about who they're getting rid of. Randy gets himself in as a replacement for Bob in their Final 4 and Suzy tells Corinne she'd vote for her. Corinne tells the others she hates Suzy and wants her gone. Things weren't looking too well for Suzy, however, it was worse for Dan and he was the one sent packing.
survivor dan
Hey Dan, now you can go home to your girlfriend!

Up next week: Randy apparently goes nuts, announcing that he's the King of Gabon!

Have a great weekend!


Thursday, October 30, 2008

Congrats Phillies! Was there anything else on TV last night?

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Yay!!! Phinally!! It's over and the Phillies won the World Series!!! Thus ending any prime time network programming for the rest of the night. Even I, who I don't consider a big baseball fan, watched last night! Hell, there were fireworks going off in my neighborhood as soon as the final out was made!
And then, who could go to sleep ... everyone here and I'm sure wherever you are in the Philadelphia area, is totally sleep deprived this morning. Not like we haven't been ever since the start of the World Series ... maybe now, or at least after tomorrow's parade, we can all get back to our regular sleep schedules. (How many of you are planning on calling in sick tomorrow?)
Anyway, it's great to see a sporting world title come our way again! Congrats to all!

Elsewhere on TV last night, the only thing I caught was the repeat of South Park's Pandemic 2 - Startled at midnight. It was pretty funny, better than last week's Part 1. It was a continuation of the Peruvian Flute Band storyline, which ended last week with a very Cloverfield-like monster attack on the small town of South Park.
Randy Marsh caught all the action on his held-hand camera, which turned out to be giant guinea pigs. A rather good effect, the producers cut in live action of guinea pigs into South Park's signature cut-out animation style.
Anyway, this week's episode was hilarious in showing just how many Halloween-style costumes are available for guinea pigs. Wish I could have found a photo to show you, but take my word for it, you haven't laughed till you've seen a Guineasaurus Rex!
Luckily, the episode reruns tonight at 10 p.m. For info or to watch online visit

OK, on to tonight's lineup - and it starts with another intriguing episode of Survivor: Gabon on CBS at 8 p.m. Remember tonight each tribe will be voting off a castaway ... will it be Ace's turn to leave? Or perhaps they will finally flush out Sugar's immunity idol.
For info visit

At 9 p.m. the Winchester bros will be hunting more demons on the CW's Supernatural, just in time for Halloween. While celebrity chef Gordon Ramsay will be scaring another restaurant crew on Fox's Kitchen Nightmares. Another murder, another case for CSI on CBS. And over at Seattle Grace on ABC, the sexy doctors of Grey's Anatomy will be hemming and hawing over who to sleep with as usual.

Of course, all bets are off at 10 p.m. when VH1 presents episode 2 of Celebrity Rehab with Dr. Drew. Entertainment Tonight already showed a preview clip and it looks like Gary Busey's had it with his rehab trip. Looks like a bit of a meltdown is coming ...For info visit

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Halloween Horror Watch: With Mischief Night looming, there's plenty on TV tonight to satisfy your urge to be scared starting with Constantine at 8 p.m. on AMC. A cop (Rachel Weisz) tangles with demons and angels when she probes her twin's death with a man (Keanu Reeves) who has literally been to Hell and back. A stylized supernatural thriller with great graphics.

Encore presents Tales from the Crypt presents Demon Knight also at 8 p.m. This horror flick turned out better than it should have with great performances by Titanic's Billy Zane and the early work of Jada Pinkett-Smith. If you can get it, this flick is definitely a trick and a treat!

And the Sci-Fi channel presents a mini-thon of its new show Real Exorcist from 8-11 p.m. This show features, just as the title suggests, "real" exorcisms of "real" people. I haven't seen it before, but who knows, it could be fun.

Coming tomorrow: Survivor Recap, of course, and a list of my all-time favorite horror films!

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Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Game 5, again, Dancing with the Stars results, Halloween Horror Watch

The Reign Delay continues ... but, with any hope, it'll be over tonight! World Series Game 5 is set to resume on Fox around 8:37 p.m., starting in the bottom of the sixth with the Phillies at bat, score 2-2. Let's end this thing!!!

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Cloris with partner Corky Ballas
In other news, fan fave Cloris Leachman was the unlucky contestant on Dancing with the Stars last night. Well, I guess she wasn't fan favorite afterall, not getting enoug votes to keep her there. Cloris added some much needed comedy to the show and will be missed. But don't cry for her just yet.

It seems that prior to her Dancing gig, old pal Mel Brooks thought that at 81, Cloris was too old to reprise her role in the Broadway production of his Young Frankenstein. The NY Post is reporting today that Brooks has since changed his mind after watching the octagenarian shuffle on the dance floor and thinks she may just still have the stamina for the production. For now, Cloris is fielding many offers, including one from director Quentin Tarantino for a part in Inglorious Bastards, and will hold court as Grand Marshall of the Tournament of Roses Parade in Pasadena, Calif., on New Year's Day.
Pro-dancer Julianne Hough, who I blogged yesterday was havig her appendix removed, has come clean on her real condition - endometriosis, with a ruptured cyst on her ovary. According to her personal blog, her appendix is still being removed.
Julianne Hough Pictures, Images and Photos
"They want to clean out the cysts and take out my appendix, too, because later on it can be affected by the cysts. They're doin it laproscopically through my belly button so I won't have a scar. They say it's three of four days of recovery. I'm thinking more like a week."

Wishing a speedy recovery to her. In the meantime her partner, the oh-so-cute Cody Linley will dance with Edyta Sliwinska.

Celebrities remaining in competition include Brooke Burke, Lance Bass, Warren Sapp, Maurice Greene and Susan Lucci.

For more Dancing with the Stars info visit

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Other than the big game tonight, Comedy Central will present another new episode of South Park at 10 p.m. In Pandemic 2 - The Startling, the boys are lost in the Andes Mountains where they discover the startling secret behind the attack of the giant guinea pigs. They now have the power to rescue their town and the rest of the world from the onslaught, btu the head of Homeland Security stands firmly in their way.

Meanwhile, Randy bravely documents the destruction (a la Cloverfield) while trying to save his family! For more info visit

If you were lucky enough to make it thru the season finale of Greek last night over on ABC Family, you got to see two sort of new scenes from the upcoming vampire flick Twilight. The first one aired around 8:35 and featured the cafeteria scene with the apple-catch, an homage to the book's cover, and the "theories" exchange between Edward and Bella.
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The second was the same clip that aired during last week's Scream Awards on Spike. It was yet another rehash of the ballet studio/vampire fight scene between Edward, Bella and James that serves as the film's climax. The clips can be viewed here and here


Halloween Horror Watch: It's all on AMC tonight, starting at 6 pm with Jeepers Creepers. I've menioned this flick before. It's a pretty good horror flick, with the Creeper being sufficiently creepy.

At 8 pm it's back to Camp Crystal Lake for Jason Goes to Hell: The Final Friday. I'm not sure exactly which one this is, seeing how they all look alike. But you can expect more of the same.

At 10 pm the 2003 remake of Willard airs. Starring Crispen Glover as an outsider who befriends a huge pack of rats that do his evil bidding, it features a lot of CG (computer-generated) rats, that unfortunately, don't look to real. For a real fright, make it a point to watch the original from 1971. Now that was creepy!

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Willard now, and then

And ending up the evening at midnight is another showing of Stephen King's demon car classic Christine. For info on AMC's horrorfest lineup visit ...

Blast From The Past: Remember when you "wanted your MTV" and got it with lots of music videos? Well, the world's premiere "music" channel has launched a new website that promises to host the biggest collection of music videos in one place on the 'net.Although it's still in the testing stage, you can visit and check it out.

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Tuesday, October 28, 2008

World Series blues, Twilight news

OK, enough with the World Series already!!! Game 5 ended abruptly last night when MLB decided the rain and wind was effecting the play too much ... so here we go again. It's still iffy if it will be resumed tonight and judging by the way its pouring right now (about 10:30 a.m.), with no hope of letting up anytime soon, I doubt it.
Anyway, the Phillies are starting to take their toll on my coworkers. Everybody's a little bleary-eyed this morning, even though the game was called early enough. Someone yawned a bit ago and muttered "Damn Phillies" ... I mean, we're soooo close. Maybe it'll all be over tonight and, after celebrating, we can all get back to our boring sleep schedules.
In the event that tonight's game is postponed, Fox is offering up a repeat of Fringe (it's the creepy speedy baby-delivery one) at 9 p.m. However, House (at 8 p.m.) is still supposed to be a new episode. Check The Mercury's home page,, after 4 p.m. to see if the big game is back on!
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Over on ABC, It's the Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown celebrates Halloween at 8 p.m., following by the Dancing with the Stars results show at 9 p.m. Don't look for pro-dance sweetie Julianne Hough tonight. She's currently having her appendix removed. Her partner, Cody Linley, will dance with another pro from the show until Hough is well enough to return - probably next week.

Those filthy rich "ladies" will be stirring up more trouble at 10 p.m. on Bravo's Real Housewives of Atlanta.

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Twilight's Edward & Bella/ABC Family tonight
However, game or no game, I'll be firmly planted in front of the tube at 9 p.m. tonight for the finale of ABC Family's Greek. No, I've never before seen an episode, but tonight's finale will feature 2, yes 2, special sneak peaks of never-before-seen-footage from the upcoming vampire flick Twilight! And you all know how much I'm anticipating this one ...
The clips will be personally introduced by the film's stars, yes, girls, you know who I mean - Kristen Stewart (Bella) and the oh-so-hot Robert Pattinson (Edward)! Don't miss your chance to get bitten ...

Halloween Horror Watch: The Sci-Fi Channel offers up a modern classic in Freddy vs. Jason at 7 p.m. This flick is a bit tongue-in-cheek, but it's still awesome to actually see two horror superstars mixing it up against each other - Freddy, as in Nightmare on Elm Street's child molesting Krueger, and Jason, as in the-Pride-of-Camp-Crystal-Lake-Voorhees. I must admit, Jason's the reason I never go camping ...

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Jason and Freddy duke it out

And speaking of Freddy, his real life creator Robert Englund has a new one out on DVD today. Costarring sexy Jenna Jameson, Zombie Strippers revolves around a secret government re-animation chemo-virus which gets released in a - wait for it - strip club! How original (can you believe this flick was made by Sony?)! You can see the trailer here

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Also bowing on DVD today is Brendan Fraser in the remake of Jules Verne's classic Journey to the Center of the Earth. The story centers on a science professor whose radical theories have completeloy tarnished his reputation. While backpacking across Iceland with his nephew Sean, the two explorers find a cave that leads them deep down into the bowels of the planet ... watch the trailer here

Hey, speaking of movies involving caves ... another Halloween fave of mine is the recent horror flick The Descent. It's one of those, I-was-so-scared-I-almost-crapped-my-pants movies! Sure, the creatures encountered in the deep caverns are horrible, but the worst for me was when Sarah becomes stuck in that long narrow shaft and starts to panic - never considered myself claustrophobic before, but that did it for me. View the trailer here
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Descent Creature

TV News: Sunday's season finale of Mad Men (I'm halfway thru it) garnered 1.7 million viewers. That's up 30 percent from last week's 1.4 million. Still not stellar numbers and the show still hasn't been renewed for Season 3.

And finally, say good-bye to CBS' The Ex List. The hour-long comedy about a woman searching for true love among her ex-boyfriends has been pulled from the network lineup. After only four episodes, the show had slumped to only 5.5 million viewers.
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Dr. Carlisle & Esme Cullen
Don't feel too bad for star Elizabeth Reeser, though. She'll next been seen on the big screen as Esme, the matriarch of the vampire Cullen family in Twilight. After that, there's at least 2 more vamp sequels in the works. It all depends on the box office, and judging by all the chat on the Internet, this flick's gonna be huge!
View the latest Twilight trailer here

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Monday, October 27, 2008

Weekend Wrap

2008 World Series Pictures, Images and Photos
Well there's no mistaking that tonight's all about The Phillies and Game 5 of the World Series. This could be it folks, so I'm not going to go into whatever else may be on TV, will any of you be watching anything else?

Hope you all had a great weekend, here's a few of my highlights:
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I'm still catching up on things I taped last week, but my fave so far was Thursday's episode of Supernatural. The Winchester boys battled a ghost demon that had infected Dean and was threatening to scare him to death if they couldn't find a way to destroy it. Of course, they did and the bros will get to kill more demons in future episodes. However, what made this ep great was a short clip at the end of Jensen Ackles (Dean) lip-synching Survivor's Eye of the Tiger ... watch it here and enjoy

On Friday night, AMC hosted a 30th Anniversary Special airing of John Carpenter's classic Halloween. Wow, where did the time go?Anyway, helping Michael Myers scare the bejesus out of you was original cast member PJ Soles (Linda), who gave up some trivia tidbits along with horror meister Rob Zombie. Zombie as you might remember, directed a "new" version of Halloween last year. Not as good as the original, but a gem nonetheless. It's available on DVD.

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Jon Hamm/Don Draper
I watched Saturday Night Live this weekend, mostly because the handsome Jon Hamm was the guest host. Hamm was there to promote the season finale of AMC's Mad Men, which aired last night (taped it, didn't watch it yet, but I heard it was awesome!).
Anyway, the show actually had some pretty funny moments, which, of course, included a send-up of Mad Men. Stopping by to help out were the real Peggy Olson (Elizabeth Moss) and Roger Sterling (John Slattery). I especially appreciated Don Draper's Guide to Picking Up Women. Both can be seen here

I saw Saw V this weekend too. As usual, it had me squirming in my seat (oh the torture scenes)! I can definitely recommend this flick to any fans of the Jigsaw franchise. While not as good as the first (none of them are), it was just as gripping as the other sequels, with more insight into our favorite puzzling killer (actually Jigsaw doesn't really "kill" anybody, they always have a choice). However, if you haven't seen any of the others, don't bother, it would be too confusing.
And in case you were wondering, Saw VI is definitely in the works. Over on VH1, there's another horrible reality show called Scream Queens and the prize has something to do with a part in Saw VI.

Last night on the Amazing Race, the contestants raced from New Zealand to Cambodia without too much fanfare. Bro/Sis Nick & Starr came in first at the Pit Stop and long distance dating couple Aja & Ty were the unlucky last place finishers. The only real interesting thing that happened was that Terence & Sarah were pulled over for speeding to the airport. Terence got a ticket, and we were told by Phil at the end of the show that it will cost them a 30-minute penalty at the start of the next leg.
Amazing Race Aja Ty
Bye-Bye Aja & Ty
Next week's show, however, looks pretty good. Starr and Dallas get close, while Ken finally loses it on Tina! For info or to watch visit

Over on HBO the vampires of Bon Temps were back to business as usual. When we last left True Blood, town vigilantes burned down the home of some of Bill's vampire pals, and Sookie assumed Bill was with them. Turns out Bill was just sleeping in the dirt and emerged in the middle of the night, naked, to re-connect with Sookie again ... Sookie's crazy bro Jason is hooked up with some mystery chick who indulges in his passion for V (vampire blood, which provides some kind of halucinogenic effect on humans).
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Vamp Sheriff Eric
Luckily for me, the episode ended up at Fangtasia with Eric, who Bill tells us is the Sheriff of the vampire ward, using Sookie's mind-reading powers to help find who's been stealing from the vamps. Can't wait till next week.

And on Wisteria Lane, the Desperate Housewives gave us a little insight into what has been going on for the past five years (this season jumped ahead five years for the viewers). The best one, I have to say, is Gabby's story! It was hilarious, I love the way she shoves Carlos around. We didn't really find out too much, I guess it's way to early in the season for that!For info or to watch visit

TV News: The NY Post today confirms that Bravo is indeed working on its own Project Runway copycat. Speculation started last week after an ad popped up on craigslist looking for fashion designer contestants. The show is tentatively titled Fashion House and is still in the working stages.
In the meantime, also reports that the original Project Runway just wrapped preliminary competition in Los Angeles. The finalists have been sent home to create their collections to be filmed during Fashion Week at Bryant Park in February.
However, there have been some changes ... apparently show judges Michael Kors and Nina Garcia are hardly in the show. More time has been devoted to guest judges as Rebecca Romijn, Eva Longoria and Lindsay Lohan. Also, fabric store Mood has been replaced. It seems that the LA store was too far from the shooting sites, so producers put a fake Mood storefront on another fabric store and shot there instead.
Before you get all bent out of shape, keep this in mind, with the current court order stopping the sale of Project Runway to Lifetime, who knows if we'll ever see this season?

