Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Police Pay Part II

Ed, this is to the citizen who wrote in saying that the amount of money police make was ludicrous. What is ludicrous is that these people have to put their lives on the line day in and day out. They have to deal with people whose parents can’t keep control of them, people who are drug addicts, robbers and murderers to cover your back so that you can live in this city. My son-in-law was shot two years ago. He received a medal for heroism, but I am sure that his wife and family would rather have him than a piece of metal. I just hope that maybe in your prayers tonight you remember the police who are keeping you safe.
Toughest Job
Everyone should feel for the men and women putting their lives on the line, and for their families who have to wonder each day whether their loved ones will make it home alive. Their duty is priceless when you think about it like that.—Ed. Note


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