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Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Pride: A Definite Deadly Sin
She should have used sunflower oil --- less fat.
Idiot. She looks like Gary Oldman's character from "Hannibal."
Cosmetic surgery addict injected cooking oil into her own face
A Korean woman addicted to plastic surgery has been left unrecognisable after her obsession led her to inject cooking oil into her face.
Following operation after operation, her face was eventually left enlarged and disfigured, but she would still look at herself in the mirror and think she was beautiful.
Eventually the surgeons she visited refused to carry out any more work on her and one suggested that her obsession could be a sign of a psychological disorder.
When she returned home to Korea the surgery meant Hang's features had changed so much that her own parents didn't recognise her.
After realising that the girl with the grossly swollen face was indeed their daughter her horrified parents took her to a doctor. Once again the possibility that Hang had a mental disorder was raised and she started treatment.
However, this treatment was too expensive for her to keep up and she soon fell back into old ways.
Amazingly, she found a doctor who was willing to give her silicone injects and, what's more, he then gave her a syringe and silicone of her own so she could self-inject.
When her supply of silicone ran out Hang resorted to injecting cooking oil into her face.
Her face became so grotesquely large that she was called "standing fan" by children in her neighbourhood - due to her large face and small body.
As Hang's notoriety spread she was featured on Korean TV. Viewers seeing the report took mercy on her and sent in enough donations to enable her to have surgery to reduce the size of her face.
During the first procedure surgeons removed 60g of foreign substance from Hang's face and 200g from her neck.
After several other sessions her face was left greatly reduced but still scarred and disfigured.
And it would seem that even Hang can now see the damage she has done; she now says that she would simply like her original face back.
Labels: cooking oil, cosmetic surgery, idiot, korean, the world is stupid
Monday, November 10, 2008
Things change, That's the way it is
Barack Obama, the nation’s first black president, was elected this week by the American people.
While I did not vote for him, he was chosen and we must abide.
To me, the popularity swirling around Obama was similar to that of the JFK era.
Now, those who voted for him have not just made history, but also have become a part of it.
For centuries, we have speculated on a black president or a woman president. For centuries, we balked that it could ever happen; we treated it as a fairy tale.
Yet now, to many, it’s a dream come true.
Some remain ignorant and racist, angered in a black man running the country.
Grow up.
Furthermore, the youth have experienced something groundbreaking — no, not the Phillies World Series win — but something on an unbelievable caliber like it. There are those who lived through the implementation and abolition of segregation, the Prohibition era, the assassinations of MLK and JFK ... welcome to another change in history.
There’s a late rapper named Tupac Shakur, maybe you’ve heard of him, and he has a song called “Changes,” ironically. In it he raps the lyric: And although it seems heaven sent/we ain’t ready to see a black president.
That was recorded in 1995.
Obviously, things have changed — and that’s just the way it is.
Labels: 2pac, Change, Obama, the way it is, Tupac
Phillies, The Election, Halloween: A Triple Threat
And we waited 28 years!
Phillies phinally pulled it off — and beat the Rays 4-1 and won the 2008 World Series.
Thank God.
Philadelphia teams had a history of choking in the most dire moments ... like the Eagles in Super Bowl XXXIX and the conference championships in 2001, 2002 and 2003, the Phils in last year’s Division Series, the Flyers in the 1995 and 2000 playoffs and the Sixers have done it too, in the 2001 Finals (and it’s been downhill ever since).
Now, the Phillies have proven how a team that once sucked can be kings of the mountain.
Thank you, Phils, for making a city proud.
Too bad some in Philly had to ruin the spirit of the moment with vandalism. Oh well.
Even when you win them all, you can’t win them all.
I’m sick of Joe.
There’s been a slogan recently with the McCain and Obama campaigns using this guy from Ohio as a metaphor for the middle class businessman in relation to tax cuts.
“Joe The Plumber,” “Joe Six Pack,” and someone at the cancelled McCain rally in Quakertown said on Tuesday he wished he was “Joe the Hot Coffee Salesman” after standing in line for a chilly hour.
First, this “Joe the Plumber” reportedly has tax liens, and he isn’t even a licensed plumber. So what’s his qualification? Hey, I changed the flapper in my toilet tank the other day, so I guess I’m “Tony the Plumber.” I also screwed a screw into a piece of wood the other day. Hi, I’m “Tony the Carpenter.”
If McCain and Obama want to talk about real Americans that are affected by this election, then let’s mention some real people, people I know.
