What kind of twisted logic is Ms. Rossi using in trying to make the First Amendment support her position of imposing her religious beliefs on others? The First Amendment not only allows freedom of religion, but freedom from religion also. No one is forcing her to marry someone of the same sex, so I fail to see how such a law would prohibit her from practicing whatever religion she wishes, in whatever way she wishes, as long as no harm comes to others. Please, save us from the zealots who think that their way is the only right way and wants to enforce that belief on those who think differently.
Free to Be
Live and let live, right? Some people will never grasp that one. —Ed. Note
Look, we're so tired already of a minority wasting so much of our time. You have your civil unions and deserve equal rights. Just leave us people our marriage okay? All we get anymore is gay marriage this and that along with the same vegan nonsense...don't any of you realize there are much more important things on our minds right now?
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