Can ya believe it?
Ed, I couldn’t believe what I saw on Myrtle Avenue on recycling day. A neighbor had stuffed half of a swimming pool in one yellow bucket and the other half at the curb. Since when are used pools recyclable? I’ve even seen slacks on a yellow bucket. Aren’t yellow buckets for plastics and glass, and green buckets for papers? The county spends money for a colored pamphlet and these idiots can’t even make sense of the pictures? Who’s the bigger fool, the guy who put as pool in the bucket or the guy who put it in the recycling truck? I hear the recyclers make a lot of money, but the amount of money you make does not indicate how smart you are. So, if the county is this lenient on recyclables, I have an old couch with dog hair that I will put out with my buckets on the next recycle day.
Border line
Czy mówisz po angielsku? Ti razumiesh anglisku movu? Parlet l’ingles? Beszél maga angolul? An féidir leat Béarla a labhairt? Em có nói tiéng Anh không? Sisam itak eeramam ya? ¿Habla usted inglés? Didn’t think so.— Ed. Note
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