Like Bob The Engineer, a self-employed American who managed his own business of custom machining and building for more than 20 years, helped design popular roller coaster cars, put two kids through college and is about to put one more through, saved enough money to pay off the mortgage and recently merged his business with another firm.
There’s Diane The Day Care Worker, who struggled to find a part-time job and landed one watching the children of parents who worked full-time every day, finds time to go home and cook a meal for her family and deal with widowed aunts and an elderly father, cleans the house and pays the bills.
How about Renee The Art Teacher, who influences the lives of teens at Pennbrook Middle School, raises two children with her husband Frank The Hunter/Children and Youth Services fiscal director, and solidified her local legacy with sports paintings on the wall of the Memorial Park ballfield along Line Street.
Don’t forget Gina The Substitute Teacher, who struggles to find the right job, eagerly wakes up each day to change lives of children and still keeps a smile, and there’s her boyfriend, Derek The Rental Store Manager, who works 10 or 11-hour days, makes sure everything runs smoothly in the store and bravely tracks down delinquent accounts in a time when people are struggling financially.
Then there’s me: Tony The Writer, a talented journalist who writes two stories a day for the general public, taking phone calls at the spur of the moment from people complaining about taxes, open space, the economy and the election, listening to the gripes of the common man and woman, telling their story the way they’d like it to be told, and doing it all in 40 hours a week with no overtime.
There’s your real America.
Halloween is here, and it seemed just yesterday we were getting sand in places where we didn’t think we could get sand.
So, being the kid at heart that I am, I am dressing up yet again for Halloween. Last weekend, Elizabeth and I went to a friend’s Halloween party in Philly, and I got to show off my costume that Elizabeth, her sister Melissa and I have been working on for a couple weeks.
Of course, I am The Joker from “The Dark Knight.”
Weeks prior, I scoured thrift stores and second-hand shops to piece together my outfit. I found some light khaki pants, tie and a dress shirt similar to the one from the film. A month ago, I got some white, black and red face paint.
Elizabeth’s sister did the duty of dying the pants purple — and they turned out great! She and Elizabeth also found a lab coat at the Salvation Army, which was also dyed purple.
She also found a cane, which I spraypainted purple.
I was nervous that I wouldn’t find a green vest. After a half-hour searching at local establishment, I thought all hope was lost. Then, I pushed aside some other imperfect vests and there it was, hidden on the rack.
Everything was complete, except for the gloves. A quick buy on the Internet did the trick.
Yeah, I don’t have a life.
Last Friday evening, before the trek to Philly, I began the process of applying the makeup. It’s been years since I put makeup on my face and I feared my skin would break out.
Well, it was worth it. I mean, it’s the most popular costume this year — even “The Office” spoofed it last night.
I kept my masculinity intact as I applied this mascara-like material I picked up for the eyes and bright red lipstick for the lips. Then, I applied the white face paint.
The only qualm — the green hairspray. It didn’t work as well as I would have liked.
In a half-hour, I was done, and in full Joker mode, complete with Joker cards I collected from various decks of cards over the past couple months.
I may have looked like a freak, but I didn’t care. It would have felt worse if I was single and doing this.
We made it to the party — with Elizabeth as an alluring witch —and the costume was a blast. I was in character and handed out “my card” to others at the party.
Now, I have to do it all again tonight, for Elizabeth and I are hosting our own party.
If I keep doing this, I might get used to it.
In all seriousness, Halloween isn’t for children anymore. You get to be someone else for a night. If there’s any “Dark Knight” fans out there, try the Joker costume.
It’ll put a smile on your face.
Labels: Dark Knight, Halloween, McCain, Obama, Phillies, The Joker, World Series
A Sure Sign of the Apocalypse Part I
A Sure Sign of the Apocalypse Part I
So, Matthew McConaughey may be Captain America.Are you kidding me? This tool?
"Alright, Alright, Alright ... Red Skull I'm gonna defeat you and make sure you're no longer L-I-V-I-N. Livin'."
Seriously. There's gotta be somebody better out there than this idiot. And creator Stan Lee gives OK to WILL SMITH???
Come on! Stan Lee's gone senile in his old age.
I dont want to see either of these guys with Ed Norton and Downey in an "Avengers" movie.
What's next??! Ryan Reynolds as Captain America? Fabio as Thor??
Luckily, DC Comics seems their movie options will be better in the future (Watchmen, Dark Knight)...