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Friday, October 24, 2008

Survivor & Celeb Rehab recaps, Weekend Watch

OK, the Phillies lost last night 4-2. They still have 5 chances to win, so take tonight off and relax!
And now, what you've really been waiting for, my Survivor Gabon Recap: Last night saw the sixth castaway voted off and what a whirlwind of wheeling and dealing that led up to it!

The show started off with the defeated Fang tribe returning from tribal council, and Ace contemplating who he's going to lure into an alliance.
The next morning, the Kota tribe spent their time worrying about how much food Dan is eating ... hey, how 'bout keeping Dan strong to win challenges? Kota's in far better shape with food than the poor saps at Fang, who are down to about six days worth of rice left.
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Ace & Matty conspire
In the meantime, Ace and Matty get together to talk strategy and decide to form an alliance to the Final Four, with Matty bring Ken along and Ace, Sugar. So Ace approaches Sugar and let's her know that he's pretty sure everyone knows she has the Immunity Idol. Sly Ace convinces her to give him the Idol for "safe keeping," so nobody else steals it. Stupidly, Sugar gives it to him, saying, "Ace is kind of a snake, but he's my snake, and I'm glad to have him."
On to the Reward Challenge, this time for an assortment of pastries, coffee and tea. The two tribes were charged with carrying a 200-lb. fake snake around a track, trying to catch the other tribe. First tribe to touch another tribe's member, wins reward. This was going to be good, remember Fang's Crystal is an Olympic medal winner in track!
survivor snake challenge
As the competition lumbers on, Ace and Matty tell Sugar and Ken to drop out since they are dragging everyone down. Kelly is the next to go and then, are you ready for this, Crystal drops out! Yes, the Olympic track medalist couldn't even finish the challenge! You've got to be kidding me!
All the while Kota is gaining on Fang, and Ace tells Matty that he cannot take all of the extra weight with only the two of them. Kota easily wins the challenge and the food, causing Crystal to break down in tears. "Whaa, whaa, whaa," Randy torments from the Kota tribe.
Kota chooses to send Sugar back to Exile Island again (no problem for her, she gets to eat all the fruit she wants while there).
Crystal becomes paranoid that everyone thinks she is weak for crying. Kota catches a turtle for dinner. And tribe members are tethered in twos for the Immunity Challenge, which is easily won by the well-fed Kota. Thereby sending Fang back to Tribal Council again.'
Now it really gets interesting. Ace wants to get rid of Kelly. Matty tells Ace its time to lose Sugar and flush out the Idol. Ace assures him the Idol won't be played (because Ace has it). Crystal wants Sugar to go as well, but Matty talks her out of it. Ken confronts Matty and tells him Ace is not trustworthy. Matty confesses his pact with Ace to Ken. Ken is freaking out and goes to Sugar for hope. Sugar tells Ken that she gave the Idol to Ace. Ken is floored and warns Sugar that Ace is a snake (who can't seem to keep his faux-Brit accent lately), and is convinced he is manipulating her to get what he (Ace) wants. After this, Sugar decides to get the idol back and tells Ace she took it back just in case she needs it and didn't want him to think someone else had taken it. Ace remains confident.
At Tribal Council, Crystal calls out both Ace and Kelly. Ace for working alone to assemble the flagpole at the Immunity Challenge. Kelly for saying Crystal's tears showed weakness. Kelly snaps at Ace for siding with Crystal, bringing him to yell at Kelly. Crystal votes for Kelly and gives "the finger" while casting her ballot. Kelly is voted out 5-1. Bye-Bye Kelly.Two castaways will be voted out next week. For info or to watch visit
survivor kelly

Another great episode of Survivor, but that wasn't the best thing on last night. Over on VH1, Season 2 of Celebrity Rehab kicked off with a bang! Gary Busey arrived to "participate" and pass on his own rehab wisdom to the "patients." Little did Busey know that Dr. Drew had more plans for him. It seems that crazy Gary, who claims to be sober for 13 years, but still medicinally smokes pot, is actually a patient - who could've guessed that?
Gary Busey Pictures, Images and Photos
Crazy Gary
Even model/actress Amber Smith saw the writing on that wall -- "He's crazier than I am."
The episode centered around everyone's arrival at the Pasadena treatment center and their back stories. But perhaps the most disturbing of all (at least for me), was former Guns 'N Roses drummer Steven Adler, who had to be detoxed before even going to rehab. Adler was kicked out of GNR - I mean, really, how bad to you have to be to have the members of GNR throw you out? He sunk into drugs and alcohol and had a stroke - a stroke!! -- that left him in a coma for 5 days. His speech is greatly affected and it's just a sad, sad sight. But hopefully the show will do him some good.
STEVEN ADLER Pictures, Images and Photos
Adler, in his better days ...
And let's not even talk about police brutality victim Rodney King ... what a waste! Apparently that settlement he got from the LAPD didn't do any good for him at all. He spent it all on booze. He spends his days drunk and "working" with his childhood friends towing cars (and throwing up out of the tow-truck, that was a real treat, thanks VH1).
But at least by the end of the show Season 1 star Jeff Conaway had showed up to help everyone out - not! Conaway is no better off than before. It's really sad to see his back story, what a cutie he used to be. I think this show is a perfect way to teach your family NOT to do drugs - just look what it's done for these people.
My personal fave part was when Adler and Conaway were watching King play pool at the rehab. Conaway said something like "isn't that Rodney King from the police beating?" To which Adler replied, "No I think he's a basketball player." Hilarious!
Celebrity Rehab 2 will repeat most of this weekend on VH1 or you could just watch it here ...

Weekend Watch: Nothing out of the norm for me this weekend, however I do plan to watch the new Hulk on DVD. Coworkers have raved about it. I'll be watching the usual - My Big Redneck Wedding on CMT, Graham Norton and Skins on BBC America, True Blood and Entourage on HBO and Dexter and Californication on Showtime (have 3 eps of Dexter to catch up on).
But being just two weeks before Halloween, networks are bringing out their best in horror. AMC treats us to the original Halloween at 8 p.m. tonight.
Saturday night Sci-Fi presents The Ferryman at 9 p.m. Saw this one earlier this year. Starts out great, but delves into familiar territory by the end.
Save yourselves for Sunday night, when ABC Family serves up Poltergeist at 9 p.m. (my all time fave ghost story). I can't promise it will still be as scary on the "family" channel, you might be better renting it on DVD.
And you can also venture out to play a game with Saw V at your local theater.

movie Pictures, Images and Photos
And if you're looking to rent, check out Feast! A little-known independent horror flick that hit DVD last year, this product from Bravo's Project Greenlight is a huge Halloween Treat! Before Project Runway, there was Project Greenlight. Produced by the Weinstein Co. and hosted by Ben Affleck and Matt Damon, this reality show followed the production of an independent movie picked by the two actors.
Season 2 was all about Feast, a horror flick featuring performances by Henry Rollins, Silent Jay (Jason Mewes), Balthazar Getty and a brief appearance by McSteamy himself, Eric Dane.
The tag line on this flick reads "They're Hungry, You're Dinner." The plot revolves around a group of people trapped inside a seedy little desert bar, trying to survive while monsters pick them off one by one. Sounds familiar, but you haven't seen one done like this before. Among all the carnage is a lot of tongue-in-cheek humor and pop up editorials projecting each victims chances of surviving. And really, anything with Henry Rollins can't be bad right? Check out more here

Have a spooky weekend!

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Thursday, October 23, 2008

Congrats to the Phillies on winning Game 1 of the World Series (3-2)! Game 2 bows tonight at 8 p.m. on Fox. 1 down, 3 to go, turned the blog red today in honor of ...
phillies Pictures, Images and Photos

OK everyone - it's Survivor Thursday!! Tonight, big surprise, another castaway gets voted out of the show ... but wait, CBS has been promoing all week that there could possibly be "the biggest blunder in Survivor history!"
C'mon, even bigger than ice cream-scooper Erik last season. Remember, Eric was duped into giving up the Immunity Idol to a female contestant (I don't remember her name), and then voted off at Tribal Council. Even James (previously dubbed the Dumbest Survivor for his past blunders) said, "Damn!"
Dumbest Survivor Ever Pictures, Images and Photos
James passing the hat to Erik
According to the preview, it looks like faux-Brit Ace may convince Sugar to give up her Immunity Idol, now that everyone knows she has it. NEVER, I repeat, NEVER, give up Immunity for any price!! Oh well, I guess we'll just have to wait and see. Survivor airs at 8 p.m.

Over on ABC at the same time, the tramptastic Lindsay Lohan makes her debut on Ugly Betty, a a former high school rival of Betty's. And according to the NY Post, Lohan was such a disaster while filming, that her six-episode arc has been cut short. Interesting ...

supernatural Pictures, Images and Photos
Hot Demon Fighters Sam & Dean
On the CW at 9 p.m. demon-fighting bros Sam and Dean (Supernatural) are on the chase after something that it frightening people to death.

high school musical 3 Pictures, Images and Photos
And, if you just can't wait for tomorrow and High School Musical 3: Senior Year, you can relive the summer in between on the Disney Channel at 8 p.m. with High School Musical 2. Those kids are just so cute ...

celebrity rehab Pictures, Images and Photos
Other than Survivor, the highlight of my evening has to be VH1's premiere episode of Celebrity Rehab 2 at 10 p.m. Yes, Dr. Drew's back with an almost all-new cast of "celebrity" junkies trying to get straight, or just jump start their failing careers with a stint on TV.
This season features model/actress Amber Smith (who?), former American Idol contestant Nicki McKibbin (I sort of remember her), Sean Stewart - son of Rod, Guns 'N Roses Steven Adler, ultimate '80 video vixen (Whitesnake's) Tawny Kitaen (and former OJ girlfriend), Rodney "Can't We All Just Get Along" King and, it-wouldn't-be-Celeb-Rehab-without-him, that good ole trainwreck Jeff Conaway!
Jeff Conaway Rehab Pictures, Images and Photos
Trainwreck Conaway!
Also on hand, just to "help" is recovering addict and nut-job Gary Busey, who claims to be all cleaned up - you be the judge. For more info visit

Halloween Horror Watch: Tonight Philadelphia 17 offers up A Nightmare on Elm Street 2 at 8 p.m. Definitely the weakest in the franchise.

But the Sci-Fi channel must've been reading my blog and is airing Saw I and II back-to-back beginning at 6:30 p.m. tonight. If you haven't already, check it out. However I must warn you die-hard gore fans, most of the best scenes will be cut out. It's better to rent the DVD. I strongly urge anyone planning to see Saw V this weekend, to watch the others first. There's a lot of recurring characters, and it could be quite confusing. Enjoy!

saw doll Pictures, Images and Photos
Just for fun - the evil puppet doll from Saw - almost as scary as the clown doll from Poltergeist!

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Wednesday, October 22, 2008

World Series, Stylista, The Strangers ...

Although I'm not a baseball fan, I can't let the fact slide (pun intended) that the World Series kicks off tonight on Fox at 8 p.m., featuring our very own Philadelphia Phillies! The Phils battle the Tampa Bay Rays on their home turf, Tropicana Field, in St. Petersburg, Fla. Go Team!!
world series Pictures, Images and Photos

Maybe I'll actually check a little of the game before heading over to the CW for the 9 p.m. premiere of the show that's supposed to fill the void left by Project Runway - Stylista. Although I wasn't initially planning on watching this reality contestant show, all I've read this morning are good reviews about it. The show revolves around Elle editor Anne Slowey and contestants vying for a spot as her assistant. Sound familiar (Devil Wears Prada)? I'm sure there will be plenty of nasty moments, probably more between the contestants, than with Slowey. Just enough to get us thru till Nov. 12 when Top Chef returns to Bravo ... For info visit
PS - Elle is where my fave Project Runway nasty, Nina Garcia, used to be fashion director. Garcia now gives her wicked opinions over at Marie Claire and is styling her own show for Bravo set to air next spring.
Contestants and Slowey, Stylista

10 O'Clock Dilemma: Here we go again, 10 p.m. Wednesday is beginning to look like rush hour for me. On ABC, it's another dastardly episode of Dirty Sexy Money, while over on NBC, the ladies of Lipstick Jungle will be tackling all things business.
My first choice is definitely another all new episode of South Park on Comedy Central. Tonight, while the world struggles to contain the latest global epidemic, the boys find a way to make money from it in "Pandemic."
And thank God FX has the sense to re-air Sons of Anarchy immediately following its all new debut (10 p.m.) at 11 p.m. At least I get one break.

george lucas
George Lucas, Ruler of the Universe!
Last night's Scream Awards provided lots of entertainment for your buck. Unlike the long and drawn out Oscars, Grammys and Emmys, this show packed celebrities, sketches, premiere clips and fun into only two short hours!Topping it off at the end was a special Comic Con Achievement Award presented to none other than George Lucas himself.
The 501 Stormtrooper Brigade was in full empire mode as they made their way thru the audience to the stage, flanking on both sides, prior to Lucas' entrance. Handed the award by presenter and huge Star Wars fan, Samuel L. Jackson, Lucas raised it in the air and said, "At last the universe is mine!"
Director Tim Burton was honored with a special award as well and descended from a hot air balloon over the audience to the stage. I'm sure Spike TV will air this show again this weekend. It's worth checking out if you can. Here's a link to a great LA Times blog entry regarding the show
For the official site visit

OK, so I did manage to watch The Strangers last night on DVD. Not impressed.
Sorry, it started out pretty good, and got spooky fast, but in the end, it was just another run-of-mill slasher flick. Run time is only 86 minutes, so at least it wasn't a colossal waste of time.
Just a few suggestions on DVD that took this same scenario and did it much better:
Wolf Creek - Australian film about friends driving cross-country who encounter the wrong guy. Best line, "Head on a stick!"
Them - French film (with subtitles) that had to be the catalyst for The Strangers, but it is done so much better.
High Tension - Another French film (you can deal with the subtitles for this one). Scared the crap out of me! Never saw the end coming ...
Calvaire - More French - poor guy breaks down on an old country road and is "saved" by a good samaritan whose not what he seems ... thinks the man he rescued is his wife who left him and tortures her for it.
Dog Soldiers - I give this flick my highest marks. British soldiers lost in the woods come across an abandoned farmhouse and decide to shack up for the night, only to find that the home's dwellers are not exactly human. I don't want to give it away, but this film is at the top of my list for this particular monster genre.
Frailty - kind of a thinking man's horror film. Bill Paxton wrote and starred in this thriller, revolving around two brothers whose father thinks Angels are speaking to him, telling him to kill Demons ... only the Demons are real people. There's also an awesome twist at the end! A definite fave.
And the scariest film known to "man"kind - Deliverance. Not exactly your traditional horror, but chilling nonetheless ...
And of course, this list wouldn't be complete without my all-time scariest horror movie - the original 1973 Texas Chainsaw Massacre. This film totally disturbed me, how about you?
For more info on these films visit

Saw V Pictures, Images and Photos
I think I'll spend the rest of the week rewatching the Saw saga - only two more days till Saw V! If you're a horror fan and have never watched Saw, do yourself a favor and rent it. The first Saw flick is brilliant on a level with the Morgan Freeman-Brad Pitt thriller Seven.
Yes, Saw did delve into sequel Hell, but I must admit, I've enjoyed them all - though not as much as the first. I'll be checking out the new one this weekend - Saw on the big screen is a must in my book!

BTW - Toni Braxton was the unlucky contestant on Dancing with the Stars last night. Bye-Bye Toni.

