Pot Is Ok With Me
Ed, pot will be medically legal in New Jersey and there is no problem with that. Pot is far less dangerous than alcohol is today. How many DWI accidents involving alcohol do you hear about? And how many DWI accidents involving pot do you hear about? Pot is fine, medically speaking.
High Time
Less dangerous than alcohol is “today”? Is booze getting stronger?—Ed. Note
I agree & disagree, but legalizing pot would also be morally incorrect to many parents who are striving to raise the kiddos right. Yes it may work out great in the long run medically speaking, but when it comes to parents trying to explain the legalities of legalizing pot, some kids may use it against them & begin to smoke pot which mind you will interfere with their future and capability of striving for success in school. But then again you make pot legal, tax it & economically speaking it's a plus but then you got a majority of the human population high as a kite lol not cool.
If a parent has a child that would use anything against them, their problems are much larger than pot.
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