Thursday, November 6, 2008

On post-election blues

I take back every word. I'm soooooo booooored without this stupid election to cover. I almost had to write about Philly's budget woes today, that's how bad it is.
Funny thing is, now that it's over, some guy sent me an email chastising me for inserting my "Republican bias" into every story I wrote.
Guy must not read this thing.
Hell, I get told even by horrible bigots that I'm pretty damn fair. It doesn't always hold, but, you know, I try. I covered things straight that even a child could call shenanigans on. (I mean - saying the PADC is attacking Nick Miccarelli's war record because of a Web site that said he "fought" to re-elect Heckle and Jerkle in 2004? What is this, amateur hour?)
But I guess that's all behind us now.
Obama's gonna be president. McCain's gonna, hopefully, go back to the guy he was eight years ago. Good ol' Joe Biden can finally say whatever damn fool thing pops into his head without any real fear of retribution. And Palin? Oh golly. Oh gosh. That pinhead is done, donchaknow.
She's a joke. No - she's a punchline. The only gig I could see her getting after this is a short-lived daytime TV spot called "The Palin Doctrine." Or maybe just "Sarah," which would be written across the screen in sassy cursive lettering by a cheap CGI tube of red lipstick before each episode. Like Morton Downey's teeth. Remember that guy? Yeah. Get ready to not remember Sarah Palin either.
Unless she comes back as the GOP candidate in 2012, in which case Democrats will dance naked in the streets with the sure knowledge that Obama just got another four years.
Granted he's still alive by then.

What, too soon?


Blogger Tracy Ramone said...

1- Don't worry darlin' I bet there will be another wiffle ball tournament for you to cover soon. Maybe it won't rain this time!
2- I wish I could say I was gonna miss Palin but I'm not. Even the punchline is tiring now. I'll miss Tina Fey doing Palin though. That was funny. Please no talk shows I cant handle it! I can totally picture that lipstick graphic in the little girly cursive letters though. Its gotta be hot pink! I don't think the Republicans aren't stupid enough to stick here on the 2012 ticket, but who know with them! Would be good for more Palin punchlines though.
3- I remember Morten Downey and his teeth - hahaha. Surprised? I think not.
4- Maybe just a litttle too soon. I'd expect nothin' less from ya ;-)

November 6, 2008 11:57 PM 

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