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Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Scream Awards 2008

Spike TV Scream Awards Pictures, Images and Photos

Being October and this close to Halloween, it's only appropriate that Spike TV is honoring the best in horror, sci-fi and fantasy genres tonight at 9 p.m. with the Scream Awards 2008.
Nominees were chosen by storytellers including Wes Craven, Neil Gaiman, Stephen King, Frank Miller, Eli Roth, Guillermo Del Toro, Heroes creator Tim Kring and vampire novelist Stephenie Meyer (Twilight).
Leading the pack, by no surprise, is The Dark Knight with 21 nominations. Iron Man, Hellboy II: The Golden Army, Cloverfield, The Incredible Hulk and Wanted also garnered multiple noms. Fans voted online to determine the winners.
the dark knight! Pictures, Images and Photos
Some of the oddball categories include "Holy S-t Scene of the Year" and "Most Memorable Mulitlation." Spotted on the red carpet were attendees Liv Tyler, Marilyn Manson, Rob Zombie, Billy Corgan, Wes Craven, Stan Lee and Ron Perlman, to name a few.
Presented from the Greek Theatre in Los Angeles, this 2-hour shockstravaganza will also feature the requisite never-before-seen clips from upcoming genre films Watchmen, Friday The 13th, and, the reason I'll be watching, Twilight.
For more info visit

Over on ABC tonight, we get an extra hour (just what we need) of Dancing With the Stars. The recap show takes over the 8 p.m. time slot, followed by the results show at 9 p.m. For those of you who can't get enough ...

And at 10 p.m. Eli Stone gets enticed by a sexy singing visit from Mrs. Cruise herself, Katie Holmes. I hope she checked with the Scientologists to get permission before her sizzling performance! What would Suri say?
katie holmes eli Pictures, Images and Photos

Fox presents another new and confusing episode of Fringe at 9 p.m. I totally missed last week's and haven't had a chance to look it up online yet. Here we go, it's only October and I'm already way behind ...

Real Wives of Atlanta
Atlanta's Wives
And in case you wanted to catch up ... Bravo is delivering all 3 episodes of the Real Housewives of Atlanta beginning at 8 p.m. tonight. The new ep bows at 10 p.m. and is titled "Who's Your Poppa?" Perhaps a reference to self-proclaimed black-girl-in-a-white-girl's-body Kim's benefactor Big Poppa, who so far refuses to appear on air. Afterall, she just spent $18,000 of his hard-earned cash on her daughter's birthday party last week (that ep airs at 9 p.m.). Visit

Finally, if you could just kick yourself for missing the premiere of NBC's Crusoe last Friday night, you get a reprieve ... it re-airs at 11 p.m. on USA.

good movie Pictures, Images and Photos
The Strangers
Halloween Horror Watch: Hopefully before the Scream Awards I'll get a chance to indulge my horror vice. I'm expecting The Strangers (out on DVD today) to be waiting in my mailbox when I get home tonight (love ya Netflix). I meant to see this one in the theaters, but you know, sometimes life gets in the way.
It features Liv Tyler and Scott Speedman as a couple pondering their relationship while visiting an isolated vacation home. Overnight, they are terrorized by three "strangers."
Horror flicks like this are always my faves! There's nothing worse than being out in the middle of nowhere (a la Texas Chainsaw Massacre) and having some freaks show up on your doorstep! I'll let you know if this one makes the cut (pun intended) ...But in case you can't wait till tomorrow, follow this link to the trailer

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Monday, October 20, 2008

Weekend Wrap-up, Amazing Race, vampires and more

Amazing Race's Ken & Tina
Ken & Tina
Well, the Amazing Race got off to a fierce start this week, with bro/sis team Nick and Starr facing off at the Pit Stop with divorcees Kelly and Christy. The divorcees called out Starr, after dating couple Aja and Ty told them that Starr asked them to U-turn K&C during the last leg of the race. Although Starr attempted to mend the situation, it ended with Christy saying, "If you want to play the game like that, we are not going to be nice to you, so don't try to fix it. You don't even know what you just opened." Ummm could there be a nasty catfight ahead?
Teams departed the Pit Stop in the order they arrived and received their clue instructing them to fly to Auckland, New Zealand (host Phil Keoghan's homeland). Despite departing at different times, they all ended up on the same flight. That's one of the things I love about the Race, you can think you've got a head start and then, you all end up at the airport waiting hours for the same flight.
On the way to get their first clue in New Zealand, Aja & Ty suffered a tire blow out, that took them out for a lot of time ... the next clue for the racers included a Fast Forward. The Fast Forward is a task that only one couple can perform, once finished, that couple skips all other challenges and heads right to the Pit Stop (pretty much guaranteeing first place for that leg). Of course, the super competitive separated couple Ken & Tina got there first and had to climb to the top of the Auckland Skytower (they're way braver than me). The rest of the teams had to get thru a Roadblock that involved native Maori warriors and find the Travelocity Gnomes that were placed throughout the city, before making their way to the Pit Stop. By the way, I just love mom/son team Toni & Dallas, I'm rooting for them all the way!
Ken & Tina arrived first and were greeted by Phil's dad, who welcomed them to New Zealand. Unfortunately southern belles Marisa and Brooke were the last team to arrive and were eliminated from the race. Stay tuned folks, there hasn't been a non-elimination leg yet, so it should be coming up soon.
Maris & Brooke
Bye Bye Marisa & Brooke
For more info on or to watch the Amazing Race visit

Over on Wisteria Lane (ABC), the Desperate Housewives went about their boring business. I gotta say, if it weren't for my coworkers still watching this show, I would give it up. But I don't want to be left out of the conversation ... Anyway, the only thing interesting so far this season is the mysterious Dave - Edie's new husband - who has obvious anger issues.
Hats off to my coworker Sharon (our own Disney Diva), who surmised after the first episode that Dave is probably stalking Fairview because he's possibly the husband and father of the lady and child that got killed in the accident with Susan and Mike ... it's starting to look that way, don't you think?
I will definitely be tuning in next week, however, after seeing the preview. Apparently that's when we're going to get the flashbacks that will let us in on all that happened during that five-year gap between seasons.
For more on this show visit

Bill and Sookie Pictures, Images and Photos
Bill & Sookie
Things got all hot and steamy in Bon Temps, La., last night on HBO's vampire drama True Blood. The show opened up with a vamptastic love scene between vamp Bill Compton and his love interest Sookie Stackhouse. There's a reason this show's on HBO, and last night illustrated it really well. Tune in for the first couple of minutes at least ...The rest of the ep dealt with the town's response to the two bite marks on Sookie's neck (a result of the vampire love-making). Kinda hard to hide in a small town ... And Sookie's bro went to the vamp bar Fangtasia to try and get his fix of V (vampire blood), which included an all too brief cameo of the superhot vamp leader Eric. Why can't they build the show around this guy? It would be so much more interesting!
Oh, and there was that side story involving Bill killing Sookie's uncle after she told him he molested her as a child, and vigilantes burning the home of Bill's former mates, killing them too. Let the games begin ...
For more on True Blood visit

SNL was all the rage Saturday night because of a well publicized visit from Republican VP candidate Sarah Palin. But I though Mark Wahlberg stole the show!In the opening scene, show creator Lorne Michaels is showing Palin around the set, and Wahlberg comes up looking for Andy Samberg (who recently dissed Wahlberg in a sketch about talking to animals). "Do I have to bash your head in too Lorne, because I will," Wahlberg said after asking for the SNL regular. "Third dressing room on the right," Michaels replied in his best Dr. Evil voice.

Wahlberg eventually caught up with Samberg backstage later in the show in a hilarious spoof of Samberg's sketch. Way to go Mark!
To watch visit

Tonight begins a week-long event over on HGTV. House Hunters International Week will air a new episode of the popular show every night at 10 p.m. The original House Hunters will also air new shows each night at 9 p.m. House Hunters is undoubtedly one of HGTV's most popular shows. It features people who are looking for a new home. Three properties are shown throughout the 1/2 hour show, with the people choosing one at the end. The show goes back after a few months and you get to see how everyone settled into their new abode. Explaining this show doesn't do it justice here. If you've ever watched it, you know, it's addictive.

Anyway, HH International features people who are moving to another country and looking for a home. Check it out - you won't be sorry.
For info visit

Sci-Fi Channel continues its Monday night LOST minithons tonight with the end of Season 1: The Greater Good, Born to Run and Exodus: Parts I & II, beginning at 7 p.m.

Two and a Half Men Pictures, Images and Photos
Two and a Half Men
And congratulations to CBS' Two and a Half Men for continuing to be TV's top-rated sitcom! This brilliant little nugget averaged 14.6 million viewers last Monday. Two and a Half Men airs at 9 p.m. Mondays, just a half hour after my fave sitcome Big Bang Theory, which averaged 9.4 million last week. Good job guys!In between these two great shows, is another, and How I Met Your Mother features the spontaneous wedding between Ted and Stella tonight (8:30). Or will it, according to NBC, their exes just happen to destroy what was to be the happiest day of their lives. Tune in ...

I didn't watch last week's Grey's Anatomy, I'm totally fed up with the same storylines, and apparently, a lot of you didn't watch either. Ratings for the "hit" show dropped again to roughly 14.5 million viewers (it averaged 18 million last season), and was again slaughtered by the CSI team on CBS (19.2 million). Following Grey's, Life on Mars dropped around 2 million viewers from last week's premiere and finished third behind CBS' Eleventh Hour and NBC's ER.
And another show on tonight (which I'm still trying to catch up on DVD), Fox's Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles has been picked up for a full season. This can't be good news for Buffy creator Joss Whedon's Dollhouse, which was being tooled for the 8 p.m. time slot in January to be followed by Jack Bauer's 24 ...
And as long as it's Monday, close to Halloween, and we're talking vampires, I gotta give a shut out to one of my faves ... this week's TV Guide Countdown is for TV's sexiest undead creatures - vampires, demons and zombies!

While Supernatural's Dean Winchester makes the cut at No. 3, I couldn't agree more with their No. 1 choice - Angel! Or Angelis, as I prefer him ... the handsome David Boreanz heated up the small screen as the 270-year-old bloodsucking beau of Buffy, Sunnydale's famous slayer. As quoted from the mag, "Tall, dark and deadly never looked so good." Yeah, baby!
David Boreanz 10 Pictures, Images and Photos
And, now you know, I can't get all vamped up without mentioning my newest fave - yes, that's right, just another chance to add a photo of Edward Cullen to this blog. Only a month left till Twilight dazzles the big screen and things are getting hot over here!
Or how about a link to the film's trailer?
edward cullen

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Friday, October 17, 2008

Survivor Recap, Weekend Watch

tribal council
Hi, everybody, sorry so late today. I'm actually enjoying a day off, but had to get on to recap last night's Survivor! Hope you watched, things are really getting good.
Over in good ole' Gabon, Africa, the Kota tribe was feeding its faces, and Randy couldn't have been happier about (Randy was constantly worried about the intake of food when he was with the Fang tribe). Apparently Kota has an abundance of fish, although Randy still fears he will be the first one out if they lose immunity.
The Fang tribe spent their morning watching an elephant across the river. Ace and Matty dared to get closer in their canoe ... oh, and Ace knows Sugar has the Immunity Idol.
fruit task
The Fruit Flies Challenge
Which brings us to the Reward Challenge, a fruit toss was held and whichever tribe got the most fruit past the other tribe, weight-wise, won not only the fruit, but a live herb garden as well.
Fang got 16 lbs. of fruit across, but was agani bested by Kota, which garnered 18 lbs.
Kota elected to send Sugar back to Exile Island and stupid Dan actually told them why -- they think Sugar's got the Idol and hope to flush it out if her tribe votes for her, thus putting the idol back in play ... never give your strategy to the other tribe!
GC's fed up with everything and is letting everyone know. He disappears right before they have to leave for the immunity challenge. Ace is ticked off because everyone is expending their energy trying to find GC. He shows up in the canoe just in time ...
However, the next challenge involved throwing giant wicker balls down a slope into slots worth various amounts. Hence the tribe with the greatest numeric amount wins. Each tribe has a member blindfolded at the bottom trying to block the ball before it can score. Another tribe member has to be the "eyes" and guide them in the right direction.
Sugar was not the best choice to be the guide and Ace suffers greatly for it! Randy is the guide for Kota and in addition to doing a great job, he also yells commands to Ace, confusing him enough to lose the challenge.
Back at the Fang camp, GC tells Matty he wants to go home. Matty tells everyone else and they decide to grant his wish.
Later on, Crystal goes thru Sugar's bag and finds the immunity idol. Then she tries to get everyone to vote for Sugar, thinking it's the best time to blindside her, thus getting rid of the idol altogether.
In the end, the Fang tribe spoke and gave GC his wish. Yeah! He had to go ... he was nothing but a hinderance to the tribe and the game.
G Sizzle
Bye Bye G Sizzle

To watch this episode or for more info visit

Crusoe Pictures, Images and Photos
Weekend Watch: Tonight at 8 pm NBC rolls out its latest epic drama, based on explorer Robinson Crusoe. Crusoe sets sail for the New World and becomes straded on an island in the premiere of this adaptation of Daniel Defoe's classic novel.

Saturday brings great news for me over on the Food Network. Not only does Giada DeLaurentis have a new show, airing at 1 pm, called Giada at Home (c'mon guys, you all know you love Giada and her low-cut shirts), but my all-time foodie Ina Garten returns with an all new season of the Barefoot Contessa following at 1:30 pm. Just in time for lunch ... how easy was that?
Ina Garten Pictures, Images and Photos
The Barefoot Contessa
For those of you who don't know, Garten, former owner of the culinary store of the same name in Southampton, N.Y. -- Yes, those Hamptons -- is a best-selling author and all around entertaining guru. If you're lucky enough to count her as a friend or neighbor, your parties will be the toast of the town! And nothing's too hard to make, I have a few of her books and have made several of her dishes and they've all turned out great!

Giada Delaurentis Pictures, Images and Photos
The Lovely Giada
DeLaurentis, the grand-daughter of legendary director Dino DeLaurentis (King Kong '70s remake), is a well-known chef in Los Angeles. She specializes in Italian cuisine and her dishes are almost as easy and elegant at Garten's. And she's a favorite among male Food Network viewers for more than just her cooking. See for yourself ...
For more info on either show visit

Later Saturday at 9 pm on Lifetime, Harry Connick Jr. returns to acting in the premiere of Living Proof. It's the story of the doctor who helped develop the breast-cancer drug Herceptin. I don't know how interesting the movie will be, but I sure can stand to look at him for two hours.
Harry Connick Jr Pictures, Images and Photos
Love Ya Harry

Of course, over on CMT at 9 pm it's another wacky episode of My Big Redneck Wedding, following by more auditions for the Dallas Cowboy Cheerleaders: Making The Team. This week, the cheerleaders start boot camp.

And you can pretty much count on seeing guest host Josh Brolin bring his recent character W. to life on Saturday Night Live, NBC 11:30 pm.
According to Brolin said, "Expect a lot of fun and some surprising moments. There's a good chance the W. (himself) may appear in a skit -- you'll have to watch to find out!"

Halloween Horror Watch: Tonight over on FX it's scary incidents on the road beginning at 7 pm with Joy Ride and followed at 9 pm by Wrong Turn. Both flicks are good for some Friday night fun -- and they're free. I wouldn't have paid to see either in the theater, but what the heck ... there's a few thrills for all.

