Blogs > Off Beat

Ah, blogging. Here's my little corner of it all -- in West Chester, and well, from wherever on whatever. I'll let you know what I'm thinking and you can let me know what you're thinking. But remember, I can delete your posts.

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Music & Goats

It was brought to my attention by someone that I hadn't made a post in quite some time. They were right. The blog kinda fell of my radar here in April. Things happen, what are ya gonna do?

So to bounce back into the swing of things, I had the good fortune of making a trip back into Philly for the first time in awhile. I forgot how much I enjoyed living there. I went to catch three bands at Silk City. It's the first time I'd been in there since it was reopened. Possibly the first time I'd been in there since a band I was in in college played there. It was very nice. Good food, good booze, good people. Got to catch up with some friends.

But that's not why I'm posting. I went to see The Cobbs who've I've mentioned before, Gildon Works and Levee Drivers. I'll be bringing all three acts out to Oxford over the summer. I've listned to Levee Drivers before but I had never seen them. I was blown away. They could be one of my new favorite bands at the moment. If you've got a free second, you should definately give them a listen here. Gildon Works is well worth a listen too. Actually, I am really enjoying all the music I'm finding here recently.

On another note, I got word that the annual goat race is taking place on Sunday. I don't know where it is but I like the sound of it. When I find out more, I'll post it.


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