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Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Vacation Time

I was watching the local news in the office the other day and they were talking about how Americans don't use their vacation time. What's even more astonishing to me is that Americans aren't guaranteed vacation at all.

According to a report done by the Center for Economic Policy Research, Rebecca Ray and John Schmitt reviewed international vacation and holiday laws and found that the United States is the only advanced economy that does not guarantee its workers any paid vacation or holidays.

I wonder why we're such workaholics in the U.S. What makes us stay at the office and skip our hard earned days off? We stay late at night, come in on the weekends and putting in extra time where ever we can fit it.

I say take a day off, just one, just a little one (if your company lets you, that is). Tell your husband/wife/friend/child/whoever to take off too. Spend a day together and do something purely for the sake of fun.

Give it a shot, you might like it.

Posted by
Laurie Perini


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe Ms. Perini should take a vacation day, then we would get to go a day without reading one of her insipid blog entries.

February 20, 2008 7:42 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's not the US government's job to guarantee anyone a vacation.

That's what European socialist governments do. But European economies commonly have 10+% unemployment rates, $6/gallon gas, and onerous taxes.

And while they are taking all those "guaranteed" vacations, the US is inventing all the stuff that the rest of the world uses and copies - drugs, medical devices, computer chips, cell phones, movies, etc.

The people doing great things and succeeding in the US are not worried about making sure they take enough vacation.

There's a reason the Founding Fathers fought a war back in the late 1700's... so we didn't have to be "Europe".

My advice to you, a 20-something just starting out... you ought not to be thinking about vacations. Unless you want to be someone who just gets by, you ought to be working your tail off to establish your career while you have the time, before a house, spouse, kids. There will be plenty of time later for vacations.

February 20, 2008 9:31 PM  

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