Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Do It Or Lose It

Ed, Mr. Parker is once again refusing to acknowledge that our politicians have played a role in our current despicable plight. Yes, he hit the proverbial nail squarely on the head in pointing out the lack of outrage to a 50% high school graduation rate. Here’s the rub: Our politicians have been reading those same reports for the last two to three decades also; and have done what? For decades our politicians have listened to and read stories of murderers being plea bargained down to five- to 10-year sentences. One would think, if our politicians were truly concerned, that they would be banging on the door of the governor to remove those ineffective prosecutors and judges. One would think that they wouldn’t be afraid to challenge the school boards and teachers’ unions. Here’s a concept that I learned some time ago: “Do your job! or lose your job!” For parents that have children that are persistently delinquent and truant, they should be locked up on charges of neglect! Out of fear of losing their jobs no politician would ever say this and/or publicly support this type of enforcement. If a house is infested with roaches, spending money on new furniture (or electing new pieces of furniture) isn’t going to get rid of the roaches. You don’t rehabilitate and coddle the roaches; they must be stamped on, lest they breed!
I’m getting lost in the metaphor. Are the politicians roaches or chairs? Both?—Ed. Note


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