But if you really want to be scared, click on over to TNT at 8 or 10 pm for two airings of The Ring! The generic TV Guide description of this one goes "video is linked to deaths of several teens, so a reported investigates."
Well, that's pretty basic, but this movie is absolutely chilling. It's a good, solid, creepy story throughout, but what makes it great is the last 10 minutes, when you actually find out how the video kills people!
The first time I saw this (on DVD, thank God it wasn't in the theater), it was around 1 am (the ending, I mean) and I had to stay up 2 more hours before I could calm down enough to turn out the lights and go to bed! And, if you watch it on a big screen TV (which is what I have), it makes it that much worse!
THE RING MOVIE Pictures, Images and Photos

In the News: Apparently, Mad Men may be on its last legs, so enjoy it while you can. After making history as the first basic cable seriesa to every win the Emmy for Best Drama, Mad Men has yet to be renewed for another season.
I already told you that I gave this show up two weeks ago. I loved the first season, but the second did nothing for me. And others must feel the same way because ratings have really slipped.
The NY Post reports today that there is no scheduled start date for shooting Season 3, no scripts are written and the creator hasn't been rehired yet. If AMC doesn't want it, there is talk that it could move to another network. We'll see ...
Mad Men Pictures, Images and Photos
The Major Players of Mad Men

Also reported in the Post, Fox and Major League Baseball have agreed to a 15-minute delay in the start of a World Series Game in order to carry in informercial by Barack Obama. That's a little UnAmerican, isn't it -- interrupting America's past time during the World Series, no less, for an infomercial?
If there is a Game Six, it would start at 8:35 pm instead of the scheduled 8:20 start time to allow for this.

Have a great weekend!

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Thursday, October 16, 2008

Project Runway recap, on TV tonight

PR finalists
The Finalists - Korto, Leanne & Kenley

Well, it's over ... and now the day after let down. Another season of Project Runway ends, and it's the last we'll see on Bravo. But what an exciting episode it was!
As predicted, Leanne Marshall was awarded the $100,000 grand prize and, as my mom put it, a nice "cheap" Saturn hybrid. But it was a close finish ... for those of you who watched, you know what I mean. My mom, sister and myself kept changing our minds throughout the show, hedging more to Korto to win ... at first we thought Korto was definitely "out" and the real competition would be between Kenley and Leanne. However, early on, continuing her signature snarkiness, Kenley got into a riff with mentor Tim Gunn over her collection ... that's a PR no-no! Even Korto went against Gunn initially and was going to show her wedding dress again. She changed her mind later, and redesigned her bridesmaid's gown instead.
Leanne wasn't satisfied with her pants, but Gunn urged her to leave them in the show anyway. Smart Leanne listened ... and the judges specifically commented on how much they liked them (ALWAYS listen to Tim!).
After casting their models, consulting with hair and make-up artists, (I could've done without the dog poop on the floor though), even Korto remade two outfits in the wee hours of the morning beforehand ... it was off to the big show in Bryant Park.
And what an event it was ... everyone was there, from show owner Harvey Weinstein, to Bravo reality star Rachel Zoe. The audience also included lots of former Project Runway contestants - Christian Siriano (looking fierce, I might add), Gillian, Blaine, Daniel, Rami, Chris March and others, I can't remember them all, sorry.
Afterwards, the judging began and it got heated. While the judges on the whole liked Kenley's collection, she was chastised for looking too much like the Balenciaga collection that was shown earlier in the week. This brought a harsh reaction from Kenley, who is sick and tired of being accused of copying others' work. "No one likes to be called a copycat when they know they're a true artist!"
Korto was praised for implementing her ethnic heritage. Former Elle fashion editor Nina Garcia said her collection was "effortlessly cohesive" - always a good word from the judge's mouth. Gunn said she "hit a bullseye" and called it "sublime," while hostess Heidi Klum considered it "overworked." That's when I knew Korto had lost - "overworked" never bodes well for a contestant.
Leanne's collection received kudos at first, but was criticized for being "too much of one note," considering her theme "waves" was well executed in all her looks. Kors was afraid she would become the Queen of the Petals - "and Petals Marshall sounds like a stripper not a designer."
In the end, we all held our breath as the shows traditional ending beats ticked down till Heidi pronounced the winner - Leanne!
Leanne dress
Leanne's flawless evening gown

Congratulations on a job well done to all - especially the producers who've achieved another great season. I only hope it continues wherever Project Runway ends up next.
Oh, by the way, for anonymous who asked about a Reunion Show - I can't find anything alluding to there being one. I guess maybe with the lawsuit between NBC and the Weinstein Co., they decided to make the finale the last show period. Bummer. And at the end of the broadcast, Bravo announced that Korto had received the Fan Favorite Award of $10,000. They usually award that during the reunion show.
In case you missed it, the 2-part finale airs again tonight beginning at 8 p.m. on Bravo.
For more info or to see screen captures of all the collections, visit

And just for fun, check out the Tim Gunn Talking Bobblehead, a great Xmas gift for any Project Runway fan on your list! Visit tim gun bobblehead

Tim bobble

"Make it work people!"

And don't forget to tune into Bravo tonight for another episode of PR's mentor - Tim Gunn's Guide to Style, which moves into its permanent spot at 10 p.m.

Oh, and I need to mention, as if we weren't having heart palpitations over the impending winner announcement, Bravo took a few extra minutes of commercial time to air a brief look at Baz Luhrman's upcoming epic Australia. I don't know about you, but hunky Hugh Jackman really had my blood pumping! I'm not a huge fan of ice queen Nicole Kidman, but I think I might have to put up the $10 to see this one ... for info vi
Australia Pictures, Images and Photos

On TV tonight: At 8 p.m. on CBS, it's time to get down and dirty with those wacky castaway's on Survivor: Gabon! Tonight an overwhelming hunger and homesickness jeopardizes one castaway. Oh, and "G Sizzle" gets lost! Hope he's next to go ... for info

My TV dilemma will be at 9 p.m. when CSI, Grey's Anatomy, Supernatural and Kitchen Nightmares all vy for my Nielsen rating ...Here's my plan: CSI was fantastic last week, dealing with the death of one of their own, investigator Warrick Brown ... however, tonight's episode will center around a murderous hypnotist ... I think I'll pass, maybe tape-worthy.

Grey's Anatomy (ABC, 9 pm) will center on McDreamy finding Meredith's mother's diary (oh boy, here goes, more problems for medicine's most morose couple), while Callie prepares for her first real date with Erica. How long are they going to draw out the lesbian hook-up storyline? I mean really, we get it, they like each other. Funny how everyone else on the show has no problem hoping in and out of bed with each other, but this flirt-fest has been going on since last Spring. Get over it already! As you can guess, I'll be skipping this one ...

Over on Fox, malicious chef Gordon Ramsay will unleash his fury on another failing restaurant on Kitchen Nightmares. This is one of my guiltiest pleasures. I hated this guy when Fox started airing Hell's Kitchen. Months later I caught his BBC America show (Kitchen Nightmares), same show, only filmed in Europe and came to greatly appreciate and respect this often scary man. So when Fox started an American version, I was right there for the premiere. Whether you love or hate him, you have to admit, he really knows his way around the kitchen and managing successful restaurants (according to Wikipedia, he owns 11 around the world).

However, as part of my Halloween Horror Watch, I'll be watching the CW's Supernatural at 9 p.m. Tonight's episode has demon hunter bros Sam and Dean chasing a shape-shifter, killing its victims disguised as classic movie monsters i.e. the wolfman, Dracula, the mummy, etc. Yeah, I'm definitely a horror junkie, especially every October ...

Then I'll probably switch on over to the Discovery Channel at 10 p.m. for Tornado Rampage 2008, a rehash, with lots of new footage, I hope, of all the tornadic carnage during tornado season last spring. I don't know what it is, but I just can't resist watching these amazing weather phenomena on TV - way better than seeing them in person!

For those of you not intersted in any of the above, why not tune in to HBO, which will be airing a mini-thon of the last three episodes of its vampire drama True Blood. Catch up on what people are talking about and get a little "taste" for yourself.

Or you can get all teary and sentimental over on the ABC Family Channel beginning at 8 p.m. with that heart-tugging epic The Notebook. Starring Ryan Gosling and Rachel McAdams as young star-crossed lovers in this tale told by an aging man in a nursing home to an Alzheimer's victim. Be sure to have lots of tissues on hand!
The Notebook Pictures, Images and Photos

Late Night Tonight: Presidential candidate John McCain finally makes his long-due debut on the Late Show with David Letterman (CBS, 11:35 pm). After cancelling a prior appearance, Dave has been really riding the Republican, let's hope he can make amends tonight.
Meanwhile, Democratic VP candidate Joe Biden sits down with Jay Leno on The Tonight Show (NBC, 11:35 pm).
And, Max Payne himself, Mark Wahlberg, stops by Jimmy Kimmel (ABC, 12:05 am) to chat up his latest flick, opening tomorrow.

And back to McCain ... apparently Obama supporter Jon Bon Jovi isn't too pleased with the Republican camp using his song, "Who Says You Can't Go Home." Jon recently told, "We wrote this song as a thank you to those who have supported us over the past 25 years. Although we were not asked, we do not approve of their use of 'Home.'" Heart and Jackson Browne have also objected to the GOP's use of their songs.(Of course, I'm just using this as an excuse to post a hot photo of Jon, enjoy!)
jon bon jovi Pictures, Images and Photos
Love ya Jon!

In more serious news: A huge get well soon to Gale Harold, who was involved in a serious motorcycle crash in Los Angeles earlier this week. Best known for his portrayal of Brian on Showtime's Queer As Folk, the handsome Harold is currently playing Susan's (Teri Hatcher's) love interest on Desparate Housewives. As of Wednesday, he was still listed in critical condition with a fractured shoulder, but expected to make a full recovery.
Gale Harold 3 Pictures, Images and Photos
Get Well Gale

And apparently there's a backlash brewing over those DirecTV commercials featuring classic movie scenes, using one of the original stars to promote the TV service.You've seen them, Sigourney Weaver in Aliens and Robert Patrick as the T1000 from the Terminator 2 helicopter scene ...
poltergeist Pictures, Images and Photos
Well, folks aren't taking too well to the latest one, featuring the famous "They're here" clip from Poltergeist (which by the way is on my Top 5 All-Time Horror Movies List).
Craig T. Nelson is the one who promotes the service from his bed, but it's the appearance of tiny Heather O'Rourke who utters the famous line that's getting everyone all bent out of shape.
O'Rourke died in 1988 at age 12 of septic shock while undergoing an operation to remove a bowel obstruction ... thus adding to the folklore of the Poltergeist Curse.
In 1982 Dominique Dunne, who played older sister Dana, was murdered by her boyfriend shortly after the film's release.
In 1985, Julian Beck, who portrayed the "bad spirit" in Poltergeist II, died of stomach cancer. It wasn't unexpected, since he had been diagnosed in 1984.
In 1987 Will Sampson, who played the "good spirit" Indian helping Nelson in Poltergeist II, died after receiving a heart-lung transplant.
However, Poltergeist's creepy psychic Tangina (Zelda Rubenstein), long-rumored dead is alive and well and still working ...

And here's a bonus -- how many of you had nightmares over this uncredited star of Poltergeist
geistclown Pictures, Images and Photos

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Wednesday, October 15, 2008

It's all about Project Runway tonight

Tonight network TV will be yet another Presidential Debate. This time the candidates will be arguing from Hofstra University on Long Island. I always look forward to these debates, not because I plan on watching ... but because it frees up my viewing because from 9-11 pm there won't be any regular programming on the major networks.
So I don't have to figure out how to juggle Lipstick Jungle, Dirty Sexy Money, South Park or Sons of Anarchy tonight. The first two shows won't be on ...

Project Runway Pictures, Images and Photos
Tim & Heidi

So since I'm so over the debates, there's really only one thing that matters on TV tonight and that's the Season Finale of Project Runaway over on Bravo!! Yes kiddies, it's finally here ... who will be the winner and who will be out?
Taped about a month ago at New York City Fashion Week, it all comes down to this runway show at Bryant Park. And remember, guest judge Jennifer Lopez was a no-show, allowing our fave style guru Tim Gunn to step in to judge. He'll be joined, of course, by show hostess and supermodel Heidi Klum, former Elle fashion editor Nina Garcia and designer Michael Kors.
So, who do you think it'll be - Kenley Collins, Leanne Marshall or Korto Momolu (sorry, couldn't find photo of Korto)? Click on over to PR's blog and check out the competition. Personally, I'm betting on Leanne, although I do wish once she wins, she spiffs up her own wardrobe!
Leanne Marshall Pictures, Images and Photos

Kenley Pictures, Images and Photos
Kenley, clearly not the fan favorite, broke down in tears last week during an appearance on Live with Regis and Kelly regarding her portrayal on the show. In actuality, Kenley, perceived as quite bitchy during the later part of this season, has never approached the same level of evil that other Runway villains have managed. Remember the witchy-like Wendy Pepper or deliciously wicked Santino Rice?
santino rice Pictures, Images and Photos
Wicked Santino
Wendy Pepper Pictures, Images and Photos
Witchy Wendy
Tonight also marks a bittersweet end to Bravo's most successful show. Project Runway will continue with a sixth season, probably on Lifetime Network, which signed a $150 million deal with the Weinstein Co., which owns the show.However, NBC has sued and a restraining order has been issued, keeping the showing from airing. If NBC, which owns Bravo, wins, rumor has it Project Runway might end up on the peacock network.

Philadelphia's own Parking Wars returns for a second season tonight on A&E at 10 p.m. with four back-to-back episodes. The show is filmed exclusively among the Philadelphia Parking Authority's rank and file, and promises a season of hissy fits and hard-luck stories. For info visit

Prior to Parking Wars, A&E will feature a special "Halloween" episode of Dog the Bounty Hunter. Tonight Dog and Beth have to find Robert, a tattoo artist, who apparently collects weapons. Isn't every episode Halloween for this wild team? Visit
dog the bounty hunter Pictures, Images and Photos
Dog & Beth, Halloween or everyday clothes?

I'll be tuning into Comedy Central's South Park at 10 p.m. where Cartman and Wendy throw down in an all new episode titled "Breast Cancer Show Ever." Wendy gets in trouble when she threatens to beat up Cartman after school. No matter how fired up Wendy is, all bets are on Cartman. Everybody knows a girl can't fight a boy and win ...For info visit

Immediately following at 10:30 p.m. is the debut of David Alan Grier's Chocolate News. A show that promises to fill the gap left after the cancellation of Fox's In Living Color and CC's Chappelle Show. It also dares to go where no PC show would dare to go. For info visit

I'll catch the repeat of tonight's new episode of FX's Sons of Anarchy at 11 p.m. I never miss this fine new show, which was just picked up for a second season last week. For info visit

Halloween Horror Watch: Check out Starz tonight at 8 p.m. for the best recent vampire flick to date. John Carpenter's 30 Days of Night is an all-out gorefest featuring vamps on the hunt in Alaska. Yeah, Alaska, where the sun sets and doesn't rise again for another 30 days or more ... and you know how vamps don't like the sun. You can just imagine the carnage!

And speaking of carnage, celebrity chef Rocco DiSpirito was the odd man out on Dancing with the Stars last night. He would've gone home last week, but got a reprieve when Misty May-Treanor had to quite due to an injury.
I'm sure we'll be seeing him soon enough as a guest judge on that fine Bravo show - Top Chef, premiering its new season Nov. 12.
Rocco and Padma =D Pictures, Images and Photos
Top Chef Hostess Padma and Rocco
(Elfman, I picked this photo just for you!)

Last night on the season finale of the Rachel Zoe Project, it was all about the Oscars! And I loved it. Just watching how Jennifer Garner's and Cameron Diaz' Academy Award red carpet looks came together was fascinating. Not to mention the huge tension between assistants Taylor and Brad. It's been no secret that Taylor doesn't approve of newbee Brad and hasn't done much to help him learn his new job. Last night, during the most stressful week of their careers, Taylor lost it all over the poor boy and he quit (and cried A LOT)!
Luckily, not wanting to start all over again with a new assistant, Rachel convinced Taylor to apologize and get him back. By the end all was as well as it gets in the Zoe world.
Oh, and Zoe's hubby Roger gave her a 1956 Porsche Roadster for their 10-yr. Anniversary - just like the one Dylan McKay drove in the original Beverly Hills 90210 - now that's what I call LOVE!
1956 porsche Pictures, Images and Photos
Only her's, like Dylan's, was black

Till tomorrow ...

