Blogs > Off Beat

Ah, blogging. Here's my little corner of it all -- in West Chester, and well, from wherever on whatever. I'll let you know what I'm thinking and you can let me know what you're thinking. But remember, I can delete your posts.

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Quiet Time

I've been lacking in posts recently due to something I've been doing on the side. I'm helping to put on a show April 5 in Oxford and booking bands isn't as easy as my friends make it out to be.

Finding the bands wasn't hard. But trying to find equipment, set times, find more equipment, replace a band that couldn't make it, find more equipment, secure the money, the ads, it's all been quite an adventure and an education. But I think I got it under control. At the moment I've got the Sky Drops, check em out, one of my favorite bands at the moment and I'm waiting to hear back on others.

I'll have more details on the event once I get it all set it stone. My my time flies.

And on top of that, minus a bass player (that may change over the weekend) I've got another band of my own together. Look for us at a venue near you ... in about 6 months.


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