Saturday, July 28, 2007

Legalize drugs

Ed, if you legalize drugs you will eliminate the gangs because gangs use drugs for power.
Power hitter
Sure, dude. We'll just legalize drugs and that will be the nail in the coffin of all those gang slugs. What have you been smoking? If we legalize drugs we can start re-living the 1960s where there was peace and free love, baby. It was groovy, man. Like, where can I get tickets to Woodstock before I head over to Berkley for the big love-in?
— Ed. Note


Blogger Mr. Clean said...

It's sometimes hard to remember that drugs are indeed illegal here in Trenton.

July 29, 2007 4:08 PM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

'Yo' dude: I'm addicted to insulin for diabetes. Can I turn my used needles in for clean ones? It would save me a bunch for other medicine if I could.

August 1, 2007 2:03 PM 

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