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Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Rock of Love Charm School why? and other news

Rock of Love Charm School
Charm School Girls

Ok, I'm gonna try to keep it short and sweet today, wish me luck.Last night, I caught up on VH1's latest skankfest Rock of Love Charm School (originally aired Sunday at 9 pm, but will undoubtedly repeat all week). This show is a carbon copy of last year's Flava of Love Charm School, changing out Monique as hostess, for Sharon Osbourne.
And instead of the "ladies" from Flava of Love, this one features the "ladies" of Brett Michael's Rock of Love. Fourteen of the worst of the worst from Rock's two seasons gathered at some mansion in Los Angeles to battle it out charm school-style for a chance at winning $100,000 (yeah, that's about $60,00 after taxes - it's not gonna go as far as they're hoping). Of course, one can't deny that the publicity one gets from this show won't help (hurt) a career ...
In either case, it's up to Sharon to turn these sorry subjects into "ladies." Good Luck!
All the faves are back: Raven, Jessica, Kristy Jo, Destiny, Rodeo, superdrunk Courtney (she passed out the first day on Rock of Love and did it again last night), Brandi C., Brandi M., Angelique, Megan, Dallas and yes, season one runner-up Heather (who "loved" Brett so much she actually got his name tattooed on the back of her neck).
I've already written too much regarding this mess. But, just to let you know, at the end of every excruciating episode, one contestant will be expelled from Charm School and last night it was the aforementioned drunk Courtney. Hey, at least Sharon arranged for her to go to rehab!
Don't waste your time. It was really bad ...But just in case you don't want to heed my warning, you can check it out at

Over on ABC at 10 pm, Denny Crane continued his hilarious shenanigans on Boston Legal. Who'd ever thought that William Shatner could be so funny and entertaining! He totally makes the show, along with James Spader.
Spader, who started out his career playing the worst teen villians in John Hughes' movies, is the last person I would've thought I would like. But, hey, if I'm ever accused of a crime, I totally want his Alan Shore to defend me!
Don't miss the opportunity to catch this fine show while it enjoys its last season. For info visit

Shatner as the wacky Crane
Denny Crane Pictures, Images and Photos
So, moving on to tonight: It's the return of Fox's superhit Fringe! I found myself really missing this show last week (it wasn't on due to the debate). Tonight's episode finds dangerous and deadly occurrences following a man who has the ability to harness electricity. Dr. Bishop (the superb John Noble) enlists homing pigeons to help him break the case. Fringe starts at 9 pm. For info or to watch previous eps visit

Over on CBS at the same time, Aussie hunk Simon Baker stars in the second ep of the new hit The Mentalist - When a high school girl's body washes up on the beach, CBI investigator Patrick Jane (Baker) sets a trap to get a group of surfers to turn on one another and reveal what really happened.
I haven't checked out this one yet, but coworkers enjoyed last week's show. For info visit

Real Wives of Atlanta
The "Real" Housewives

At 9 pm Bravo will bring the rich biches back - I mean, The Real Housewives of Atlanta - for their second episode. I have to admit, this is my kind of reality TV. You just have to marvel at the way these broads can spend money! And, of course, money doesn't buy happiness, as is well illustrated on this show! Check it out

Following at 10 pm is the season finale of The Rachel Zoe Project. This show just caught my attention about two weeks on the recommendation of a coworker and I love it! It's ending way too soon for me. Rachel Zoe is a "celebrity stylist" and spends most of her time running all over the world (she's based in LA), finding the "hero" dress that some big star needs to wear to some awards show, or even for a whole press tour.
Tonight it looks like Rachel may have to fire one of her assistants! Will is be mean girl Taylor or nice guy Brad? My vote's for Taylor, she's really been making things difficult for Brad lately, and he's always stepped up to the challenge. Of course, probably no one will get fired, it was just a ploy to make us all watch!
For info visit
Mean Girl Taylor
tinny Pictures, Images and Photos

For those of you who asked yesterday, CMT will be rebroadcasting last weekend's episode of My Big Fat Redneck Wedding tonight at 10:30 pm. Enjoy the wacky redneck nuptials of Jeanne and Phil (refer to yesterday's post for more info). Just prior from 9-10:30 CMT is airing the first two episodes of Dallas Cowboy Cheerleaders: Making the Team. A fine show that both guys and girls can enjoy - for totally different reasons, you'll see what I mean.
Visit for information on either show.
Jeanne & Phil tying the knot
jeanne and phil

And for the hopeless romantic (girls, you know who I mean), E! presents a favorite tonight at 8 pm. Sandra Bullock stars in Hope Floats, as a jilted wife who moves back home with her mother, and is courted by an old boyfriend ... and if you've seen this one, you know who I mean - Justin Matisse, played breathlessly by the gorgeous Harry Connick Jr.
If you haven't seen this one, drop everything and watch it - ladies, you won't be sorry. And if Justin's just not enough, tune in to Late Night with Conan O'Brien on NBC at 12:35 am, where Harry will be promoting his new Lifetime movie Living Proof, premiering Saturday night at 9 pm.
Dreamy Harry Connick Jr.
Harry Connick Jr Pictures, Images and Photos

For the football crowd, get your fix on FX at 7:30 pm with Invincible, the gridiron saga of Vince Papale (Mark Wahlberg), a 30-year-old sandlot player who earned a spot on the 1976 Philadelphia Eagles. I've seen it, and I recommend it. Enjoy.

Of course, you can always go out and rent/buy Memorial Day Weekend 2008 blockbuster Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull, out today! I know a lot of people have issues with this one (not to mention what the creators of South Park did last week), but I enjoyed it. It's always nice to see Indy in action again ...

I know I said short and sweet, but just a little news ... Terrence Howard is officially out for the Iron Man sequel. He's already been replaced by Don Cheadle as Jim Rhodes, Tony Stark's best friend and future armor-clad hero War Machine.
According to, sources close to the deal with Howard say negotiations fell through over financial differences. Careful Terrence, you may be sorry ...
Handsome Howard
Terrence Howard Pictures, Images and Photos

And last, Marcia, Marcia, Marcia, what were you thinking? I'm talking about the tell-all book coming out today by former Brady Bunch star Maureen McCormick. As usual, with "celebrity bios," something scandalous must always be revealed - I mean, why would we want to read it if there wasn't something juicy being offered (remember Barbara Walters scandalous affair with a gentleman of color?).
maureen mccormick Pictures, Images and Photos
Anyway, McCormick apparently describes a teen life of debauchery that includes romancing her TV brother Barry "Greg" Williams (who also admits to dating TV mom Florence Henderson for God's sakes), dates with Michael Jackson and Steve Martin (Steve, who knew?), hitting wild Hollywood parties at the Playboy mansion and the home of Sammy Davis Jr., cocaine binges, trading sexual favors for drugs that lead to unwanted pregnancies, and blowing an interview with Steven Spielberg because she was high. Need I go on?
Not enough to get me to read it, but just in case you're interested, "Here's the Story: Surviving Marcia Brady and Finding My True Voice" hits bookstores today.

Short and sweet, I'll keep trying ...

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Monday, October 13, 2008

Weekend Wrap-Up

Sparks flew on last night’s Amazing Race, which for a change, started on time, since there wasn’t a late afternoon football game on CBS.
During the overnight Pit Stop from the end of last week’s episode, Christy accused Starr of pushing her sports bra over the ledge of a window. A stunned Starr denied the accusation, adding, "How does that get us ahead in anything?"
However, Christy was skeptical and warned, "If she wants to play dirty, she’s gonna get something else."
Last week’s first-place finishers, separated couple Ken & Tina were the first to depart on this leg or the race. Their clue instructed them to fly 1,200 miles to La Paz, Bolivia. La Paz is high up in the mountains and the teams immediately noticed the change in altitude. This made for an interesting "race," since the higher altitude tested contestants endurance.
All teams caught up at the statue of Simon Bolivar for an outdoor sleepover, where Starr’s bro Nick tried to smooth things over with rivals Kelly & Christy. It didn’t go well, with Kelly adding "We don’t really care if people don’t like us."
During the Detour challenge, best friends and comic book geeks Mark & Bill made a critical error and didn’t fully read their clue. Instead of continuing to their task on foot (as stated on the clue), the pair took a taxi, that cost them dearly at the Pit Stop.
Following the Detour, came the first appearance of U-Turn. The U-Turn option, if a team decided to pass it onto another team, would force that team to go back and finished the second task offered on the Detour. Thus, costing them more time out of the race.
No one decided to use the U-Turn. However, Nick & Starr asked long distance dating couple Ty & Aja to U-Turn Kelly & Christy.
The Road Block this week had on member of each team taking on a "fighting Cholita" in the wrestling ring and making six practiced wrestling moves, before getting their final clue. Then it was off to the Pit Stop.


Fighting Cholitas
During the cholita fights, Aja told Christy that Starr asked them to U-Turn her & Kelly. An upset Christy thanked Aja for the tip.
Ken & Tina made it to the Pit Stop first for the second time in a row, followed by Toni & Dallas, Terence & Sarah, Marisa & Brooke, Aja & Ty, Nick & Starr, Andrew & Dan, Mark & Bill and Kelly & Christy.
However, Mark & Bill incurred a 30-minute penalty because of their slip up earlier and had to wait while Kelly & Christy arrived. Even though they were last, because of the penalty Kelly & Christy were saved and Mark & Bill were eliminated from the race.

mark and bill

Bye-Bye Mark & Bill
For more info visit

Over on HBO, things got real messy on the vampire drama True Blood. Sookie arrived home to find her beloved grandmother murdered on the kitchen floor!
Obviously, not the work of a vampire, there was way too much blood left all over, the town police are now worried about a possible serial killer in Bon Temps.
Meanwhile, Sookie’s wild bro Jason is suffering withdrawal after tasting vampire blood.
But what really made last night’s ep interesting was that a distraught Sookie sought comfort in vampire Bill’s arms at the end, going to his house in the middle of the night. It all ended with … you know … a passionate kiss and then … wait for it … a bite! Should make things interesting next week … Oh, and according to the preview, vampire leader Eric will be back! I’ll be tuning in.
For info visit

True Blood- Eric Pictures, Images and Photos

Eric, True Blood's vampire hottie

And I was wrong about there being nothing on Saturday night. I almost completely forgot about CMT’s Big Fat Redneck Wedding! This trainwreck of a show is a perfect guilty pleasure. It’s only half an hour, so it’s not a big commitment.
While last week’s season premiere featured a bro/sis wedding (she was actually adopted, so they weren’t blood relatives), this week topped that with the country backyard wedding of Jeanne & Phil of Maryland.
Phil does yard work in a thong and only puts his teeth in the special occasions (the wedding counted as a special occasion). While Jeanne can out-belch the best of them. The episode featured a combined bachelor-bachelorette party that ended with strip poker – it looked like everyone was losing. And the wedding’s theme was – ready? -- Tractors! "Everything’s red and white, just the tractors!" Jeanne exclaimed. Oh, and did I mention, that for her wedding gift to her groom, Jeanne had the neighbor slaughter one of his longhorns and bleach the skull to hang on their barn? -- now that’s CLASS!
For info or to watch visit

jeanne and phil
Jeanne & Phil, hey, check out The Reverend!

After that I watched the forgettable Forgetting Sarah Marshall on DVD. It had some funny moments, but on the whole, don’t waste your time.
A shame, I really like Kristin Bell. Her former show Veronica Mars was one of the most brilliant shows of its genre. Oh well, there’s always hope …

Didn’t get a chance to watch Rock of Love Charm School yet, but I will. Also over on HBO last night was another fun episode of Entourage! Love this show! And HBO announced last week that there will be a sixth season – yay!

This just in: CSI’s season premiere last Thursday totally beat Grey’s Anatomy in the ratings, drawing nearly 23 million to Grey’s falling 15 million. I started to watch Grey’s on Saturday and couldn’t even get thru it. Seems I’m not alone in giving up on this show!

Christian slater Pictures, Images and Photos

Christian Slater

On TV Tonight: NBC is debuting yet another new crime series My Own Worst Enemy at 10 pm. Starring yet another film actor turned TV actor, Christian Slater plays Edward/Henry, the first voluntary split personality government employee.

Described as a modern-day take on Jekyll & Hyde, Edward is an assassin at the headquarters of an outfit called Janus working for a woman called Mavis (Alfre Woodard). He’s also a chick-magnet for spies.
Henry is an efficiency expert who works for some corporation or other that is housed in the same building as the spy’s headquarters. He’s also a family guy with a wife, dog, kids and house in the suburbs.
With the hit Heroes as its lead-in, it should be interesting to see how this one does.
For info visit


The Roloffs

Eariler on TLC at 8 pm tonight, the Roloff family is back for a new season. Little People, Big World: Operation Iraq features patriarch Matt traveling to Baghdad to help out a family that has three children with dwarfism.
If you’re not familiar with this show, Matt Roloff and his wife Amy are both dwarfs. They have four children, including twins Jacob and Zachary (who’s a dwarf as well), and siblings Molly and Jeremy.
For more info visit

Following the Roloffs at 9 pm is more with local faves Jon & Kate Plus Eight. Berks County residents (at least I think they still live in Berks) Jon and Kate’s lives revolve around their eight children, 8 year old twins Kara and Maddie and 4 year old sextuplets (too many to name here).
For info visit

And, of course, over on Sci-Fi Channel is another LOST marathon – tonight’s episodes (we’re still in season one) are … In Translation, Numbers, Deus Ex Machina and Do No Harm (I’m pretty sure this is the one where Claire has the baby).

Twilight Boys Pictures, Images and Photos

Emmett, Edward and Jacob

(Kellan Lutz, Robert Pattinson and Taylor Lautner)

Oh, and to all you Twilighters out there tonight’s edition of The Insider (7:30 pm, CBS) will feature a segment on the Twilight Hunks. So tune in to check out the hot Cullens – Emmett, Jasper and Edward! I guess they’ll probably include Jacob too … I know I’ll be watching!!

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Friday, October 10, 2008

CSI, Survivor, Weekend Watch

So this morning, all we could talk about was last night's season premiere of CSI on CBS. And by all, I mean, all my die-hard Survivor fans. Usually Thursday morning starts out with the greeting, "What did you think of Survivor last night?"
However, today we could not ignore the heart-breaking CSI episode fittingly titled "For Warrick."
CSI For Warrick
Grisson holds his dying friend

For those of you who missed it, CSI, formerly television's number one rated show (it's still in the Top 10) began its ninth season with the death of one of its own. Last May's season eight finale ended with the shocking shooting of investigator Warrick Brown (Gary Dourdan) by Undersheriff McKeen. The show opened last night with a very brief recap, followed by CSI leader Gil Grissom (William Peterson) hearing the "officer down" call and being the first to find Warrick slumped over the steering wheel of his car. Racked with emotion, the usually reserved Grissom pulled his colleague from the car. Warrick, still alive, gasped and spat blood, while Grissom begged him to hang on. All the while McKeen hovered over them, stating that he had seen and briefly chased the shooter till he lost him.
Warrick died in Grissom's arms and the episode was a tear-jerker from that point on. As reaction spread throughout the department, even Capt. Jim Brass (Paul Guilfoyle) grieved (he wasn't Warrick's biggest fan). But perhaps the worst was Catherine Willows (Marg Helgenberger), since she truly loved Warrick and had always hoped for a closer relationship. As predicted by fans, former CSI team member (who departed last season) and Grissom love interest, Sara Sidle (Jorja Fox) returned to comfort her friends. Anyway, while still grieving, the team made it their first priority to find Warrick's killer and low-and-behold, by the end of the episode, McKeen was tracked down by the department, specifically CSI team member Nick Stokes (George Eads), who held him at gun point in a tense moment, before discharging his weapon into the ground, "missing" his intended target.
McKeen was taken into custody and the episode ended with a VERY moving memorial service for Warrick Brown. To watch or for more info, visit

After proper respects were paid by my colleagues to Warrick, talk turned to Survivor: Gabon.
Yes, the show started out with Fang's Randy complaining about the rice again! Randy's made it well known that he is worried about his tribe eating too much ...
As I foretold yesterday, the tribes were shaken up last night. Seemingly called together for a reward challenge, tribe members were told to rank their members in order of importance to the tribe's survival. Here's how it went:

Kota: Marcus, Ace, Bob, Charlie, Jacquie, Corinne, Sugar and Kelly.
Fang: Matty, Dan, Randy, Crystal (who was very insulted being ranked 4th), Ken, GC and Suzie.
Survivor Gabon Episode 4
Survivors ranked
Then Jeff said the magic words - "Drop your buffs!" (Buffs are the tube-like piece of clothing all Survivors are required to have on their bodies at all times, identifying which tribe you belong to.)Taking the two top ranked tribe members, Marcus for Kota and Matty for Fang, Jeff instructed them each to pick a member from the other tribe to form their new tribe. Each newly picked member then got to pick another new member from the next tribe and so on.
Here's how they ended up:
New Kota: Marcus, Charlie, Dan, Randy, Corinne, Suzie and Bob.
New Fang: Matty, Ace, Crystal, Jacquie, Ken, Kelly and GC.
Since no one picked Sugar, she was sent to Exile Island (remember, Sugar already has the Immunity Idol) and would return to whichever tribe lost the immunity challenge and had to vote off a member. Thus evening out the tribes once again.
Randy, of course, started out already paranoid with his new tribe. He's worried since the original Kota members outnumber the new Kota's. And rightly so, we've all seen this before. The original members stick together and one-by-one pick off the "new" members from the rival tribe.
Fang lost their second immunity challenge in a row and, proving the all the stupid Fang members are still there, they decide to base their vote on whether or not Sugar has the Idol. We know she does, but they don't. In the end, the former Fang members stick together and vote out Jacquie, 5-2. To watch this episode or for more info visit
Bye-Bye Jacquie

Weekend Watch
: Umm, let's see, I still haven't watched the Sci-Fi channel premiere of Sanctuary yet, and the second episode airs tonight at 10 p.m. Same for Cartoon Network's Star Wars: Clone Wars, airing their next ep at 9 p.m. Oh, the guilt, I feel like I'm really letting George Lucas down. Boy, am I getting waaaay behind!

