Stem cell money
Ed, I see in BackTalk that an individual is complaining about New Jersey borrowing money for stem cell research. This research is probably the most important thing the state will do this year in order to improve health and jobs and so forth. This person is really bad. I would gladly give extra money through my income tax to help stem cell research and find a cure for lots of diseases. People need to stop thinking about the all-mighty dollar and start thinking about those poor people who have diseases that can be helped.
14th disciple
So you’re willing to pay extra taxes for stem cell research? How about cancer research? Juvenile diabetes? Historic preservation? Property tax relief? Corruption relief? Wouldn’t you think all those people thinking about the all-mighty dollar would be pouring money into stem cell research if they thought there was an all-mighty buck to be made? But instead we have government spending the money. You do the math.— Ed. Note
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