Bad boys
Ed, everywhere you go in Trenton, these teenagers come in four’s or five’s, beating and robbing people, selling drugs. You can’t go to the store. It’s like we’re prisoners in our own house. What these low-life kids need is more harsh punishment. And what about the parents? What are they doing? When trouble happens, they say “That’s not my kid, my kid is good.” These kids need one year in a place upstate; let them work and be punished. That’s the only way.
Scared Adult
If only incarceration could cure the problem. The problem is deeper, and it starts at home.—Ed. Note
Punish the parents along with the kids, then maybe people will take raising their kids more seriously. Also, a prison might not work but a work program would. Cheap labor for us and hard work for them, so they have no time to cause trouble.
Everybody blames the parents and to a great extent it's true. Perhaps the courts could impose fines and punishment on the parents as well. This would alleviate prison overcrowding. Make the kids work in controlled environments (prisons, farms, free labor camps, to pay off any violation their charged with). Then punish the parents. So what if they lose money or a legitimate job. And I do mean punish. Make the parent do half of the time, as well as pay half of the money. Take the money from their checks, no matter where the checks come from, welfare, child support, SSI, retirement, genuine unemployment, etc. Then, lets change the rules dramatically, and go after the 18 and older group. Lets see how fast things change.
@ anonymous. shouldn't you be sitting down with the Governor's Office? I see legitimate change in your idea. He may as well try it nothing else seems to be working?
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