More Public Awareness Needed About Cell Phone Towers
Lawrence Township and Cellco, which operates as Verizon Wireless, are considering placing a cell phone tower on Carter Road, a residential area, in the proximity of the Bristol Myers Squibb (BMS) child care facility, to close a gap in cell service on Route 206.The Federal Telecommunications Act of 1996 does not allow “concerns” about health or radiation to block cell tower placement. Cell phones and cell towers put out Electromagnetic Frequencies (EMFs). Human bodies are influenced by EMFs.These are facts. In 2002 the French National Institute of Applied Physics published a study on 530 people and noted a statistically significant increase in nonspecific health effects (insomnia, nausea, headaches, depression, etc.) in people residing within 300 meters of a cell tower.In 2000 the British medical journal Lancet published an article explaining that pre-adolescent children are vulnerable to these frequencies.The Benevento Resolution in February 2006, signed by scientists from around the world recommends planning communication antenna and tower locations to minimize human exposure. The European Environmental Agency has called for immediate action to reduce exposure to radiation from mobile phones, and their masts (towers).Wake up Lawrence Township! Be leaders, innovators, be rebellious! The Telecommunications act of 1996 is outdated. Consider public health when locating cell towers.
Noem’ de la Puente
Lawrence Twp
Noem’ de la Puente
Lawrence Twp
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