I've really gotten into Internet radio through iTunes recently. My station of choice is gimmenoise in the alternative group (I hate the term alternative because by definition it doesn't work as a genre but that's not what this is about). The station offers a really good mix of classic hits from Pavement and the Pixies, David Bowie and Patti Smith, to really new stuff that I've never heard of before and rush to write down so I can go find it in a record shop. What I've noticed from listening to this hodge podge of rock n' roll is a penchant for anything involving space -- ships, men, travel, stars -- off the top of my head, Bowie had his space oddity, Spiritualized actually went by Spacemen 3 before Spiritualized, good god, just thinking about Sonic Youth and space, Modest Mouse's Stars are projectors...lyrics off OK Computer that I can't remember. I could keep going with the list.
Thing is, I've done it too with songs I've written. I wonder what is the connection between space and rock guitar players? Who knows, truth is, that's probably like asking what's the connection between rock guitar players and beer.
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