Thursday, February 12, 2009

On the ladder

I saw an ad the other day for "The Ladders - $100k+ jobs for $100k+ talent." I told my girlfriend she should look for a job there, but she said the only jobs posted would require graduate degrees and all like that.
Neither of us have those things, but I say we just fudge the resumes and look for jobs as bank CEOs anyway. I figure if we screw up enough, we get golden parachutes, and if not, we get bonuses. Hell, we'd get bonuses anyway. You get me into a high enough tax bracket, I might even start voting Republican. Suddenly the party of one idea could be looking like a pretty sweet deal.

Also, just as an aside, I don't know why everybody's freaking out about this octo-mom thing. I mean, I had eight babies in my tummy once - those little suckers are delicious. (Rimshot!)
Thank you and goodnight.


Blogger Tracy Ramone said...

Seems like perfect formula for the next great rom-com (thats romantic comedy to us entertainments site dorks) ala "Confessions of a Shopaholic" or any of those other I'm Totally Unqualified for this Job, But I Am GOING to Succeed!- movies like "Don't Tell Mom the Babysitter's Dead".

February 20, 2009 3:18 PM 

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