Sign of the Apocolypse: Over on ABC tonight at 10 p.m. is the new season of 20/20 and just guess what this once prestigious news show is promoting?Yes, folks, Britney Spears will debut her new video for "Womanizer" on what was once Barbara Walters turf. What would Hugh Downs say ...

And in case you haven't read the books or seen any of the movies yet, Disney Channel will be broadcasting the original Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone at 9 p.m. I guess you can probably tell since I'm mentioning it here - I love this movie!
Yes, I've read all the books, the first four before this movie came out, but I still love to watch it. It's good for the whole family - not too many like that anymore.
Sorcerer's Stone  Harry Potter Pictures, Images and Photos
Harry Potter, age 11
Remember when Harry was this little and cute?
Daniel Radcliffe Pictures, Images and Photos
Harry Potter, age 19
Times have changed!

You're on your own for Saturday night, there's nothing on the schedule that interests me at all. I guess that means DVD night!

Sunday is, of course, Hell Night! There's just too much on! But I'll be watching the Amazing Race on CBS at 8, followed by HBO's True Blood and Entourage at 9 and 10, respectively. I still haven't caught up on last week's Dexter (9 pm, Showtime) and at 10 pm another new episode dawns for David Duchovny's Californication. Fortunately, Showtime is gratuitous enough to repeat the episode immediately after at 10:30 pm.

Yes, I'll continue to tape Desperate Housewives (ABC, 9pm), because I don't want to be left out of the loop at work. However, VH1 is throwing a new show into the mix at the same time ... and it's one I know I just can't resist ... Rock of Love Charm School, hosted by Sharon Osbourne.

Bringing the best of the best (or should I say the skankiest of the skanks) from Brett Michael's dating show Rock of Love, this promises to be a real schlockfest! And in case you miss it, VH1's gracious enough to air it all week long - I usually catch up with these type shows when they repeat Sunday mornings. It's a great way to start the day ...

And in other Desperate Housewives news: Eonline reports that for November sweeps Fairview will be hit by a massive fire, and some characters won't survive. First the tornado and now this, you'd better think twice about moving onto Wisteria Lane.
sons of anarchy Pictures, Images and Photos

FX has given the green light to a second season of my fave new show Sons of Anarchy (I told you it was good)! Variety reports that the network has ordered 13 new episodes of the outlaw show. Another FX hit, The Riches, however, has been cancelled.

Halloween Horror Watch: Tune in tonight to TNT for a double dose of the supernatural. Final Destination, a teen slasher flick that was better than most, begins at 8 pm. The plot revolves around some students who "cheated" death early on and now death is individually finishing the job. The beginning of this film portrays one of the most realistic plane crashes I've ever seen in film, worth checking out.
Afterwards at 10 pm is Underworld, a goth-style vampire flick with great special effects, revolving around the eternal war between vampires and lykens (werewolves). Very stylish, think Matrix with vamps and wolves.
UNDERWORLD Pictures, Images and Photos

Saturday night brings the granddaddy of slasher films John Carpenter's superb Halloween to the Independent Film Channel at 9 pm. This great flick opened the floodgates on all teen-slasher-horror to come after, the good and the bad, and also spawned a franchise that grew to ridiculous proportions, even bringing back heroine Lori Strode (Jamie Lee Curtis) 20 years later for Halloween: H20. Not to mention a remake last year, directed by Rob Zombie, giving us a little more insight to chiller-killer Michael Myers.

Despite what you might think about the silly sequels, you have to admit that the original is one of the scariest movies of all time! "The Night He Came Home" ... not bad for a guy in a William Shatner mask!
Michael Myers Pictures, Images and Photos
Michael Myers

And IFC offers up another Halloween treat Sunday night at 9:30 pm with Jeepers Creepers. Yes, it's another teen-slasher flick, but I have to admit, the Creeper gives me nightmares!
Have a scary weekend!
Jeepers Creepers Pictures, Images and Photos
The Creeper!

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Thursday, October 9, 2008

Project Runway, South Park recaps, more news

Ooops. My Bad. Last night's first part of the Project Runway finale did indeed "auf" another contestant from the runway! I swear that last season they waited till the beginning of the second part of the finale to actually decide who the final three presenters at Bryant Park would be, but I could be wrong.
As I figured, the first half of the episode featured style guru Tim Gunn visiting the remaining contestants at their homes and critiquing their wares. Before leaving New York, the designers were given the task of creating a wedding gown that would go along with their collections.

Korto Momolu lives in Arkansas with her husband and daughter, while Leanne Marshall spends her time in Portland, Oregon. My personal highlight was seeing Leanne take Tim on a tandem bike ride! He looked sooo uncomfortable.
Jerell Scott makes his residents in Los Angeles, where he received a strong reaction to his wedding gown from Tim. "It's a lotta look," Gunn said, unflatteringly. "I mean you want this to be believable."
And finally Tim visit Kenley Collins at the Brooklyn apartment. Collins gets her 1940's style from her recently deceased grandmother, who was a pin-up model. Odd, though, how everyone except Kenley had gathered family and friends to meet with Tim ...
Back in New York for fashion week, none of the other contestants wanted to room with Kenley, who has not been very friendly during this competition.
Upon her arrival, Kenley was quick to apologize, sort of, to her fellow competitors. Although they felt better about her, she was quick to point out in her solo dialogue that, "There's no point in being angry with people I'll never see again."
The next day, Tim delivered the next, unexpected, task - the designers had to create a bridesmaids gown to go with their wedding dress. And then came the runway portion of the competition. I have to say, I thought Leanne's dress was superb, maybe no something I would wear for my wedding, but it was runway perfection!
Kenley's gown was great too, and brought on praise from the judges, who strongly compared it to an Alexander McQueen dress that had been shown prior that week in Bryant Park. For those of you who have asked, you be the judge ...
Kenley's dress
Kenley Collins dress
Alexander McQueen Fall 2008 show
Alexander McQueen dress

Anyway, much to my dismay, the brilliant Jerell Scott was sent packing (actually, he did get to present at Bryant Park, along with fellow departees Suede and Joe Faris. Although they were not actually in competition. I would have sent Korto packing, who do you think?For more on Project Runway visit

After Runway, I couldn't wait to skip on over to Comedy Central for the season premiere of South Park. And I wasn't disappointed!
The show, which will repeats tonight at 10 p.m. and several times over the weekend, began with a dig at the Summer Olympics in Beijing, China. Apparently Cartman became obsessed with the Chinese, thinking they were trying to take over our country! So it was off to P.F. Chang's with Butters to save the U.S.!
But that wasn't the main jist of the episode ... it seems that South Park creators Trey Parker and Matt Stone were a bit disappointed with the last Indiana Jones movie (Kingdom of the Crystal Skull).
And just in time for the flick's Oct. 14 DVD release next week, they hilariously lampooned the film's creators George Lucas and Steven Spielberg! Of course, this isn't a show for the kids, and Kyle accused Lucas and Spielberg of "raping" Indy. This lead to spoofs of like-themed films Deliverance and The Accused, placing Indy and the two directors in those familiar roles. Hats off to Parker and Stone for another great episode!
To watch or for info visit

Indy Pictures, Images and Photos
Poor Indy!

On TV tonight: It looks like the producers might be changing up the Tribes already on Survivor, CBS 8 p.m. You already know how much I love this show, so I'll be front and center for this one. Look for tomorrow's take on all the action ...

Afterwards, I'll be staying tuned to CBS for the season premiere of CSI. Although I lost interest in this fine show last year, having watched since the beginning, I wouldn't miss finding out the aftermath of Warrick's (Gary Dourdan) shooting. I mean, how could he have survived this? I really don't think he did. It wouldn't be a total surprise, with the actor's personal problems earlier this year, I'm sure the producers won't miss him much ... Not looking forward to Sara's return though (was glad they got rid of her).
Gary Dourdan Pictures, Images and Photos
Doomed Dourdan

In the spirit of everything's-coming-up-vampires lately: The folks over at Philly 17 will be presenting Wes Craven's Dracula 2000 - 2000 being the year the film came out. Now I will admit that I actually paid to see this in the theaters, what with it being Wes Craven and all, I had hope.No it's not a great vampire movie, I wouldn't even call it a good vampire movie. However, the actor playing Dracula was a highlight. I mean they actually cast a "hot" Dracula. He may be a pretty big star now, but in 2000 Gerard Butler was just another struggling actor. I've followed his career ever since ... from Dracula, to The Phantom, to King Leonidas and I will see him in RocknRolla too.
Dracula 2000/ Gerard Butler Pictures, Images and Photos

Butler as Dracula

And, of course, since I mentioned Vampires, it gives me yet another opportunity to drop the title Twilight in this blog again. Honestly, every time I mention this literary and Internet phenom, I get a huge amount of hits. So here we go again ... tonight's ET: Entertainment Tonight will feature the newest and final trailer for the teen-vampire flick! And if you miss it, you will be able to view it everywhere on the 'net after 9 p.m. and it goes into theaters this weekend attached to Quarantine. For Twilight info

twilight movie Pictures, Images and Photos

If you haven't heard of Quarantine yet, look it up. It looks a pretty good horror flick. Much like Blair Witch Project and Cloverfield, the film is shot with hand-held cameras. The story revolves around a CDC-like group of investigators checking an unknown outbreak of disease in an apartment complex. A documentary filmmaker happens to be along for the ride, when suddenly the whole building gets quarantined by the government and they're all stuck inside with whatever is left of the diseased tenants - think crazed flesh-eating zombies! Check out more here
quarantine Pictures, Images and Photos

Two new series premieres are being highly touted by critics tonight. First is CBS' Eleventh Hour, starring Brit Rufus Sewell as a investigator of strange phenoma. Sounds a lot like Fringe to me. And I'll stick with Fringe for now.
Rufus Sewell Pictures, Images and Photos
Rufus Sewell

Second is ABC's Life on Mars, featuring another Brit, Jason O'Mara, as Sam Tyler, a contemporary NYPD detective who's in an accident and wakes up in 1973 New York. This was an excellent BBC-produced show in England, which I enjoyed on the BBC America channel. Like other Brit-imports, I don't think I need to see it ruined by American writers/producers. For more info on either show visit and , repsectively.

I'll be over on Bravo at10 p.m. watching the season finale (already?) of Tabatha's Salon Takeover. I've blogged about this Kitchen Nightmares-style show before. I love it! Tonight's episode promises to have kept the best for last - does that mean someone actually will shoot saucy-Aussie Tabatha Coffey or will they just melt down into tears again? Can't wait to find out. For info visit

tabatha Pictures, Images and Photos

Tabatha, one tough Bi-otch

For those of you still worrying about the mandatory Digital TV conversion next February and what it means for you, tune on in to PBS at 10:30 for Get Ready for Digital TV. Catch up on the pending turn off of analog broadcast with advice from This Old House's Norm Abram and Keven O'Connor.

CHRISTINE Pictures, Images and Photos
Halloween Horror Watch: Since we're well into October and I love horror movies, I'll be suggesting some faves of mine you might want to check out on TV or rent at the local DVD/video store.Tonight you don't even have to leave the house. Over on AMC at 10:15 is Christine, a fine flick about a demonic auto that kills its owners tormentors. A Stephen King Classic! Enjoy!

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Wednesday, October 8, 2008

So, I watched M. Night Shyamalan's latest The Happening on DVD last night. I'll save my review for the end of this entry, since it will contain SPOILERS!

Chef Rocco
Due to the debates, there wasn't much else on last night, but I will give you the requisite Dancing with the Stars update if you, like me, can't bring yourself to waste the time watching it, but still want to know ... celebrity chef Rocco DiSpirito came in last place. However, due to the medical-related dismissal of Misty May-Treanor, he was allowed to stay on until at least next week. The Olympic champion went on to have surgery yesterday to repair the Achilles tendon she ruptured last Friday while rehearsing for the show.

So, on to tonight: Over on Bravo at 9 p.m. it's the first part of a 2-part season finale for Project Runway. As those of you who have followed this show in prior season's we all know that tonight's episode will feature fashion guru Tim Gunn visiting the remaining contestants at their homes/studios and critiquing their clothing lines so far ... don't expect anyone to be eliminated tonight. For more info visit

The Critical Gunn

I'm looking forward to tonight's season premiere of that wicked little cartoon South Park over on Comedy Central at 10 p.m. Can't wait to see who Trey Parker and Matt Stone will be victimizing in this episode! You can be sure Kenny, Stan, Kyle and Cartman will be out in full force lampooning some cultural phenomenon! For more on South Park or to watch previous episodes visit

And on ABC, Dirty Sexy Money will continue to intrigue and disgust viewers with the second installment of Season 2 at 10 p.m. Unfortunately, I missed last week's season premiere and was later told by coworkers that it was a doozy! Starting out with a birthday party for Darling family attorney Nick George and ending with the arrest of the Darling's matriarch for the murder of Nick's father, Dutch George! And a whole lotta mess in between ... remember, this is the show I compared to Dynasty and Dallas last week.
So if you're a fan of over-the-top evening soaps, you don't want to miss this. For more info or to watch last week's ep or read a recap, visit

The Darling clan

Of course, I'll be watching my Sons of Anarchy over on FX at 10 p.m. (Dirty Sexy Money will have to wait). I'm really beginning to look forward to this Sopranos-style show about a motorcycle gang in Charming, California. I won't go on, because I have every week. If you're not already watching, you might want to give it a shot. Tonight's ep re-airs immediately after at 11 p.m. For info visit

Tomorrow morning Leonardo DiCaprio makes a rare appearance on live TV on NBC's Today Show (7-11 a.m.). Lucky Leo, not too comfortable with the whole interview process, will be promoting his new flick with Russell Crowe (who's been on every talk show this week) - Body of Lies. Early reviews are really good for this Ridley Scott-directed flick. Check for Leo early, usually between 7-9 a.m. I know I'll be taping ...


