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Saturday, May 3, 2008

Here's what you don't get ...

So, February was the last time I visited my blog. And now I'm back like a bad habit.

I'm on vacation in the Finger Lakes, and decided to check my email and visit The Reporter Online.

After doing some spring cleaning on my blog, I'm taking the time to respond to a recent "Sound Off" item by an anonymous poster.

It seems that within mere weeks of starting a column on the Teen Page, I have published something that rubbed someone the wrong way.

In a recent column on my experience visiting a photo ID center for my license, I made light of the fact that the worker there that controls the printer for the licenses will be the one renewing it so that I may get into bars for the next four years.

Granted, perhaps this column could have been placed elsewhere in the paper, but what Ms. Anonymous doesn't know is that our paper is trying to attract a younger group of readers, older teens and young adults included.

The column was about an experience I had, not about using an ID to get drunk -- and the Sound Off caller assumes I drive drunk, which is a bashing upon my character. She was probably drunk when she left her Sound Off item, but that's neither here nor there.

The point is, the column was to bring to comedic light an experience that not everyone gets when they visit these places, including young 16 year old drivers experiencing that moment for the first time in their lives.

And furthermore, the "relic of the past" was a reference to the old Stevie Wonder POSTER, not Mothers Against Drunk Driving.

Do me a favor next time -- reread the column and get it right in your head before lashing out.

Or get a life.

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