Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Tax & Spend

Ed, candidate Chris Christie was on a New Jersey radio station live recently. Someone called in about her mother who was 90 years old and was paying $9,000 in property taxes for a small home. She didn’t say what area it was in. That tells us senior citizens that the older we get the more taxes we are going to pay under the present administration. We have to do something and get this Corzine out of office. This tax-and-spend business has got to stop. I am voting for Chris Christie based on what I heard him say recently, and I hope everyone else does too.
He said something?—Ed. Note


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can't believe no one is aware of this very old trick that's played everyday in politics. The candidates get people to call and ask questions regarding the issues they are the strongest on or the opponent has shown either no or little progress with. Come on people grow up. Christie has held himself above the law for so long he feels it doesn't even apply to him. He has been proven to be guilty in many areas, why would anyone put someone like him in the office of the Governor. Corzine didn't raise taxes on his own. Arent't you people smart enough to know that every state has had to raise taxes. The economy had gotten so bad in many cases it was the only way to keep the state from going bankrupt when everything else failed. I understand the frustration but do you really believe Christie can solve problems that can only be solved by a strong economy. New Jersy isn't an isolated island. Whatever happens in the overall economy effects New Jersey just like the rest of the states. The entire country is cash poor and lots of alternative measures had to be taken, which is exactly what Corzine and governors throughout the country had to do. Don't fall for the game Christie is pull from under your feet.

October 29, 2009 3:20 AM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What exactly did you hear him say that made any sense. Corzine may not be perfect, but tell me what Governor hasn't had to raise taxes to keep their state going in these awful financial times in this country. If taxes weren't raised, jobs would be lost. Have you heard Christie's solution. No, didn't think so. He doesn't have one. He's riding on nothing more than the fact that Corzine has raised taxes and (justifiably so), people are upset. He does nothing more than magnify what people feel are Corzines mistakes. Never really offering a real solution that people can believe he will follow through with. Wake up people this guy walked out on the Senate when they wanted him to clarify a question they asked him. He won't be a governor, he'll be a king, if he doesn't feel he has to answer to anyone. Yes Corzine did tax and spend. He spent the money on education for the children in New Jersey. Because of Corzines, decision to fund education, students in New Jersey have higher scores in reading and math than anywhere else in the nation. The winner is....... John Corzine

November 1, 2009 4:44 AM 

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