And I thought I watched a lot of movies: Suresh Joachim of Toronto, and Claudia Wavra of Germany, claim to have broken the world record for continuous movie watching, after seeing 57 films in 123 hours in a plastic-glass house in New York's Times Square.
A Guinness World Records spokesman said it appears the non-dynamic duo have broken the record, but said it will take two weeks to officially verify.
According to the rules, each movie had to be viewed until the last credit rolled, and competitors couldn't divert their eyes from the screen. They were allowed 10-minute breaks between movies. I can honestly say that I'd never make it!

King of All Media
Belated congratulations to the King of All Media Howard Stern on his wedding (yes, I said Wedding) to long-time girlfriend Beth Ostrosky last Friday. Odd enough that Stern, a man known for pressing the sexual envelope on his highly-rated radio show, is married again, but wait till you hear the guest list: Donald Trump, Billy Joel, Chevy Chase, Tommy Mottola, Joan Rivers and Barbara Walters (Yes Barbara Walters!) were all on hand at New York's trendy Le Cirque restaurant to see the nuptials. Barbara Walters - really?? Did she attend on purpose or just happen to have reservations that night ...

And speaking of Walters - it seems that Rosie O'Donnell is ready to come to TV. Rosie, who hasn't done a TV show since leaving Walters' The View suddenly over 18 months ago, will present Rosie's Variety Show live from New York on Nov. 26 on NBC.USA Today speculates the NBC special is a taste of a new show to start early next year.

The Happening Review: SPOILER ALERT! If you haven't seen and are planning to watch, don't read any further ...

So I watched The Happening. And the best thing I can say is that it's only 91 minutes long. Don't get me wrong, I'm a usually big fan of M. Night Shyamalan's movies. I LOVED The Sixth Sense, was perplexed by Unbreakable, and really impressed by Signs. However, The Village was ruined for me when I figured out the "twist" in the first 3 minutes. Lady in the Water I waited until DVD to watch. It was OK. Towards the end, I really started to like the story, but not interested enough to see it again.
Which brings me to The Happening. I already stated previously that I wasn't interested enough to go to the theater to see it. And I'm glad I didn't. The film starts out eerily enough, with people all over NY's Central Park suddenly being overcome with desire to kill themselves ... the panic spreads to Philadelphia, then throughout the Northeast. At first, everyone's fearing the worst -- terrorism. But we all already know from his track record, there's more to this Shyamalan tale.
Like most of Night's films, the central story tends to revolve around human relationships, rather than the supernatural. And in my opinion he's done this much better in prior films (Sixth Sense and Signs, particularly). Mark Wahlberg does fine with the material given, but what happened to John Leguizamo? He's a much better actor than portrayed in this flick. Night, as usual, makes a cameo, this time as the voice of Joey, who keeps calling Wahlberg's wife, played by the very blue-eyed Zoey Deschanel. Betty Buckley turns in an absolutely frightening performance, but that's based more on her looks (which I hope can be attributed to the hair/make-up department), rather than on her performance.
Anyway, it all boils down to what I thought was a completely ridiculous premise - here comes the SPOILER:
Plants. Yes, plants. It seems that plants feel that we humans have done enough damage to the planet and are taking out their anger on us by releasing toxins into the air. The toxins just happen to make humans extremely suicidal. So wherever there's a large gathering of humans, the plants react this way. And, in the end, "the happening" in The Happening ends as suddenly as it began and Mark, his wife and his best friends child are all spared their suicidal fate. However, it's just beginning in Paris ...

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Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Prison Break, Amazing Race recaps, Tuesday TV

Prison Break's Michael & Linc
For reasons that I can't explain, I'm still watching Prison Break Monday nights on Fox.
Maybe it's because there's just nothing else on, however, I'm sure I would be better off watching Two and a Half Men over on CBS. Anyway, Season 4, Episode 7, "Five the Hard Way" played out like much every episode prior. The escaped convicts are still trying to find the remaining versions of Scylla (The Company's little black book) for the FBI. If they fail, of course, they are all going back to jail. So each week, the episode starts out with hope, only to drag along the way, mishap after mishap, until the viewers end up waiting till the next week, hoping that something will actually be accomplished.
And I knew this from the first episode - it was all set up that finding all the components to complete Scylla would take all season long. Why do we care - we don't even have any idea what this thing does?
Along the way, PB's best character, the infamous T-Bag is thrown into the mix to try to keep things interesting - oh and did I mention that Gretchen's back? Even having Sucre "take one for the team" this week by pretending to be gay and trying to seduce some guy named Scuderi in Las Vegas for a chance to get his version of Scylla wasn't enough to make it interesting ...To watch or just get a quick written recap, visit

Over on ABC, Misty May-Treanor confirmed that she's out for the season on Dancing with the Stars, taking beautiful partner Maksim Chmerkovskiy with her :( Misty apparently ruptured her left Achilles tendon while practicing the Jive on Friday. But at least they didn't bring back trainwreck Kim Kardashian to take her place, which leads me to believe that at the end of tonight's results show (9 p.m.) the judges will not send anybody home.

Misty & Maksim

Before Prison Break, I got a chance to catch up on the full episode from Sunday of CBS' Amazing Race. Only two episodes in and I still love this show! The cat fighting is just starting between the teams and an alliance has already formed between newly dating Terrence and Sarah and separated Ken and Tina. The action picked up where last week left off in Salvador, Brazil, where teams started off exactly 12 hours after they finished the day before. Given their first clue, all teams had to travel to Fortaleza, Brazil, where they completed a Detour by either Beach It or Docket. All but one team, best friends, Mark and Bill, chose to Beach It, with divorcees Kelly and Christy showing off their brains, by combining tasks of both challenges and totally missing the point.

Kelly & Christy
Then, after claiming that they learned from this task that it was important to "read the whole clue," they went on to the Roadblock and let their taxi go. The clue specifically said to make sure your taxi waited ...
Mother/Son team Toni and Dallas showed their true colors when they stopped to help a stranded Sarah and Terrence find their taxi. And Mark and Bill lost first place to Ken and Tina in a foot race to the Pit Stop, leading to the remark, "I'm so glad it's come down to a foot race between us and a former pro football player."

Bye-Bye Anthony & Stephanie
Dating couple Anthony and Stephanie were the last team to arrive and host Phil Koeghan delivered the news, "I'm sorry but you've been eliminated from the Race."For more info visit

Although I mentioned watching HBO's vampire drama True Blood yesterday, I didn't take the time to comment. Maybe that's because there wasn't much to comment on. After a promising episode last week, featuring the vampire's leader, the ethereal Eric, this week's drama centered on vampire Bill addressing the "Descendents of the Glorious Dead" meeting at the local church.
Yeah, it was pretty boring. However, by the end, we at least got to see how Bill, himself, was turned into a vampire during the Civil War. To watch or read a recap, visit

True Blood's Bill and Sookie

And speaking of vampire dramas, Moonlight, last season's short-lived vampire-detective drama will be released on DVD Jan. 20. The package will include all 16 episodes. Visit

Cast of Moonlight

Of course, I can't mention vampires without mentioning the much-anticipated film version of the wildly popular Twilight saga. A new trailer for the film, featuring the hottest vampire ever to walk undead among us (Edward Cullen), debuts in theaters this weekend, and should be available on the Internet Thursday night. For info visit the film's official Web site at

Edward Cullen

Tonight TV offers up yet another Presidential Debate (on all the major networks). This time the candidates will be discussing their platforms at Belmont University in Nashville. Enjoy ...

I will be tuning into Bravo at 9 p.m. for the season premiere of the latest in their Real Housewives series ... this time the money-grubbing, so-so fabulous vixens are in Atlanta, Georgia. Described by the NY Post's critic Linda Stasi as "the most sexist, demeaning depiction of women on TV," she goes on to say that this latest incarnation "dives to new depths." - LOVE IT!
I can't stop watching these shallow, guilt-less, broads in whichever way Bravo deems to depict them. And having seen the preview which aired over the summer, this should be interesting ...
Let's see, first we have DeShawn Snow, whose husband, Eric, is a former Philly 76er, who's now caption of the Cleveland Cavaliers. They recently moved to the Atlanta suburb of Alpharetta, Ga., and into a house that's been decorated without her input.
Then there's Kim Zolciak, a self-described "black woman trapped in a white body," who lives in an exclusive gated townshouse community in Duluth, Ga. The mother of two is currently recording an album and gets all her cash from a man she calls "Big Poppa." (BP doesn't want to appear on the show, hence we never actually see him -- smart man.)
Next is Lisa Wu Hartwell. She's actually a savvy businesswoman and easily the most likable of the women. She is married to NFL player Ed and has a real estate firm, clothing lines and models. What she's doing on this show is a mystery to me - Run Lisa, while you still can.
Then there's rivals NeNe Leakes and Sheree Whitfield. NeNe is married to a real estate mogul and spends the show constantly talking about herself and how "classy" she is. She is a very active member of Atlanta society. Sheree is actually not a housewife. She's in the midst of a nasty divorce and isn't giving up until she gets what she deserves ... it remains to be see what that actually will be (be careful what you wish for Sheree). The premiere ep revolves around her birthday party "that is the talk of Atlanta!"For more info visit

My new favorite show isn't on tonight because of the debate, but Fringe will be back next week and thereafter since Fox has officially ordered a full season of 22 episodes!

For those of you, like me, who haven't watched the Sci-Fi channel's latest series yet, an encore of the 2-hr. premiere of Sanctuary will start at 7 p.m. tonight.

And over on FX you can watch the prequel to the biggest movie of 2008 The Dark Knight. The excellent Batman Begins begins at 7 p.m.

The Biggest Loser: Families contestants continue dropping the pounds prior to the debate at 8 p.m. on NBC. And speaking of Biggest Loser, former winner David Fioravanti has been indicted for allegedly trying to scam insurance companies by repeatedly taking out expensive policies on jewelry before and after reporting it stolen.He faces seven counts of insurance fraud and attempted larceny according to the Boston Herald. A poor loser indeed.
For info on the latest season visit

Out on DVD today: M. Night Shymalan's latest, The Happening, starring Mark Wahlberg, is on my agenda for tonight. The premise of this sci-fi flick (which sounds an awful lot like Stephen King's The Mist) and the fact that it was partially filmed in our area, wasn't enough to get me to theater to see it.

Adam Sandler's summer yawn You Don't Mess with the Zohan also bows on DVD today. I'll let you know ...

And Disney's classic Sleeping Beauty makes its Blue-Ray D debut today. Filmed 50 years ago, Sleeping Beauty is the company's first Platinum Edition title to release in the new format. I don't have a Blue-Ray player, so I really can't compare the difference between this and DVD. What do you think?

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Monday, October 6, 2008

Weekend Wrap-Up

Fey as Palin
The funniest thing by far that I saw on TV this weekend had to be Saturday Night Live's opening sketch. Once again, it featured former SNL writer and regular Tina Fey as VP hopeful Sarah Palin. And, of course, it was a send-up of the recent VP debate (which I didn't watch). Queen Latifah was on hand to portray the debate moderator PBS's Gwen Ifill and SNL cast member Jason Sudeikis was dead-on as Democratic VP nom Joe Biden.This was the third appearance by Fey as Palin in the last four weeks and her guest shots have garnered higher ratings for the NBC show and increased traffic on its Web site. So those of you who couldn't stay up or just missed it (because, let's face it, SNL hasn't been too great the last couple of seasons) can visit and watch what everyone else is talking about! Check it out here

A major Jeer to TNT!!! Saturday night's interruption of the final half hour of TITANIC was bad enough, but then they did it again yesterday!! I don't know if someone fell asleep in the control room, but about 30 minutes before the ending (you know, right about when the ship was breaking apart and crashing into the people floating below) the film was abruptly pre-empted by the MLB game that was already airing on sister-station TBS! And it went on for about 10 minutes. I guess that's why I should just get the DVD out from now on ...

And if my Sunday viewing schedule wasn't already tight enough, the football game had to run about half an hour late over on CBS ... thus preempting 60 minutes, which ran half an hour into the Amazing Race, and so on, and so on ...
So that meant a major decision was to be made regarding whether to finish the race or tape Desparate Housewives ... the Race won, so I missed the first half of DH (no big loss, not into this season so far). Because, of course, I was over on HBO catching up with the bloodsuckers on True Blood.

Kimora Lee Simmons
I thought I had gotten a little ahead last week when I discovered that Showtime on Demand had the second episode of Californication already up to preview. So I didn't need to watch that last night. However, over on E! I found out just in time that the second season was premiering for Kimora Lee Simmons: Life in the Fab Lane. (Just what I need, another Sunday night show.) Sorry, file this in my I-just-can't-turn-it-off file. I mean, really, so you're fabulous, separated from mega-music mogul Russell Simmons, dating Djimon Hounsou, have your own clothing line (Baby Phat) and oodles, and oodles of money to spend ... you can catch an encore of last night's show at 9 p.m. tonight or visit

Dexter's just going to have to wait. This is where my cable's On Demand services work against me. See, Dexter and True Blood are on at the same time, but both are also On Demand ... after last week's TB I decided to make that my main 9 p.m. Sunday show and I would catch up on Dexter later in the week ... bad news for Dexter: I'm still trying to make time to catch up on Season 2 of Showtime's wildly popular The Tudors (season 2 ended last April). Anyone else feeling the On Demand or DVR guilt?

And I've decided to give up on AMC's Mad Men. Anyone else? I devoured the first season of this formerly great show over the summer on DVD. What the hell happened? Good thing they won the Emmy this year ... see season 2 for yourself at

So many shows, so little time ...

And no, I didn't actually "watch" Cartoon Network's Star Wars: Clone Wars or Sci-Fi's new show Sanctuary either from Friday night. Both are saved for my future viewing ... and after looking at this week's schedule, I can see I'm gonna have a hard time penciling in time for that.

But at least I don't have to waste time watching Dancing with the Stars anymore. According to Access Hollywood, Olympic medalist Misty May-Treanor suffered a show-stopping injury Friday and is out for the rest of the season. Not that I'm a big Misty fan, I am, however, a HUGE fan of her hot, hot, hot partner Maksim Chmerkovskiy (both turned up on E!'s Soup this week)! Damn, that means he's out too ... and if we didn't need any more bad news it seems that producers will bring their first Dancing sex-tape star Kim Kardashian back to take Misty's place in the line-up (until, hopefully she gets voted out again this week). For info visit


Well, for tonight at least I can turn on over to AMC at 8 p.m. for a rebroadcast of 2004's ultra beef-cake flick Troy - Brad Pitt, Eric Bana, Orlando Bloom, Sean Bean - do I have to go on?It's like Baywatch for women!

Men of Troy: Bean, Bana, Bloom and Pitt

And then there's always the LOST marathon continuing over on the Sci-Fi channel from 7-11 p.m. Tonight's episodes include "Hearts and Minds," "Special," "Homecoming" and "Outlaws." We're still in season one.

For more beef-cake: Our favorite Gladiator Russell Crowe chats up David Letterman tonight about his new flick with Leo DiCaprio, Body of Lies. While over on Jay Leno's couch will be the equally beefy Gerard Butler, who's plugging Guy Ritchie's latest film RocknRolla - but to me he will always be King Leonidas, leader of the 300 Spartans, who were so strong that all they needed were their red capes, shields and tiny loin cloths ... hmmm

King Leonidas (center) "Tonight We Dine in Hell!"

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Friday, October 3, 2008

Survivor Recap, Weekend Watch

OK, the game was definitely on last night on Survivor: Gabon. Last night saw the Fang tribe rise to the challenges, winning both reward and immunity. But things still aren't rosy at camp, with Randy calling youngster GC, "The cancer of the tribe."
The reward challenge was pretty barbaric, with two designated warriors from each tribe prying the other tribe's member off a pole and literally dragging them across the finish line for points. Fang's Olympic medalist Crystal made short work out of Kota's tiny Paloma. The pint-sized pixie was no match for the strong athlete and didn't last long at all. Which, of course, set up Paloma as the weakest link in the "pretty" tribe.
Fang won reward of bedding and quickly sent Kota's pin-up model Sugar to Exile Island. Sugar went on to find all the clues and the immunity necklace, ensuring her at least one reprieve at Tribal Council (if she's smart enough to use it) in the future.