Please God, dont let McConaughey be Capt. America. Or I might just flee to Canada.
Johnston Signs Deal to Direct 'Captain America'
10 November 2008 8:23 AM, PST

Filmmaker Joe Johnston will take the helm of the eagerly anticipated Captain America movie.
The Jurassic Park III director has signed a deal with Marvel Studios to bring the comic book superhero to the big screen in 2011.
It is the third Marvel film in the pipeline, including Thor and the Avengers, after Robert Downey Jr.'s turn as Iron Man earlier in the year proved a huge success with superhero fans.
Although Johnstone has signed the deal, it is unknown who will take on the patriotic U.S. role.
Comic book creator Stan Lee has given his backing to Will Smith to wear the red, white and blue suit, although other insiders have suggested Matthew McConaughey may land the part.
Labels: Captain America, DC, idiots, IMDB, Marvel, Matthew McConaughey, Will Smith
Friday, September 12, 2008
Souderton Area Fool District
The district administration refuses to answer simple questions on costs regarding outside PR firm contracting and dollar amounts in funds.
This is no doubt another plan for the district to protect itself from taxpayer backlash during the strike.
It all reminds me of a quote from Mark Twain: "God made the idiot for practice. Then He made the school board."
Hey, He made school district administration too.
Labels: district, idiot, school board, souderton, strike, teachers, union
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Ladies and gentlemen, John Lennon and Jay-Z
There’s a resurgence of music from the ‘70s, ‘80s and ‘90s coming back into the 21st Century – and with it a new generation of youth becoming fans.
Metallica is back with an album next week after five years, and from the sound of things, it makes one think of “Master of Puppets” or “…And Justice For All.”
AC/DC is coming out with an album this fall. Who knew people still expect music from them? These guys have been around since the 1970s and are still strutting around in schoolboy uniforms.
And what’s this? New Kids on the Block?? They’re back?! Well, if you were once famous and can’t pay the bills …
I mean, don’t these guys have kids? Will their wives or significant others be there to fend off the teenyboppers who are now twentyboppers and their respective crazed mothers?
And just who else is coming out with stuff? Joan Baez? Jefferson Starship? Didn’t they manage to build a city on rock and roll AND destroy their career with a bad song?
Pete Seeger? The Cure! A Queen Christmas album?
And look at what’s anticipated next year: Boston, Goo Goo Dolls, Fugees and Garbage?
And where’s “Chinese Democracy”?
I guess it’s nice to know that those bands we listened to growing up – and even the bands our parents listened to growing up – are still in studios and still trying to crank out hits to this day.
It gives us a way to hang onto our youth.
Yet I can’t help to think sometimes, what would it be like if bands and musicians of the past who are no longer with us had been cranking out albums in the 21st Century?
What would Jimi Hendrix sound like today? Would he have a new club hit produced by Timbaland?
What about Nirvana? Would they still be standing on top of the charts today? Would Kurt Cobain be jamming with Jay-Z? Would flannel still be in style?
Could Janis Joplin still wail well into her 60s, perhaps with a remix of “Ball and Chain”? I’d be too afraid that Britney Spears would somehow be involved with that.
Perhaps leather pants would be the new fashion sense for men today had Jim Morrison still been around. He’d probably be today’s Pete Doherty, except that people will like him.
Hey, maybe there could have been a VH1 reality show: “The Lizard King and I” or “Indecent Exposure with Jim Morrison.”
And Tupac and Biggie? Would we still have East Coast vs. West Coast rap battles?
I’d be most interested in the continuing battle between Paul McCartney and John Lennon (and Yoko Ono and Heather Mills). I bet Lennon and Green Day would have made a great collaborative record.
It could have all been possible, especially with Steven Tyler and company going through all their ups and downs and rehabs and near-deaths and still being able to rock out a Super Bowl and come out with their own video game.
And let’s not forget The Rolling Stones, the most prime example of how a band from the 60s gets through the decades successfully – and how Keith Richards remains alive all these years is a mystery to me. Even tree climbing is too much for this guy, and he still bounces back.
In retrospect, maybe it’s good that the careers of certain musicians and bands ended when it did.
Their legacies still live on and their music literally gives us a soundtrack for turning points in time, be it in the music industry or in society.
Music defines generations, and with it memories about the way it was.
Heck, Pearl Jam’s still my favorite band.
Now, if you excuse me, I’ve got to get back to my Ziggy Stardust record.