Kota Tribe
Next up, the Immunity Challenge was the customary swimming event, followed by puzzle solving. I was sure that Kota had this one sewn up when they designated physics professor Bob to solve their numbers-related puzzle. However, Fang's professional videogamer Ken could not be counted out! If we've learned anything from Survivor's controversial race-divided previous season, Asians are gangbusters when it comes to solving puzzles! After two bungled tries, Bob lost to Ken and Fang was safe from Tribal Council.
The usual shenanagins played out before the vote, with annoying faux-Brit Ace and the weak Paloma being set up as the targets for elimination. However, the onion alliance proved strong and Kota decided to rid themselves of the weakest link. Paloma went home in a 7-2 vote.

For more info or to watch this episode vist

Bye, Bye Paloma

Weekend Watch: Tonight I'm most looking forward to the Sci-Fi channel's new series premiere of Sanctuary. According to their site: There are creatures that live among us, abnormal offshoots of evolution that live in the fringes, unseen by most. Some are dangerous, but most are benign, becoming violent only because they are threatened by an ever-encroaching world. Dr. Helen Magnus (Amanda Tapping) and her team have dedicated themselves to tracking these mysterious creatures: harboring the benign ones, and protecting the world from the dangerous ones. Using their unique combination of instinct, medicine and cutting edge technology, this eclectic team must take on the creatures that lurk in the corners of our civilization. Sanctuary has its 2-hr. premiere at 9 p.m. tonight. For info visit

Over on CBS at 9 p.m. is their much-heralded premiere of The Ex List, starring former Grey's Anatomy guester Elizabeth Reaser. Reaser stars as Bella, a young woman who learns from a psychic that she has already met and dated the man she is destined to marry. But she has to reconnect with him within a year, or it's a one-way ticket to Spinsterville.
Although critics' reviews have been positive, I've already decided to pass on this one. And my sole reason is because I so despised her whiny character on Grey's (Rebecca), that I really can't give this show a fair shot!The only thing I can find redeeming about Reaser is that she will be appearing on the big screen as the vampire family matriarch Esme Cullen in the film adapation of the wildly successful book Twilight! I hope I can get past "Rebecca" for that one ...
For info on The Ex List visit
For info on the Twilight movie visit

The Cullens, Emmett, Rosalie, Esme, Edward, Carlisle, Alice and Jasper

Of course, for all my fellow Sci-Fi geaks, tonight on the Cartoon Network is the series premiere of Star Wars: Clone Wars (9-10 p.m.)! It will actually be two half-hour episodes and is not simply a TV-airing of the recently released movie. I'm not sure where this fits in the Star Wars chronological chain, but I'll be tuning in just the same!
For info or to watch visit

Guilty Pleasure Alert: On Saturday over at CMT at 9 p.m. is the second season premiere of Tom Arnold's My Big Fat Redneck Wedding. It's like Bridezillas for Rednecks. And if you've been reading this blog, you know I can't resist a trainwreck show and this one measures right at the top of the list! Plus it's only a half hour, so it doesn't require a big commitment. Try it just for laughs ... visit

And stay tuned, because afterwards at 9:30 p.m. is the third season premiere of Dallas Cowboy Cheerleaders: Making the Team. I love this show, and apparently it's one of those shows you can watch with your significant other, and he'll enjoy it too, for obvious reasons.
So, I'll admit it, long ago I once dreamed of becoming a member of the DCC. I guess I love this show because I can live vicariously thru it. It chronicles from day one of try-outs all the way to the first football game exactly what it takes to be on the most prestigious cheerleading squad in the world! And it entails a LOT more than you think. Good thing I never actually tried out, I would've made an ass of myself!
For info visit

Of course, I'll spend a good eight hours this weekend indulging in my favorite guilty pleasure of all time - TITANIC!!

Yes, the greatest movie ever made will be shown on TNT, twice this weekend, at 7:30 p.m. Saturday and again at 4 p.m. Sunday. Of course, I can watch the DVD whenever I want, but when it's on TV, I can put it on every set in my house and get the whole place cleaned while listening to the saga of the most infamous ocean liner in history.
And as long as I'm admitting my DCC fantasy, why not let you all in on the fact that I actually paid to see James Cameron's masterpiece 19 times in the theater back in 1998 (well, twice in 1997). When it finally came out on VHS (yes, those were the early years of DVD and it came out in VHS format first), I actually bought a bigger television because I didn't think my measely 27-inch set would do it justice! (I also have the J. Peterman official replica of the Heart of the Ocean)

Titanic went on (with my help) to gross $1.8 billion worldwide and, 11 years later, is still the all-time box office champion! Take that Dark Night!

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Thursday, October 2, 2008

Project Runway and other news

So, who watched Project Runway last night? What a great episode! We're down to the final four, with only three supposed to make it to the big finale at Bryant Park in NYC. Of course, we already know that six of the remaining contestants actually got to show their collections during New York's prestigious Fashion Week. However, only 3 were actually in competition for the grand prize.

Last night's episode was full of drama, drama, drama ... and lots of crying. All that's left are Jerell, Korta, Leanne and the villainess Kenley. And she was in full bi-otch mode last night (and to think, she used to be my fave)! The other contestants effectively turned on her when she forgot one of her bags from MOOD and no one would lend her any of their tule ... horror of horrors. Fortunately, Tim Gunn came to the rescue and told her that if her receipt from the fabric store had the tule on it, she could go back and pick it up.
The contestants were taken to the New York City Botannical Gardens, where they were given the opportunity to photograph all the plants and flowers and come up with some sort of design for a evening gown inspired by nature. (On a side note, as the Garden Gal, I'm proud to say that I have most of the plants that were shown on camera.)
Things came to a head after the runway show, when the judges really didn't care for any of the designs and admitted that this was the hardest elimination so far. Borrowing from last season (and I swear I didn't see this coming), the judges decided to let all of them go home and create their collections, with one being eliminated at the beginning of the finale. Thus not allowed to "show" their collection at Bryant Park. Which brings me back to what I mentioned above ... everybody, plus the previous two eliminated contestants still got to show their collections ... what do you think?

In other Project Runway news: A New York judge has agreed to toss out a lawsuit brought against the show by a couple of fashion industry veterans who claimed Heidi Klum and others ripped off their idea for the show. Klum, herself, was deposed and said the show resulted from several brainstorming sessions by its creators.

However, there is still yet another lawsuit being decided right now in the New York State Supreme Court between show producer Harvey Weinstein and his Weinstein Co., which owns the show, and NBC Universal. The jist of the suit is to prevent a $200 million deal between Weinstein and Lifetime from going forward until NBC's breach-of-contract lawsuit is settled, either in court or out.
Weinstein is apparently still miffed with Bravo for "copying" the formula his company created for Runway and then adapting it for its other reality shows Top Chef and Shear Genius.

That hasn't stopped Season 6 from rolling though. Plans are still on the books for it to debut on Lifetime sometime in January. As usual, for more on PJ visit

In the meantime, Lifetime is producing Blush: The Search for the Next Great Make-Up Artist, hosted by Vanessa Marcil with InStyle fashion director Hal Rubenstein and makeup artist Joanna Schlip serving as judges.

Project Runway Season 4 (with our fave winner and fashion pixie Christian Siriano) arrives on DVD Nov. 4.

And speaking of Top Chef: Season Five is cooking in New York City. The show was filmed over the summer, with contestants living in trendy Williamsburg, Brooklyn. One challenge took place in August at Le Bernardin, whose Chef Eric Ripert is a frequent guest on the show.

Eric Ripert (had to add photo for my friend Elf!)

On TV Tonight: Thank goodness for the Vice Presidential debate... I don't have as much to watch.

Project Runway's style guru Tim Gunn kicks off Season 2 of his popular series Tim Gunn's Guide to Style tonight at 11 p.m., following another abusive episode of Tabatha's Salon Takeover (I can't get enough of this show, )!

The Very Wicked Tabatha Coffey!
This season Tim gets a new cohost, stylist Gretta Monahan, who replaces model Veronica Webb. I liked this show when it started out last season, mostly because I really like Gunn. However, I think it would be better served in a half-hour format, without the gratuitous reveal at the end with all the family members of the lady who got the makeover.
For info visit

Survivor Gabon contestants
Tonight also brings another sure-to-be-interesting episode of Survivor: Gabon. I can't wait too see what happens between the Pretty Tribe (Kota) and the Stupid Tribe (Fang, pronounced Fong). And, who knows, maybe there'll be more parts "revealed" during one of the challenges ... visit

Dean and Sam
Over on the CW at 9 p.m. on Supernatural, sexy, demon fighting brothers Sam and Dean will flashback in time and meet with their grandfather ... Attention X-Files Fans: played by Agent Skinner's Mitch Pileggi.


Duff Goldman and his merry cake-making crew have another new Ace of Cakes at 10 p.m. over on the Food Network. Check it out at

And I'll be tuning in to HBO at 10:30 p.m. for a behind the scenes look at director Ridley Scott's new flick Body of Lies. I can never turn down an appearance of delicious Leonardo DiCaprio. And this one features my fave gladiator Russell Crowe too - nice eye candy!

In Other News - Brace Yourselves!

VH1 has suspended production of Season 3 of Brett Michael's Rock of Love!! Try not to do anything rash ... I told you before that I'm actually drawn to this trainwreck-of-a-show! I had no idea they were actually making another season, due to debut in January!
Anyway, a truck delivering sound equipment for the Rock of Love Bus apparently swerved across Interstate 57 in Southern Illinois and plowed into an SUV, killing two Southern Illinois University students last Friday. The driver of the truck, who is not an associate of Michaels, fell asleep at the wheel. Michaels has since contacted the families of the deceased and offered his condolences. See, he's not that bad, afterall ...
To watch prior episodes or for info visit

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Wednesday, October 1, 2008

TV News

So, I effectively missed everything on TV last night because I was glued to the DVD of Iron Man. It wasn't as great as seeing it in the theater (I only have a 50-inch TV screen), but I highly recommend it if you haven't seen it. Tony Stark - Wow!

But don't worry, I covered my bases and taped Fringe, Paris' BFF (trainwreck), Bravo's Rachel Zoe Project and, yes, I'm still curious about the new 90210. So far, I'm only caught up on Fringe. I had to watch it this morning so I could be in on the water cooler-talk at work! Nothing like coming in unprepared and having everyone spoil it for me. Of course, that would be my own fault. We all know that there are certain shows that must be watched before coming into work the next morning!

So instead of the usual, here's some TV News that needs catching up on ...

The most exciting, of course, is that if you're a fan of the original Knight Rider (the one with The Hoff), you can now KITT your own car!Radio Shack is offering, for $270, a Knight Rider GPS system that features the voice of the original KITT (William Daniels)! For those of you who don't know, KITT stands for Knight Industries Two Thousand. It comes complete with flashing lights timed to the voice synthesizer every time a navigation greeting or a navigation voice instruction is given. The unit also interacts with drivers using a database of around 300 names, just as the car did - "Hello, Michael."
Unfortunately, it does not offer KITT's signature turbo-boost, shape-changing or arsenal of deadly weapons.

In too much of a good thing news: Access Hollywood reports that Beverly Hills, 90210 spinoff Melrose Place is being resurrected. Judging by the way the new 90210 is rating, I wouldn't necessarily consider this a good idea. However, this may be just the hit the newly DUI-d Heather Locklear needs!Way to be creative network suits!

And in I Can't Believe I Missed This News: The New York Post ( reports that there was a little slip of the shorts during last week's Survivor: Gabon premiere!
Apparently some viewers (not including me) got a shock last week when CBS did not blur video of Marcus Lehman's private parts slipping out of his shorts during a running competition.
Under normal circumstances, the network would obscure any nudity (we've all seen this before during challenges, when people's bathing suits didn't quite cover them up). Especially since this episode was filmed months ago and presumably the slip would have been caught in the editing process.
The moment, which only lasted a few seconds, has been gleefully posted all over the Internet - I won't be providing a link, however, you'll have to find it yourself!
A spokesperson for CBS said in a prepared statement, "This was a completely unintentional, inadvertent and fleeting incident that was virtually undetectable when viewed in real time. In the first 24 hours after the broadcast, before freeze-framing images were widely posted online, we received one viewer comment from the 13 million who watched the telecast."

In case you haven't already heard, Bruce Springsteen and the E Street Band have been tapped to play the usually horrendous Superbowl Halftime Show on February 1. According to the NFL, last year's halftime show was watched by more than 148 million viewers in the U.S. Let's hope there's no wardrobe malfuction, a la the aforementioned Survivor.For more information visit

RIP TRL: Soon there will really be no more music videos on MTV. The popular music channel has yanked Total Request Live, its long-running midday video countdown show, after an unprecedented 10-year run.
MTV is quick to point that the show hasn't been cancelled, and it was just a good time to give it a break. The final episode is slated to be a special that will air in November.

TRL debuted in September 1998, and became a focal point of popu culture. It also famously would cause traffic james on the street outside of its Times Square studio when teens would gather to catch a glimpse of their favorite stars.

Over on VHI, The Supreme Bi-otch of Reality TV, Season 1 Apprentice contestant Omarosa is going to star in an "I Love New York"-type dating show. The show will feature her moving into a house with a dozen single men competing for her attention. I guess now that New York, Tiffany whatever, has found true love with season 2 winner Tailor Made, she's no longer available for yet another vomit-inducing dating show.

Tiffany & Tailor Made

The numbers were down for the Grey's Anatomy premiere last week. The ratings average was 18.5 million viewers from 9-11 p.m. and ABC won in the adults 18-49. That's down over 2 million viewers from last season's premiere (20.9 million).
ABC officials were quick to point out that last season Grey's gained an additional 2.1 million viewers-per-episode when DVR recording was factored in, which would put last Thursday's season open roughly on par with the last season.

And how about a little movie news: Last week Disney Studios held a showcase of its upcoming films and proudly announced that Johnny Depp has signed on to bring back the beloved Captain Jack Sparrow for a fourth Pirates movie!! Be still my heart ...And if that wasn't enough, Depp will also be playing Tonto in Disney's version of The Lone Ranger and the Mad Hatter in Tim Burton's version of Alice in Wonderland!
Chairman of Disney studios, Dick Cook, proclaimed, "Believe me, any time this guy wears a funny hat, it's good news for Disney." I couldn't agree more!

On TV tonight: Another exciting ep of Bravo's hugely successful Project Runway at 9 p.m.! Will this finally be super-hated contestant Kenley's downfall? Check out for more information.
In other PJ news, Lindsay Lohan will appear on the first episode of the series when it moves over to Lifetime in January - yes January. Originally planned for a November debut, PJ on Lifetime has been moved back to January, not a particularly good sign. Anyway, LiLo's rep says, "Lindsay is excited to be a part of Project Runway, especially given her love of fashion and her new leggings line, 6126." Leggings? Are you kidding me?

And another dilemma comes my way. Tonight at 10 p.m. I have only 3 shows to watch! Last week's premiere of season 2 of Lipstick Jungle was pretty interesting, so I'll keep that one for now. For info visit
Over on ABC, the second season of the popular Dirty Sexy Money debuts! And, according to the NY Post's Linda Stasi, it's a good one! I'll admit I watched this show early last season, but lost interest because there were other good shows on at the same time (I think it actually lost out to Project Runway, which used to air at 10 p.m.).
Anyway, if you long for the days of the sleazy nighttime soaps Dynasty (Yes!) and Dallas (another Yes!), Stasi says this is the show to watch! For more info visit
But I'll probably watch FX's Sons of Anarchy live and tape the other two to catch up on later. This is definitely my favorite new show of the season so far and things are really heating up! Tonight's show will repeat immediately following at 11 p.m. For info visit

Oh, and finally, though I didn't watch, I found out this morning that justice was served last night on Dancing with the Stars - E!'s Kim Kardashian was the big loser, leaving the show with her cutie partner Mark Ballas - I'll miss him!

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